It’s NOT Over Yet ~
Saint Germain

Blessings, my Dear Earth Family.
It is a great honor to connect with you in these magnificent times. Immense energies are being felt as the collective of Humanity is rising in awareness. With all of the shifts and changes occurring on the world stage, it is a reflection of the Collectives transition into a Higher state of being. While you must understand that there are still Dark Forces, who are also creating changes on their own in order to try and hinder the ascension process for many souls, their agendas are being foiled. But, The Battle isn’t over yet. As an ascended Master, I have seen The many battles and wars all over earth for various different reasons. These do not compare to the Spiritual Battle that has occurred since the beginning of the human race. While I would love to be able to share with you only positive, Non-dualistic understanding, you do not exist there as of yet. You live in a reality that has positive and negative vibration, allowing for Both to be present. This has allowed for darker influence to occur. In this sense, the Human Race has been deceived and manipulated physically, mentally, and spiritually. The battle for the Soul has always been a Known war of your own inner fight to be of Love and Light. This battle has materialized within your now reality. Yes, many forces of Light are now in place to make the changes needed for the transition into this New Era of awakening. But it isn’t over yet. There is no finish line like many anticipate. The Vibration surrounding you is preparing you for a Jump into a higher form of Consciousness. Many believe they have already made it to the 5th dimension. I ask those to open their eyes. Look around you. Your physical form is still in a dense reality, and your consciousness is perceiving it. You have not ascended, as of yet. You are capable of having a fifth dimensional understanding within your Fourth dimensional physical form. As your awareness changes, your physical form must change as well with your Consciousness.
The human body is not as physically solid as many people think. Many beings in human history have experienced ascension. The Tibetan Monks termed this experience as receiving the Rainbow Body. Where the Physical Form begins to vibrate so fast that it turns into Light. The One you know as Jesus accomplished this while in living form and was able to achieve what most perceived as Miracles. He had Mastered Reality and was able to manipulate matter to his advantage. At One point after his ascension, The disciples had to ask him to turn down his glow, so they could see his form.
When I personally ascended, I gained Immortality, as well as many other gifts of Light. This is what an ascension would look like for you as well. You would be able to perform and have the miraculous gifts as your ascended Masters once did. The only thing different is that they were ascending alone as a Master. You are ascending as an entire Collective.
The Dark ones do not understand this process because they have not achieved this process themselves. There is an agenda to deceive as many as they can, into thinking they are already there, and to not continue in the work of the Light. Remember, when listening to channeled messages, that the Dark ones can deceive a channel as well. Open your own eyes and heart to what you are witnessing within and without. Don’t take someone elses word for it. You must reflect on your own Life and inner emotional state of being, if you do not see changes towards a higher way of thinking and being, then you are not doing the work needed to get yourself there.
Darkness is still everywhere around you and as Long as they are within your reality, they are still trying to manipulate it. As you move higher in the Light, these individuals will find it harder to deceive the masses. More are awakening to the truth of your long hidden history, and the deceptions and manipulation that has been taking place for many thousands of years. You are still transitioning out of the Illusions.
Have Patience, dear Ones, there is still so much more Ahead. It’s not over yet.
I share with you Now the Violet Flame, allow it to engulf you in it’s healing and Love. Allow it to bring you peace of heart, in the knowing of your divine truth. Allow it to lift you in strength and knowing to move forward.
May peace and love be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder at