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Saint Germain and OWS via James McConnell and Shoshanna, November 26th, 2023




SAINT GERMAIN (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these conditions; I will say, new beginnings.

Yes, you are coming to the end. You are coming to the end of the movie, the end of the show, the end of the old third-dimensional illusion. But wherever there is an ending, there is also a beginning.

And it is time now to focus, not on the ending so much, but the new beginning. The new beginning that is beginning to sprout everywhere. Consciousness raising everywhere. Vibrational frequency increasing everywhere, which then raises consciousness. And as more and more people are raising their consciousness, more and more they will, they will, all of you as a collective unity, will lower the veil, disintegrate the veil between dimensions. And that is what is happening more and more now as you are moving further and further ahead in your ascension process.

Yes, as you focus on the negative, as you focus on those things that are happening across the world, and they are happening. Many things are continuing to happen still yet behind the scenes. But again, for those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you are aware of those things behind the scenes. And the general public, even they will begin to become aware of these things as well more and more. Not all, of course, but many, many more shall awaken, and are in the process of awakening now.

And the republic, the republic that I had a dream of long ago back in our 1776. At that time there was a dream. We all had a dream to have this republic of The United States For America. But it wasn’t just a dream for The United States, it was a dream that was started at that time.

But then we all knew it would culminate in a worldwide phenomenon, a worldwide republic. And that, of course, is in the process of happening now, even as many things, many seemingly negative things are happening across the planet, it is all part of the greater universal plan. The plan for the country. The plan for the world. And those forces that are work, those forces of light that are at work are doing everything they can to bring this about.

And all of you are part of those forces of light, and you need to know that. In whatever situation you find yourself now, you are contributing to the greater good. You are contributing to the unity consciousness spreading across the planet. And you all need to come to understand that, that you are a part of the Republic, the New Republic. You are the New Republic.

Just as Benjamin Franklin was asked back then what kind of a government are you giving to the people? And his reply was. “A republic, if they can keep it.”

No, you did not keep it, you being the collective you, did not keep it. But you are moving toward it once again. And there are those forces that are fully aware of the republic that was meant to be, and are moving now in the direction of bringing that back to the people, for the people, and by the people. That is what this was all about. And you all need to know that you are moving in that direction, and quite swiftly, indeed, moving in that direction. For the end of the movie, as you know it, is coming to an end. And as I began this message, it is all about the new beginnings.

I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to forge ahead. Forge ahead in whatever way that you can to bring awareness more and more to more and more people who are ready to open up and awaken to that learning.



ONE WHO SERVES  (Channeled by James McConnell)

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here, and Shoshanna is here.

And we are ready to move ahead with your questions if you have them. We are here to be of service, and that is one way that we can do this in these sessions is to answer your questions. And it is important that if you have a question that you would ask it. Not so much personal questions during these times, but questions that can pertain to the collective, to all of you, and to those that resonate to these words after.

We are ready now for your questions.

Guest:   I have one, can you hear me?

OWS:   Yes we do.

Guest:   I am just wondering if, in addition to listening to many, many other entities, if NASA has been lying to us all along, and if the spaceship actually did go to the moon, and if the concept of a firmament was brought up about the latest powered by Elon Musk and beaming a starship up, supposedly it (the firmament, whatever that is), and I am just wondering who is telling the truth, if anybody?

OWS:   First of all, we will tell you that there is much information and much misinformation that has been moving about the collective for quite some time now.

And a to your NASA, you have an acronym for that, do you not? — ‘Not A Space Agency.’ Now, just to understand that there is a space force, and has been a secret space force for quite some time. And NASA was somewhat a part of that, but very much, as what you would call the public front for that. And much of what occurred in NASA was not real. Some of it was, yes, certainly, but much of it was fake, you would say here. And it continues to be so at this time. But that is not to say that the entire space industry is fake, for it certainly is not. For mankind, humankind from this planet, have been traveling stars somewhat for some time here now secretly. That is the secrete space force. And when the one, Donald Trump, the President Trump, opened up the Space Force, what he called that, that was the beginning of the opening to the secret space force as well. So we would say much, much, much of what you have heard, including that of the moon landing, and all of this, was certainly not as it appeared to be. It was depicted to be what they wanted you to believe it was. Shoshanna, do you have anything you would like to add here?


SHOSHANNA: (JoAnna’s Higher Self, channeled by JoAnna McConnell)

If we could add. Would you like for us to share our perspective, Dear Brother?

Guest:   Yes, please. And if you can, tell me about the firmament.

Shoshanna:   Dear Brother, most of the information that is modern, that has been given to modern societies for, we’ll say 200 years, is false. It is mostly not true. There are many programs that are traveling in space that are traversing planets and finding life, and making friends, that you have not learned about, because then you would not be under the control of the cabal. The cabal does not want you to know the truth about who you are, what you are capable of, and what is truly out there in the galaxy and the multiverse. So yes, they are lies to control you. That is what we can say about that.

