“Sirius Kiss” – RV Poem by Fancy Free – 6.20.17
6/20/2017 09:47:00 AM Message
by FancyFree
Sirius kiss, memory of bliss.
Earth, trick my mind,
Compel me to find
Sirius Kiss, trick of bliss.
I see your secret.
It’s my favorite.
Let go together
Because we Know better.
Let’s run, let’s run, let’s run
To the dark market
To buy some fear.
When She whispers in our ear,
Come Home my dear.
Do we hear?
Sirius kiss, awakening bliss.
Earth, trick my mind,
Compel me to find
My Sirius kiss,
Trick of bliss.
We do.
Redeem our soul by choice.
Reset our world to Love.
Restore dignity
Through Service.
Resurrect Christ
Consciousness within.
When She whispers in our ear,
We hear.
Earth Kiss, trick of bliss.
Oh Divine! Heal my mind.
Compel me to find
Earth’s relief
My Sirius joy.