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New US Republic via a GCR Update – August 13, 2016

New US Republic via a GCR Update – August 13, 2016

From Dinar Chronicles Blog

Dinar Chronicles

New US Republic via a GCR Update 13 Aug. 2016

Compiled on 13 Aug. 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” CEO, Child Abuse Recovery.

1. The BRICS system of CIPS has been in force since July 5 2016 with two new satellites in the air. Among other mandates CIPS was designed to process currency exchanges of the Global Currency Reset through AIIB, Bank of China, HSBC, Wells Fargo, TD Bank, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotia Bank and in Mexico by HSBC. Rate categories were defined as: International, Market, Contract and Sovereign. The Sovereign Rate, now referred to as the Negotiated Rate, was actually a bond rate designed to be used for Humanitarian Projects.

2. As of July 28 2016 the Paris Climate Treaty had been finalized with the GCR currency exchange hidden in the treaty. There were now 208 countries that recognized the Republic of the United States. A new US Treasury Note would phase out the Petrodollar.

3. On July 31 2016 in Reno certain codes were sent out and test protocols started for the GCR. The next day Aug.1 2016 tests were sucessfully completed around 1 pm. Some SKRs and groups had been made liquid. Call Link

4. Also on Aug 1 2016 and according to The Big Call, Iraqi citizens were said to recieve by mail their new Smart Cards, charged up and ready to go. Last time they were paid on back pay the Dinar rate was $5.31, a possible International Rate. The Iraqi Olympic team of 150-160 plus their support group were said to be on route to Brazil with their Smart cards charged up.

5. Special codes were sent out Aug. 2 afternoon for a GCR GO on Aug. 3 2016. Intel provider Jerzy said that the Chinese Elders released some cash accts which were for reconstruction projects, including projects in the US.

6. On Aug. 3 2016 Typhoon Nadia put a stop to it all even though the RV was considered done. Meetings were held and the RV was rescheduled for the next week. By then major transactions in the quadrillion range had been exchanged at a nominal 1:1 ratio, a practice that would continue for weeks. The public RV was scheduled to follow in an estimated 30 days or less.

7. On that same Aug. 3 2016 the Iraqi Dinar was considered international at a rate of $5.32, although it would fluctuate in value and could not be redeemed in some countries including the US until the full reset took place. Iraqi citizens inside and outside of the country were using their Q cards with various new Dinar rates on them. Initiation of the Dinar on the ISX had been scheduled for the next day on Aug. 4, though didn’t make the deadline.

8. By that same Aug. 3 2016 the new US note was accounted for by the new Department of the Treasury:​dles-update-for.html

9. The next day on Aug. 4 2016 the new US Republic was said to be restored in a Situation Report submitted at 5:49 pm EST by DC to Dinar Chronicles (DC is Dinar Chronicles, just to clarify that. ~ DC)Thursday, August 4, 2016. It was reported that USA Inc. publicly surrendered at the Pentagon. This was the public announcement needed for the RV to be solidified. After banks close their doors on Friday on the West Coast, 800#s were expected to be released automatically. “New USN Currency/US Republic Restored” – Anonymous Intel – 8.4.16  “New USN Currency/US Republic Restored” – Anonymous Intel – 8.4.16.

10. On that same Aug. 4 a precursor to the 1987 crash happened on the stock market:​6860.html

11. Also on that Aug. 4 2016 Bruce’s The Big Call, The Big Call, it was reported that all Paymasters recieved their funds to do exchanges, the Tier 3 group was bond redemption, starting the night before 50,000 SKRs become liquid and by that evening all SKRs should be done. Some of the Tier 4 groups had begun to exchange while a few Dinar calls and websites were being shut down in preparation for the RV.

12. The Aug. 4 2016 Situation Report reported on Recaps.: “The RV has begun in earnest and with actual liquidity payouts here in the United States and Canada! USN wires are arriving to real USN accounts, for spendable usage in real USN currency anywhere in the free world via the new CIPS delivery mechanism. Tier Three paymasters (bonds, SKRs) have been given access codes direct to master hydration accounts at HSBC-Wells Fargo which have been temporarily assigned / provided by the Elders for layout purposes. Since early Wed morning Aug. 3, T3 paymasters have been actively executing master list submitted wire transfers by fulfilling their existing SKR lists–and actually liquidating gold backed funds into pre-existing USA domiciled gold backed bank accounts, with a client’s ability to spend gold backed currency. Over 60,000+ T3 SKRs were being liquidated, with an expected completion date of Fri. Aug. 5 2016 sometime before US banks close on the West Coast, or 6pm PDT. Currently we understand paymasters are 25% through their SKR lists as of midnight Thurs. Once the T3 paymaster process achieves a to 95% completion percentage, T4 paymaster (groups including the Internet group) liquidation automatically begins which includes all revalued first basket currency redemptions (IQD, VND, ZIM, AFA, IDR). Meaning, after US banks close their doors on the West Coast, toll free numbers will automatically be released across North America and appear for appointment setting purposes and immediate currency retrieval and conversion. END OF REPORT.”

