Friday, March 27, 2016
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Sarah and I have many important things to say to you today. To start with you now find yourself at a high level of energy. The last energy wave that now has reached Earth has made it possible for those that were at the limit of the 5th dimension to transcend. They can now move between the two worlds of 3D and 5D.
After this Easter many have had symptoms of different kinds. The energy allows all to rise a bit higher in their frequencies. The body can feel what it can handle and adjusts the energy accordingly. Over time it takes in a little more of the energy that now exists on and around Earth. Everybody has the opportunity to develop at their own pace. We have different bodies and find ourselves at different development stages. It will have to take the time it needs. Just know that everything is going forward and that all are developing towards the higher energy that now exists on Earth. All that choose to remain on Earth will do so.
The second important thing is that a transformation of Earth is now taking place overall, with different systems that more and more will override the lives you now live in. It is a more fair system based on solidarity where everybody wins and nobody looses. The start signal has been given and it is now spreading with greater speed all over the Earth. Soon all of you will be able to partake in this.
The third important item is that the spiritual development is increasing with an explosive speed. More and more people are seeking out spiritual sources to develop themselves and their potential. This means that many now can start using their gifts as it was intended from the beginning.
Your world is changing in grand leaps and you are all cheered on from up here. They have all seen your progress and are so glad for and proud of the break with the old that you now have accomplished. It is a break off, dear Ones, and from up here it can be seen clearly. Earth is starting to shake off its patterns and so do you. The old patterns that are no longer good enough you start to let go of and new ones are built up.
It is a fantastic time you live in and in spite of all aches and pains you can feel a deep gratitude over what you have accomplished. A change is on the way that no longer can be stopped. All happens according to the plan and nothing can any longer stop its path. There are now many who exist in 4D and they now start to get glimpses of 5D – the light. Those that are deeply asleep start to move more inside in 4D. They will be helped along by the brothers and sisters that are approaching 5D and beyond.
Humanity is on its way towards completion and the shouts of joy are high up here. So understand beloved people on Earth that you are loved and honored and that all light beings, guides and families are with you at every moment of your life now.
I love you so much,
Translation from Swedish: Per Staffan