San via Angel
October 6th, 2018
Good morning beautiful lightbearers,
October has started and at the moment we are in a valley of calm and peace. One can say that we are now evaluating where we are and let our energies, the codes and frequencies from the last input of light be integrated deeply in ourselves.
At the same time the next round of light, codes and frequencies are adjusted and even if all of you have unique access and guidance, formed according to you individual needs and wishes in the ascension process, there is a continuous flow of light towards Earth that impacts all of you.
With this being said I want to remind you that nobody can be compared with anybody else and you all have unique tasks and missions in your life on Earth. Your development, your ascension symptoms and how you integrate the light are all based on your individual unique soul and your needs for development and ascension.
However, remember my dear friends that it is up to each one of you to embrace the light, breathe out and let go of all fears, feelings and thoughts that now in a natural way is appearing and challenging you to hold on to your ego and your three dimensional self on Earth.
This is a job, my beautiful lightwarriors – to open up to the light, to the love and the Universe, for your guides and with the knowing of love, God and unity, let go of all that now comes in your way.
The ascension process is not easy for you, but believe me beautiful brothers and sisters it is in truth simple. It is about belief, love and to dare to fall freely through all layers of fears and let gods hand catch you. It is about breathing out, have trust and just to have the courage to live without fears again.
My belief in humanity has never been as strong as now. I know that all of you will be integrated with your higher selves and achieve your purpose to ascend to your fifth dimensional self in this lifetime. And it is with much joy and love that I look forward towards embracing you in a more “present form”.
My heart is yours,
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
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