13. The Dinar Chronicles Intel Report of Aug. 5 2016 11:42 am EDT: “Completed Tonight, Released Monday. Right now an important individual is on the way to Reno from Wells Fargo Headquarters in San Francisco.” US Note electronic wire transfers began. Major transactions in the quadrillion range began exchanging at a nominal 1:1 ratio.  Classified Page – New Intel Added 8-5-16

14. Aug. 5 2016 GCR Update CapnGriff: “Several well known intel providers, websites and chatrooms went dark yesterday morning. The only plausible reason was they were told by those in power that the RV is in progress. SKRs are safe keeping receipts given to highly placed individuals who had traded in their currencies at a certain rate. Their accounts could not be accessed for spending, until yesterday. The estimate was there were 60,000+ such Tier 3 accounts. All were hydrated by the end of the banking day on the west coast yesterday.” (Hawaii lags behind us, so their time may have been the actual cutoff.) Update on the RV/GCR as of 2AM MDT by CapnGriff

15. A conference call held Aug. 5 2016 at 11:11 pm ESTLast Night’s Conference Call w/ Tank, Bewdah and Yosef 8-5-16

A. The new US Republic began on Aug.4 2016 when China released gold to the new US Treasury. This is about restoring of the US Constitution.

B. Pentagon Chief of Staff and US Republic President Joseph Dunford met with Obama to lay out how this was going to work: they took away Obama’s authority.

C. Congress voted to amend the Constitution to eliminate the power of the US Inc. over the Republic of the US.

D. The House returned the US back to a gold standard. Congress has the right to determine what constitutes the value of our money.

E. A great deal of SKRs have been funded. T2 paymasters have concluded their work and are now on to T4 payouts.

16. On Aug. 6 2016 Philip Tilton said a Wells Fargo contact reported that Tier 4 funds went liquid 6:30 pm EST on Aug.6 2016Philip Tilton – The Problems are being Made Right as of Today

17. On Aug. 6 2016 there were rumors that arrests were made of three Iraqi individuals (1 banker, 2 politicians) thought to be interfering with installation of the new financial system. They were released with a citation and will be charged with treason if they interfere again. Mass arrests may be completed before Aug. 8.

18. On Aug. 7 2017 in Baghdad the Department of Pension Affairs and Social Security dispersed workers their salaries for the months of July and Aug. 2016 in cash and on their Smart Cards.

19. Iraqi bond sales and CBI currency auctions attended by the banks continued to reduce the money supply – that in turn increased the value of the Dinar. They were ridding the US dollar on the streets of Iraq and working to make the Dinar stronger. The new customs and tariff laws were in effect. There had to be an increase in the value of the Dinar in order to compensate for the increase.

20. On Monday Aug. 8 2016 ZAP in Dinar Chronicles stated: “We are entering a significant moment today as the Chinese and Europe royals finalize the major releases for construction projects and shore up the US dollar to ensure stability. The global checkbook opened today.”

21. On the Aug. 9 2016 WingIt Call with Gerry Maguire, Art, IKO: Wingit: “It was felt that the RV had to happen soon because Bond markets have crashed, banks are in big trouble and international trading has slowed to a trickle. The only way out would be the Global Currency Reset to gold and asset backed currency. The bonds have been paid. The SKRs are done. Some of the groups have exchanged. Iraqi Dinar shows on the cards at a $3.71 international rate.”

22. Also on that Aug. 9 Philip Tilton reported: Philip Tilton – The Waiting Game is Ending, The RV Taking Place

1. The Admiral is at the bank right now & suspected to be obtaining Humanitarian funds.

2. Bankers are renegotiating some contracts – promisary gold notes to other countries.

3. Last night Bloomberg articles said various country’s currencies will be revalued.

4. Gold coins will be available for sale this week.

5. Last Thurs. Dong showed 4 cents, some people traded it and made a profit

6. The new rates are appearing on bank screens again.

7. Dinar cards showing $2 – $3.71

8. Rupiah rates have gone up and down this weekend.

9. An individual receiving payments from a Trust would pay taxes on that income.

10. US Treasury bonds going negative – a good sign for us that puts banks under pressure.

11. Allegedly the RV release is on an automatic timer.

23. Bruce’s The Big Call on Aug. 9 2016 reported: The Big Call

1. Bruce said that we are there.

2. The new Iraqi stock exchange was rumored to open around 4 EST today, with 3.2 million trades processed on this Day One.

