The time of waiting is over, because more and more people enter into the consciousness of now.
Beloved humans,
The “consciousness of now” is described as the clear awareness of all that is in the now. A human being who is capable of this lives in the here and now and is never troubled by impatience.
Impatience arises when a person only focuses on a specific part of their life or of life in general.
This limited awareness leads to misconceptions and false conclusions. This means that it is the highest goal of all spiritual development to see and be aware of the big picture and to regain the full perspective not only on a part of life but all of life.
Today many people experience a kind of “frustration with ascension”. D-day doesn’t seem to be coming, and a more enlightened human society seems more distant than ever. It seems that God has turned away from this earth rather than towards it, as it has been conveyed in many messages of light. It seems that everything is wrong, upside down, wrong is declared right and bad is declared good. And it seems that more and more people succumb to this deception. Beloved humans: It is not as it seems!
● The awakening continues. And what’s happening is that – beneath the surface and behind the visible – more and more people are finding back to their original power. This process has been going on over the past decades and continues to do so now, quietly and unnoticed by the “public eye”. This discretion is the best protection from negative influences. And so these people are well-advised to complete their own transformation in secret until they are fully awakened before they “go public”.
● Planet earth is being reconstructed. This means that galactic forces of light and God himself put lost pieces of Mother Earth together and restore the original order of creation. This is a cosmic process of healing that a lot of attention is devoted to.
● The dark rulers on this earth are losing their influence. It is this fact that tempts them to take big and often scary actions. Because the closer the day of their replacement, the stronger their will to leave a “burnt earth” behind. This is why to many people it seems that everything is staying the same or getting worse. This causes them to give up and to leave the path of transformation. For the time to come, every individual is called upon to expand their awareness beyond visible events, into space-time.
Dissatisfaction, discord and impatience must disappear from your hearts to make life in the here and now possible.
Timeless being is the reality, not the corset of time which you feel strapped into on this plane. This corset can be loosened by expanding your awareness and be taken off by gaining a holistic perspective on the nature of things.
This is why increasing your awareness and expanding consciousness is of the utmost importance – this needs to be pointed out again and again.
● Crucial is what happens inside of you, not what happens in the outside world.
● Important is what you can give to mankind, not what you expect from this world for yourself.
● And it is essential that with your consciousness you see through the illusion that space-time creates in your mind and interpret it the right way.
And while you are promoting your own awakening as best you can, a new time quality has arrived. Anyone who was troubled by impatience and whose expectations were disappointed can now straighten up. This time quality unleashes new energy for enlightenment, and some hurdles that were too high before can now be overcome.
The unleashing of the energy of Christ Consciousness is the hugest support now for taking the necessary steps to awakening. Human hearts are being opened for unconditional love, and consciousness obtains a clear and unobstructed view on life in the here and now.
So I invite you, sitting there tiredly by the wayside, not wanting to put on your walking shoes anymore because you have become weary of the path and of life, to call upon the divine light once more.
New and powerful qualities of light – energy fields of life which directly correspond with human DNA – have been and still are being woven into the magnetic grid of the earth. This creates a perfect environment for all further transformational processes and is opportune for all healing of the human heart.
The time has come when time loses its importance. Humans awaken in a way that has been almost impossible until now.
You are no longer governed by time, but time is governed by your consciousness.
While time upon earth seems to be passing just like before, your inner clock provides a new rhythm: endless timeless reality on earth.
I am human and spirit, light and love.