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Saint Germain via Daniel Scranton, July 30th, 2024

The Changes that Are Coming Start Here ∞St. Germain

The Changes that Are Coming Start Here - St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - channeler of aliens

The Changes that Are Coming Start Here ∞St. Germain, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I am amazed and astounded all the time by what humans are capable of. I demonstrated some of what humanity is capable of in my lifetimes there on Earth, but you who live in the modern-day era are capable of even more than all of us within the collective of ascended masters have demonstrated to you in our lives. We know this, and we know that we came forth to set examples to you of what was possible, and we certainly did hope that you would understand that those possibilities would evolve and become bigger, stronger, more elaborate, and that is precisely what has been happening as you continue on in your journey through the the 21st century.

I invite you to test out what I am saying and to see if it is true for you right now. Tune in to any one of your gifts, or focus on something that you’ve wanted to manifest for a long time, and see if you can tell that there are new possibilities for you and that you have been making progress towards receiving what you want to receive and actualizing what you want to actualize. 

Look around at what the other humans on your world are doing, and instead of wondering why they can do it and you can’t, recognize that they are showing you what is possible and that you are meant to be inspired by them. You are meant to make everything that someone else is doing a possibility for you and then decide whether you want to do it. 

Let go of your doubts, your resistance and your limiting beliefs, and see what is possible as you do. This transmission is encoded with energies that are  encouraging you to let go of those doubts and to open up to the possibilities for you in this moment of your life. You are made of the stuff of Source Energy, which is pure potential, pure possibility, and everything that you are comprised of is expanding and becoming more, and you are meant to go along for that ride. And those who are demonstrate to the rest of you what it is like to let go of limitation, self-imposed restrictions, and allow the changes that are upon you to take effect within you.

Do not just look for the changes in your economic systems, school systems, health care systems, and governments. Look for the changes within you that are there and that are accessible to you, and then expect to see the changes outside of you to those systems that seem so oppressive and limiting in their nature. I am excited to see what all of you who receive this message do with it and to witness your transformation from the ascended master collective here in the twelfth dimension. We are all holding space for each and every one of you.

I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”