3. The opening of the Iraqi stock exchange confirmed that the Dinar was international with a rate that rose from $3.71 to over $5.00.

4. Individuals (thought to be the Admirals Group) completed their exchange in Reno today.

5. A number of exchanges have taken place starting yesterday with appointments taking them through Sunday night. These are pre-arranged exchange appointments that had pre-negotiated rates (that are thought to be lower rates than what we could be offered).

24. On Aug. 10 2016 DC sent a Situation Report to Dinar Chronicles:

1. Fact: RV performance is an absolute and immanent forthcoming event. Thus it’s wise to take some time today to absorb this truth so that you can properly prepare emotionally for a massive change in your life / consciousness.

2. RV related things that appear as “delayed” are not nearly as dramatic or intense for currency holders as they might feel.

3. All banking technical aspects are completed. In fact, private clients within the US, actual currency holders, have been exchanging domestically into USN liquidation via Wells Fargo off site redemption centers since last Sunday–per the approval of the Chinese Elders.

4. However, the US Republic has decided to leverage the Elders own desire to begin on Aug. 8 2016, and are attempting to renegotiate some geopolitical security policy issues between still hostile sovereign nation actors. This list would include sovereign nations such as Israel, Turkey, Ukraine, Syria and Saudi Arabia.

5. It also includes the now defaulted and imploding 4th shadow branch of the old USA Inc government. This negotiation is playing out publicly via the current presidential election.

6. In fact, the US election already has a private resolution that is just waiting to be revealed publicly. Meaning behind the scenes, there’s literally no significant drama who is going to run let alone win. Crazy yes, but 100% true as reported months earlier from key sources serving the newly restored Republic government. There’s been a meaningful and permanent regime change within our own US government structure.

7. As such, it’s wise to take a moment and absorb this truth as possibility especially for those who are still in disbelief or denial about major political transformation globally in conjunction with radical financial transition.

8. This is why objects in the mirror are closer than they appear because all 7,000+ redemption centers (1,700 ZIM specific in US alone) are currently just hovering at an any minute, any second alert level–and have been since the start of August.

9. But here we are in real life, so on everyday survival terms, we wait on the release of 800#s. Know that Wells Fargo has that responsibility on the US, but is caught between the Republic (Dunford) and their Chinese owners (Elders).

10. The bank must wait on Little Brother and Big Sister to settle all family business before they serve us the big bountiful historic meal. It seems several younger and smaller siblings are still fighting for their place in the family now that the rules have changed and being enforced, and all believe that slightly misbehaving is their best negotiating strategy. All are wrong however.

11. It’s critically important to understand the world simply cannot move forward without an implemented global reset and revaluation of all sovereign currencies back to a gold standard of value. There is no plan B, only plan A which includes all 209 sovereign nation states moving as one, in compliance harmony with the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

12. What we are “waiting on” is for all said 209 sovereign nations to fully implement deal terms previously agreed to and signed into international law. So we’re all made to watch a non-complicated macro situation play out with a seemingly endless amount of last second horse trading here at the very end–as every nation needs the RV to survival with some using the RV to better position their country’s best interests moving forward into the new economy.

13. President General Joseph Dunford (US Republic) has been ordered to Beijing as a result, as even he is using the RV to hold non-compliant sovereign nations to their own pre-agreed upon terms, and using his country’s new digital currency from going international (USN) as last minute negotiating tactic. Ironically, this actually serves US best interests long term, while delaying its progress in the short term. But the additional time actually helps secure American interests globally, even if domestically currency holders / banks are made to temporarily wait/suffer.

25. Jersey reported on the Aug. 10 2016 Landa Global Call: Landa Global: The transition period has been agreed upon by both sides. We have received the final schedules for funds release. We will be going full force well before Christmas (with the global Humanitarian Projects).

26. ZAP reported to Dinar Chronicles on Aug. 10 2016: “We have arrived. The name of the trust doing disposition of the Historic Assets has been made public by Landa China Global. The Rodriguez Trust under the 1-4 protocol is active and ready for servicing the needs of countries, corporations and individuals in the disposition of these assets. This is the signal for release of the funds. So now that the checkbook is activated we can anticipate the changes we have all been waiting to bear fruit. The teams are ready and I pray that the first batch of funds arrives sooner than later. The banker who was taken out of circulation has a replacement who is getting up to speed. This was the cause of the final delay as we see it. Not too bad considering it could have been much worse. The guy could have hidden his corruption and stayed there delaying things.”

27. Philip Tilton reported on Aug. 10 2016Gary Larrabee – Philip Tilton Reveals Part of the “Sharen Drama”

1. Yesterday a “Sharen” was offered 10 cents for her Zim at her bank. She turned it down and was told to come back later for the higher rates.

