Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for February 8, 2018
Operation Disclosure
RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT – February 8, 2018
The transition has begun.
Dow Jones is dropping.
The stock market continues to plunge as the Cabal pull out of the old financial system.
Once the RV begins, your fiat currencies and historic bonds (ZIM) will be exchanged hence bringing in the new financial system.
The 800#’s are to be released sometime this month.
Possible 800# release today is still on the table, however. Sources claim the old financial system must be systematically dried up prior to bringing in the new financial system (RV/GCR).
Like a game of Tetris, all of the blocks must fall into place perfectly. One wrong move, you start over.
This is the nature of the current situation.
We have the front row seats to the greatest show on Earth.