Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for April 16, 2018
Operation Disclosure
Current Overview:
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)
– There is an on-going war of infiltration between the Alliance and the Cabal.
– Rogue operators within the Alliance are being discovered and apprehended on a daily basis.
– The threats of war in Syria is a bluff to serve as a distraction for upcoming events.
– Upcoming events such as Zimbabwe’s announcement of their gold-standard currency, the U.S. return to gold-standard, and ultimately the RV.
– The Republic was planning a full-blown military coup since 2015 until Trump ensured the Republic, and the Alliance that it wasn’t necessary.
– Trump is using his position as CEO of the United States of America, Inc. to ensure a smooth restoration of the Republic.
– The current debt slavery financial system is on a collision course.
– If the RV doesn’t begin soon, the global economy will fail, the stock market will collapse.
– The Alliance’s window to release the RV is closing fast.
– The RV is expected to begin today.
– Stay vigilant as the Cabal deception continues and more info is leaked by Alliance operators.