Sananda and Lady Nada
Greetings Beloveds. It is with deep heartfelt joy that we enter your consciousness to deliver you a message this day.
Much has traversed in your world. Much change has taken place and, beloveds, you have gained such momentum in your Love Offerings and in the rise of your individual vibrations. You are becoming so adept at raising your level of vibration and your consciousness that it (the rise) may not be as detectable by you as in early days of your ascension process.
You are much more comfortable in this new plateau of high vibration and consciousness. You welcome it now with open arms and it shows in the glow of your Beingness and in the acts you choose to make, and in the overall feeling of joy and bliss that many of you feel in spite of all the chaos taking place in your world now.
And beloveds, please understand that this chaos is necessary. It is necessary in order for the world to make the changes it needs to. It is necessary for the rise in consciousness in the general human collective, and it is necessary in order for you to discern how you want your world to be.
So beloveds, take it all in stride. No, you don’t condone the violence; no you don’t condone the mayhem, but you know deep in your heart that the world is changing in consciousness as a result of it. And it will not always be necessary for these great lengths to occur for there to be positive change. You are reaching a critical mass in this current state of affairs, a critical mass in the form of a wide chasm between separation and unity/oneness in order for the world to shift in the other direction of sustained Unity Consciousness and Oneness.
You are coming along nicely. No, the apparent state of the world is not pleasant; yes, it can be very disconcerting, but know that you are making great progress in expanding the Light and Love that is becoming so prevalent in your world as we speak.
And beloveds, do not worry so much about your role in this. Know that if you keep yourself within your heart consistently, and always aspire to choices of higher vibration, that you are contributing to the deep transformation of your world and subsequent high vibration and consciousness, so that living in the higher dimensional consciousness will become more stable and permanent the more you address your intentions as such — of Love, Light and Peace to prevail in the world.
And in such is the makings of a Blissful World for all to partake in on a much more striding and consistent basis. You are making your way towards a beautiful Blissful World within, in spite of the happenings in your outer world, and as the universal laws dictate, you will thus be a significant contributor to a Blissful world for All the more you hunker down and stay within your heart of Hope and Bliss as much as you can, paying as little attention as possible to the outward signs of chaos and violence, which are just following the order of what must be before the world stabilizes and harmonizes, always keeping to raising your own vibration and consciousness with intentions to spread Love and Light to all.
And Harmony and Balance thus are becoming extremely important to feel and strive for within, in all things — in the way you take care of your physical body, (and your light body as well, as you continue to merge with your soul), in the way you conduct your business, in the way you treat others (and yourself), and in the way you think and feel on a consistent basis.
So ask yourself: “What does harmony and balance feel like? What does it look like? How does my body feel when I have achieved it? What are my thoughts when I focus on Harmony and Balance and Bliss? How exalted do I feel when I pay attention to finding the neutral balanced place in all things that come into my consciousness? How does my body feel at this state? What are my feelings and thoughts and focus in this neutral balanced state?”
Allow for creative loving thoughts on how to serve others while feeling accepting and allowing of all that is taking place. Get used to being and staying in this neutral balanced loving place that many of you are achieving in spite of the chaos and disconcerting happenings in the world.
In the process of striving to achieve your balance again recently while the chaos and violence has stepped up, you reached deeper into your heart and soul to find harmony and balance, and this has naturally contributed to a higher vibration and consciousness in the world, allowing the state of affairs to move further towards homeostasis and balance. Even if you don’t feel you are witnessing this, know it is happening beneath the surface. And beloveds, all things must rise to the surface eventually.
So maintain your hope and your intentions for a loving, harmonious, blissful and peaceful world, while keeping your balance in spite of many opportunities being presented to throw you off your center. You are fine-tuning your ability to stay in balance and harmony in this manner, and that can only translate to good and wonderful things for your outer world.
It is with deep praise and love that we address you, dear ones, and please know this as Truth, as we tell you: That you are making much progress within your transformation of yourself and subsequently of the world. You can count on this.
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