Saint Germain
I AM the St Germain. As if you did not know. [Laughter]
I AM the Violet Flame. I represent the Violet Flame. But even more than I representing the Violet Flame, you represent it. You represent the I AM Consciousness here on the planet. Each and every one of you, each and every one of us are the I AM Consciousness. It is not separate from us. It is one with all of us. Together we are moving to spread this consciousness, this vibrational frequency that is increasing and increasing and increasing each and every moment of each and every day.
If you could but see it from our point of view you would see the Light coming on everywhere. You have no idea! And you have no idea of the power that you all hold. You held much before this Advance but you hold much, much, more now. And as you hold and anchor this Light, this power within you, you can now go out and share and spread this power, this Love, this Light. It is all one and the same.
It is no longer the love of power, it is now the power of Love. Think of it that way and be that power. For you each one have that now. Even if you did not participate in the experience last night, even if you did not you are still one with this group. And as one with this group you all are given now the ability, the power to reach out to anyone that is within earshot meaning they are open to the whispers that can come to them. Do not shout to them. Whisper to them. Let them hear your whispers just as we whisper to you.
Yes there are times when you do not hear the whispers and then we have to begin to shout just as you may do so as well as the times move along as the frequencies continue to rise. You are the future of this planet. You and all of those of you that are sharing or are anchoring and then sharing the Light. You are all the future. The children coming in now are the future. You are preparing the way for those children just as you are preparing the way for yourselves to continue on. And for all of those that have yet not awakened but are at the threshold of coming out of that sleepiness, that deep sleep that so many are in still yet their alarm clocks are beginning to go off.
They are beginning to rouse from that slumber. They are beginning to realize that there is something more that is here. Something more than just the day in and day out drudgery that many live through every day. Many of you live that yourselves at times. You all know life is not drudgery. Life is beautiful. Life is joyous beyond what you can possibly imagine.
But as you continue to imagine it, as you continue to visualize that which is the new life then you are creating that new life in front of you. You are creating the new Golden Age of Gaia right here, right now in this moment, and each and every moment following this.
Know that you have the power. You are powerful beyond measure. Always know that.
I AM St. Germain. I leave you now in the I AM Presence that is each of you. But that I AM Presence continues to fully awaken within all of you and then all of those that you come in contact with as it is called for.
Channeled by James McConnell
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“Believing is seeing!”