The moon has been occupied for decades, and by many species.

We would say that if you want a little tiny bit of the truth that, you watch the movie ‘Moonfall.’ That would reveal much of what is truly happening, and what truly is, in terms of what the moon is, and who occupies it. That is what we can say about that.

Additionally, we can tell you that the firmament is real, and that there is, we would say, a barrier. So that is correct. Namaste.

OWS:   Very good. We are ready for the next question if there is one.

Guest:   May I please? Hello.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   I had a dream, and I wanted to share that and maybe get some feedback. So I was standing before a being, a personality before me who was quite larger than myself physically. As we had a conversation exchange, of energy, I’ll say, then I kind of stepped back. But I reached out with one hand, and one of my fingers was removed and tossed aside. Then I believe it might have been the same hand, or a different hand, the same thing occurred, that a portion of my fingers was removed and tossed aside. It really doesn’t make much sense to me. Maybe it is some form of relief. So I am asking some feedback on that please (mostly from Shoshanna). Thank you.

OWS:   Yes, Shoshanna?

Shoshanna:   We do not have any interpretation for this.

OWS:   We would say here, and we know you, as well as others, do not like to hear this, but we would say trust your own guidance, your own intuition here, as to what is being shown to you, and as to why it is being shown.

You are somewhat correct in terms of something missing in your life, and something that is being withheld from you. That is all we can say on that.

As to the larger being, could it not be your Higher-God-Self? That is all we can say on this now.

Would there be other questions here?

Guest:   I have a question.

OWS:   Yes?

Guest:   Okay, just a really quick one. Shoshanna, you were saying that the firmament is real. You’re not saying that it is a flat Earth, are you?

Shoshanna:   Oh, Dear Brother. We will share our perspective if you wish.

Guest:   Yes, thank you.

Shoshanna:   We have given our interpretation of this, we find, in another call. Do you recall this.

Guest:   Uh, no.

Shoshanna:   Please do then. Go back, we will say one or two Sunday calls, maybe three, when we defined what the Earth truly is, as the one known as Lorelei asked the question, and we gave the answer, you see. And we would ask that you please read the answer, but what we will say is that truly the orb, the Earth known as a globe or an orb, is a third-dimensional construct and is not the reality of the Earth. We would again ask that you read our answer and that will give you much of an explanation of what we are referring to. And the firmament is real. Namaste.

Guest:   Okay. Thank you.

OWS:   And the other question someone was asking?

Guest:   Yes. We were talking during our discussion about the device called a WavWatch. We are more into frequency healing, and are moving more that way than allopathic. My question is, some who have one found it very effective, someone found it not very effective. Is it the belief of the person using the device, the WavWatch, or is this device actually effective if it is used consistently?

OWS:   Yes. We will answer this. Whenever someone has a belief about something, then they create more healing within their self. That is a scientific fact at this point. So we will say that whenever the idea and the use of frequency–frequency vibration, sound vibration, whatever it is, if the belief is there as well, then it can do much, much more. You call that ‘the placebo effect,’ do you not? That is indeed a true indication of how and if it will work for you.

So we would say that you have this device, and it is a new technology. It is actually not a new technology, because this was used back in Atlantean times quite frequently with the use of crystals. And certainly that was frequency vibration, you see? So it is just another way of introducing the concept of frequency to healing. And as we said some time ago, and many other sources have also been saying this, that that is the way, and I guess you can say ‘the wave of the future’ here, as everything is moving in that direction, and away from the allopathic medicine model. That is the old third-dimensional illusion program, the allopathic medicine, medical science as you have come to know it over your lifetime, and actually previous lifetimes as well. That is coming to an end. As the President Trump said, “In a year or so, almost all medical procedures will become obsolete.” He said this in the year 2020. So it is coming. And this WavWatch is a device of one of many devices and technology that is going to be coming forth here as the floodgates are opening to allow all of this new technology and what you have called the patented technology to be released. Shoshanna, do you have anything to add?

Shoshanna:   We will add here. May we add, Dear Sister?

Guest:   Of course.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, all things are frequency. And frequency is a combination of vibration and sound that creates the frequency and color. Color, sound, vibration equals frequency, you see.

Now, if the body is sick in any way, an illness perhaps, even cancer, the frquency that is normal to that area of the body has been compromised. The frequency is off, you see, which creates the body being physically disabled in some way where disease can be created in the body because the frequency is no longer keeping the body healthy.

If there is a chronic situation such as The James having a tremor that has been around for a while, the body has acclimated to that frequency, you see, and, for lack of better words, is used to it, and creates that frequency over, and over, and over again. To adjust that frequency, it takes the amount of time that the frequency has been off to readjust the frequency to the correct level once again.

