Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 24, 2016
Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset Update as of Nov. 24 2016
Compiled in the early morning hours (EST) of 24 Nov. 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,”, CEO, Child Abuse Recovery To review articles on an International Child Exploitation Ring run by global elites of the Cabal’s Ninth Circle Satanic Cult:
A. Nov. 23 2016 9:58 pm EST Veritas Answers to questions: Questions & Answers w/ VERITAS 11-23-16
1. The GCR/RV has been stop and start over the last few months, but now we are at a point where there are no more set-backs.
2. Many sources are now saying that they are relasing funds to the groups. I am in the process of confirming bond releases. Zurich appears confirmed. I have not confirmed Hong Kong, but I believe it is releasing as Reno has kicked in on currencies and all goes at the same time, or very close to each other.
3. In my opinion T1-T3 will complete today. There are tens of thousands of Historical Bond transactions that affect the individual liquidator time frame. Some royalty and test cases have gone. Reno is beginning to process groups in their currency transactions.
4. It is possible it will take into tomorrow Nov. 24 2016, depending on whether or not they make the first two tiers complete before releasing Tier 3.
5. It is possible they may let Tier 1 and 2 start, then go with Tier 3 and 800# release today Nov. 23 2016.
6. I could be wrong, but one thing is certain: It is coming and coming right now. It will not be blocked this time.
7. The government has humanitarian projects going and they are searching for partners. If you need humanitarian projects, go to government grant submission sites for each department. They have the work done – business plan, financial budgets, experts and team are all ready to go. Call them and replace the need for government grants. Lots of projects need help.
8. Make certain the claw back provisions in your NDA can be followed and go for it.
9. Follow the 80% Humanitarian, 20% for yourself, or whatever split they offer.
10. The CIPS tracking will keep the bad guys from doing bad things.
11. Take in your receipts of currency purchase as well as gifting affidavits.
12. All currency you take in will be run through the Delarue machines as the ultimate determination of legitimate vs. illegitimate.
13. You can ask for contract rates and do humanitarian projects with any denomination. For the large private rates you must have 100T Zim.
14. Specific banks have been selected for different areas of the globe. You will be told which bank you can exchange at when you call the 800 number. They will not expect you to have an account prior to your exchange.
15. Zurich, London and Hong Kong are where the Historical Bonds are. These are separate events than the currency exchanges. Exchanges are taking place in all 209 countries.
16. The exchange system will be accessed via the 800 numbers and exchange centers throughout all countries.
17. Reno in the US is the heart of the NESARA government and is the location of the new Federal Reserve. They are doing exchanges in Reno just as in other cities.
18. If you have humanitarian projects and want private rate negotiations be sure to tell them when you call the 800 number so they can direct you to the right exchange center.
19. Be sure to take your business plan or an outline to demonstrate that you are articulate about what you want to do.
20. They exchanged Dinar, Dong and Zim in Reno today.
21. In some cases the Forex rate is greater than the base rate initally offered, so you may want to wait and exchange at the Forex rate. The 800 registration crew is well trained to advise you. However, I understand all currencies in your name must be taken in at once.
22. AS soon as Tier 3 and the Internet groups are complete they will move to Tier 4 and public Forex exchanges. At that point you can go to any bank to exchange at the international rate.
23. For the privately negotiated rate on the ZIM they will not be deleating zeros. There has been an agreement to delete 6 zeros on the base rate.
B. Nov. 23, 2016 History of Banking:
C. Nov. 23 2016 TNT Call 1 pm EST RayRen98:
1. The Global Currency Reset has started, with progress slow, but steady.
2. The Global Currency Reset is targeted to happen before the end of the month which is a week from today, Wed. Nov. 30 2016.
3. According to info from the banks there will be no RV appointments made for today or tomorrow, Thanksgiving Day. Exchange center personnel are not scheduled to work until Friday Nov. 25 2016.
4. Multiple sources say the Iraqi budget is to be finalized on Sat. Nov. 26 2016.
5. Lower Dinar denominations are being circulated in the providences, (which indicates the Dinar has RV’d in Iraq).
Questions & Answers w/ VERITAS 11-23-16
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