2. The process has started for private groups.

3. Dinar is over $5 international rate on the Iraq stock exchange.

4. Appointments have been set for every day this week.

5. SKRs have become liquid.

6. 800#s are coming shortly.

7. 28% of the over 5,000 redemption centers in the US will be Zim specific.8. Exchanges have run from 40 min. to 3 1/2 hours.

9. You can get up to 7 cashiers checks at your initial exchange as long as they are under $500,000 each. At your second apt. with your wealth manager you can get cashiers checks up to 5 million each.

10. 50 tons of gold has been shipped to the US from Europe over the last 24 hours.

11. Ruphia has been exchanged this week.

12. Iraqi exchange was activated.

13. China requested the Dong be allowed to float. Expected to be 47 cents or higher.

14. If you get an appointment a couple of weeks out you are not going to get the higher rates because they will be exhausted by then.

15. Many confirmations that exchanges are taking place for groups this week.

16. It is rumored that a significant number of Chinese were in Reno this week.

17. General Joseph Dunford of the new US Republic came back last night (Aug.9) from a big meeting in China.

18. As of August 10 2016 Dunford put the RV back on an automatic timer to release the 800#s very soon.

28. On Aug. 11 2016 DC reported in Dinar Chronicles:

1. Pre-agreed and signed international treaties were ignored and thus unhonored earlier in the week. As a result additional penalties are new now being enforced.

2. Once these penalties have been enforced in full, the RV will happen with ease and peace for all private redemptions (any time from now to Aug 24) as well as public redemptions (beginning Aug 25).

3. Also, look for the ongoing media circus (aka the USA political election) to resolve itself with release of the toll free 800# – which signals all sovereignty and security issues have been resolved long-term.

4. Either a Hillary or Trump resignation will absorb with the media coverage, thus distracting the public’s attention away from a massive financial transition that’s quietly rolling out (RV).

5. Below is a list of all remaining security and sovereignty issues being dealt with via real time negotiations by the UN Security Council with recognized nation-state diplomats.

The Ukraine / Russia conflict is part of what’s delaying the release of the RV.

Iraq, Syria, Turkey conflict is another issue in need of immediate resolution.

And the Israel & Palestine conflict is yet another.

29. On Aug. 11 2016 Philip Tilton reported: Gary Larrabee – Philip Tilton Reveals Part of the “Sharen Drama”

1. Yesterday a “Sharon” was offered 10 cents for her Zim at her bank. She turned it down and was told to come back later for the higher rates.

2. The process has started for private groups.

3. Dinar is over $5 international rate on the Iraq stock exchange.

4. Appointments have been set for every day this week.

5. SKRs have become liquid.

6. 800#s are coming shortly.

7. 28% of the over 5,000 redemption centers in the US will be Zim specific.

8. Exchanges have run from 40 min. to 3 1/2 hours.

9. You can get up to 7 cashiers checks at your initial exchange as long as they are under $500,000 each. At your second apt. with your wealth manager you can get cashiers checks up to 5 million each.

10. 50 tons of gold has been shipped to the US from Europe over the last 24 hours.

11. Ruphia has been exchanged this week.

12. Iraqi exchange was activated.

13. China requested the Dong be allowed to float. Expected to be 47 cents or higher.

14. If you get an appointment a couple of weeks out you are not going to get the higher rates because they will be exhausted by then.

15. Many confirmations that exchanges are taking place for groups this week.

16. It is rumored that a significant number of Chinese were in Reno this week.

17. General Joseph Dunford of the new US Republic came back last night (Aug.9) from a big meeting in China.

18. As of August 10 2016 Dunford put the RV back on an automatic timer to release the 800#s very soon, the timing only known by him.

30. On Aug. 11 2016 it was reported that the Dinar would be over a $5 international rate when it hit the Iraq stock exchange; SKRs were liquid; 28% of the over 5,000 redemption centers in the US would be Zim specific; 50 tons of gold had been shipped to the US from Europe over the last 24 hours; the Ruphia has been exchanged this week; the Iraqi Stock Exchange was activated; China requested that the Dong be allowed to float with an expected introduction rate of 47 cents or higher; there were many confirmations that exchanges were taking place for groups this week; it was rumored that a significant number of Chinese were in Reno this week; General Joseph Dunford of the new US Republic came back last night (Aug.9) from a big meeting in China and as of August 10 2016 Dunford put the RV back on an automatic timer to release the 800#s very soon, the timing only known by him.

31. On Aug. 12 2016 it was announced on Iraqi TV: “The Ministry of Youth invites athletes heroes and pioneers to receive MasterCard card on Aug. 15 2016.” The date had changed from Aug. 2 to Aug. 15. 32. The general public was said to be able to exchange around Aug 22.