So let us say that you have a chronic problem that has been there for a year, or two years, or two months. It will take much of the same amount of time to adjust that frequency back to normal so that your body re-acclimates itself to that frequency that is appropriate for that illness, organ, situation, mental illness, physical illness, whatever it is, you see. So it takes a while.

The challenge to anything in your culture is time. There is a program running around in the third-dimension called ‘hurry up, this should take not too much time. But that is not correct, you see.

Now we will tell you that this one, JoAnna who had big challenges with her shoulders, and she could not lift her arms very far, she purchased an EMF machine (electromagnetic frequency) and used it faithfully twice a day for one year, and it completely healed her shoulders.

Let us say that she decided after two weeks that it was not working and she set the device aside. You must continue with something until there is an improvement. It is alike anything. The more you practice it, the more you use it, the better you become, you see. But it is not fleeting. It is not just a few times, you see. And again we will say, it is the chronic condition. And most beings on this planet that need healing are experiencing a chronic condition such as toxins that they’ve had in their bodies for years, such as lack of perfect health that they have experienced for years, and now that it is chronic, they wish to correct it in just a few times.

So we will tell you that also this device known as the WavWatch works with consciousness as well, and you must understand that this device works, and you must believe it. Now we will tell you that if you do not believe it, you will set it aside. But if you use it, and strengthen your belief in it, it will work for you. Namaste.

OWS:   Yes. And we would add here, as we have said many, many times, believing is seeing. So even with your Med-Beds, and even with the Celestial Chambers, all of this, is also based on belief. Those who believe in the concept and the ability of these devices to heal will have much better results than those who are sceptical of it.

Shoshanna:   We wish to add a little bit here if we may.

Guest:   Yes.

Shoshanna:   The idea of belief is a vibration. The mind-body complex that emanates the vibration of belief becomes a coherent vessel for that which would health them, becomes perfected in many ways. It is a vibration.

The vibration of doubt is also a vibration that creates incohesiveness, so that that which would heal you would no longer heal you.

So you must begin to work on belief, as it is a vibration in and of itself. Namaste.

OWS: Very good.

Guest:   Wonderful information. Thank you so much.

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   Would there be any further question? We need to release channel here.

Guest:   Yes. I just want to share something.

Shoshanna:   Yes?

Guest:   For aging, we cancel a lot of our age by affirmation and by using thought, and all of this.

Shoshanna:   Yes, we agree, Dear Brother.

OWS:   Very good.

Guest:   Okay. Thank you.

OWS:   Very good. There was one more question we take, and then we release channel.

Guest:   Hi. Yes, thank you. Just again taking pictures of the night sky, and I got this strange coding. I can send the photo through. They did seem illogical, as there were no electronic devices around, and it was in two different places on the two photos, so it wasn’t something inside the camera. So it was like a little code. I wondered if I am correct. Is that some kind of code message that you could interpret for us?

OWS:   We apologize here, as we do not quite understand what you are asking for here. You have a photograph, and there is what you call a code on the photographs?

Guest:   Yeah, there are these little… and it’s like it is tracking, like . . . and looks like a D in some spots, or a Go. It’s in two different places in the photos: in one is is going down, and in the other it is going across.

Shoshanna:   We wish to share.

OWS:   Please do, Shoshanna.

Shoshanna:   We wish to share, Dear Sister, may we share?

Guest:   Yes, please.

Shoshanna:   Dear Sister, we find that you are searching. You are longing and searching for those that occupy your skies, those that are part of you, part of you galactic family that are calling to you, and you are calling to them. So you continue to search, and you continue to take pictures hoping for a connection, hoping for answers, hoping for unification with these beings that are part of you, and you are part of them. When you receive what you think is a message, it is a message, but it is not a message for someone else to interpret, it is a message for you to interpret, to trust in yourself.

We would say that you must meditate on these images. You must focus on these images that you have, and you will find answers. You will find pieces of answers. Often they will come in a meditation, they will come in a dream. But they are for you, Dear Sister, they are not for another to interpret. They are just for you, and they are captured on your device because the message is for you, you see. So you must work on understanding through your own divine understanding and guidance. Namaste.

Guest:   Namaste. Thank you.

Shoshanna:   Yes.

OWS:   Very good. Then we are done for the time. Shoshanna, do you have any parting message here?

Shoshanna:   We would say that all are still waking up. They are in a stage of awakening in various ways. Even those on this call every day find new ways to awaken, find new ways to understand their world, are searching, are looking, are proceeding forward looking for the answer to their lives. What we would say is that continue your search, but understand that each search is an individualized understanding of their own consciousness as if you are just one, yet one is all, and all is one, and you must continue on an individual basis to search for yourself. Namaste.

OWS:   Very good. And we say here, as we have said many, many times, and many other sources are more and more sources are saying this as well: find yourself in the moment. Do not focus on what is coming, for it will come. Just let it be. Let it come to you. Be in the moment, and everything will continue to work out if you believe it will.

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.

Channeled by James McConnell

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