
Love is our new reality

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Sananda via James McConnell, July 3d


This is “Sananda”.

Wonderful to be with you again in this way, to be able to share in these messages and to be able to spread the word in every way we can. Please understand that throughout this planet, many are receiving these messages and to the various groups who resonate to the words that come through.

Those of you who are on the phones now and those who will listen after, you are the ones we are reaching to. We are reaching out to you so that you can reach out to others. This is all about spreading the word, spreading the light, spreading the love wherever we can. And we use every means possible to do this.

And this, at this time, is a way that you, yourselves, can participate in this. Many of you say, “What can I do?” The answer to that is that you can do tremendous things. You can make a difference. You are making a difference. It only takes one individual consciousness to change an entire world. All of you coming together are changing this world, are changing this planet.

The planet is spreading with waves of love. The Waves you have heard of, the various consciousness waves are spreading across the planet. The third Wave has come through and spread across the planet now. Not everyone has reacted exactly as you might have expected. Not even you have experienced a great degree of change but we also know that many of you have.

So the changes are upon you now and everything is about to shift. This is another
Fourth of July that has come forward as far as this country goes. Many messages have come forward about this particular time period of 2016. But this particular summer period of 2016 is going to be a momentous time. These changes, the various dominoes, have already begun. You have just to look around yourself to see the various things that have changed as a result of these energies.

The consciousness is shifting. Everything is about to move forward further. The various dominoes that you are expecting may not have happened yet but a very big domino did fall, that called the exit of Great Britain from the European Union. This is a major domino that has shifted, has fallen. Many things will happen as a result of this. Many other countries are going to follow suit along with Great Britain.

The Dark Forces, the cabal are at their last dying gasp you might say. Everything is shifting because of these ones that are considered the Dark Forces. When we look at them we do not see Dark Forces or dark entities or dark souls. We see souls of the light. They have just lost their way for a time. They will come back as all come back eventually. We leave no one behind. That is the saying on this planet and for us as well.  We leave no one behind.

So, as we continue on through the various energy waves and challenges that are happening you are getting ready for the missions you came for. Some of you are already involved in those missions. Some of you have not yet begun but I tell you now that the tables are waiting for you. The various council tables are waiting for you if you choose to be on them. As well as many other possibilities that you can become involved with. Much is available to you. Let your Higher Self guide you to what it needs.

That is my message as “Sananda”. You are going to be joined by another who has a particular timely message for you at this moment.

I am “Sananda”. All of my peace and love be with you.