Butterflies of the Star Beings by the Arcturians
Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 11th December 2015 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings and love extends to all upon the Earth from the Arcturians, we are sharing with you our energy, love and support so
you may create a reality born from a high and quick frequency of love. This is something which enthuses us with such
excitement, the thought of creating a reality, civilisation and world in harmony and resonating with the frequency of love when its
previous existence was focused upon lack and separation is immensely inspirational. Do you know how inspiring you are to
us, the Arcturians, as a soul in a human form upon the Earth? Maybe you do not really comprehend the world you are striving to
create, the miraculous journey you are moving through as well as the bravery and courage you have as an individual. We, the
Arcturians, truly are in awe of what is taking place upon the Earth now and wish to be of service in any appropriate way.
We, the Arcturians are a light civilisation, our light holds within it the consciousness of love, celestial wisdom, light technology,
balance and light power. Light technology is not the same as your Earthly technology, it is complex light networks which hold
the purpose of creation, in fact the creation of anything. Light power is the divine will of the Creator in its purest and most
energised form which can direct energy or amplify anything into accelerated creation. Balance is our greatest focus, we apply
the vibration and consciousness of balance to everything we create, support and exist as. We encourage embodiment and
awareness of all aspects, energies and forms of the Creator assisting all to exist in balance within your being and reality. In the
past we have given gifts of technology or light which can manifest into physical technology to support the evolution of the Earth,
we will continue to do this, however the greatest gift we wish to share with humanity is our frequency as well as the ability to
recognise and create the balance of all that is the Creator within your being. Therefore it is the energy of balance which we
shower upon your being and the Earth. With the presence of balance forming within your being we believe that you will be able
to more easily recognise the larger picture of the Earth’s evolution. This will result in a recognition of how inspiring and
pioneering you and humanity are in your existence upon the Earth as well as the magnificence which is and will be achieved.
We, the Arcturians, wish to work with your energies as if rewiring your energies while emanating into your being and activating
from within you the frequency of balance. You can invite us to personally work with your energy bodies as well as your physical
body creating a sacred frequency of balance within you which is appropriate for you and will support your existence upon the
Earth. We will bring all the aspects of the Creator you recognise yourself to embody into balance so all are in existence,
accessed and expressed equally. We will also support the erasing of any energies, thoughts, emotions and illusions which
may be causing imbalances of any kind within your being. Often when there is an imbalance this can create a manifestation
which is not needed or required such as anger, physical pain or a destructive perspective. When the imbalance is erased the
manifestation is also defused and erased allowing balance to be experienced. We, the Arcturians will provide our energy of
balance to you with the purpose of supporting new energies, aspects and vibrations of the Creator to be activated and
embodied within your being. The result of our co-creation with you will allow you to feel cleansed, purified, aligned and
resonating with the Creator, with the inner glowing understanding that everything is flowing smoothly, easily and effortlessly in
your physical reality and spiritual evolution. You may also discover that your reactions and actions emanate a sense of balance
allowing you to connect with the love within your being thus further emanating love into the world.
Our co-creation with you can be immensely illuminating, inspiring and fulfilling, however it is your ability to receive which will
dictate the shifts that we can support you through to access a greater frequency of balance from within your being.
‘Arcturians, I call upon your energy to co-create with my soul shifts within my entire being to further manifest an existence of
balance. I am accepting of your loving support in aiding me in recognising my glorious and magnificent journey upon the Earth
and as a part of humanity as we create a world of love. I am the balance of the Creator within all aspects of my being and
emanate balance expansively. Arcturians please draw close to dissolve all areas of imbalance within my being so I may move
more fully into a space of love. Thank you.’
We will first send a pillar of violet light down to surround you completely, then we will send a fine spiralling turquoise light to
move through your being. We, the Arcturians, will then move closer into your energy emanating our light of balance for you to
receive and absorb. You may feel shifts taking place, discomfort, heat or coldness in some areas which will disperse as we co
-create the most appropriate balance frequency from your being.
We, the Arcturians, are bringing forth our energy to be of assistance to you so you can more easily allow the energies,
emotions and past wounds to be released to the surface and erased completely. We wish to hold you in a space of balance so
that the energies which are no longer required within your being may escape eternally. Balance will then be the energy you
resonate with which will lead you into deeper union with the Creator. If you are experiencing challenges physically, emotionally,
mentally or energetically at this time of ascension please do call upon us, the Arcturians, to be of service to you.
There is another purpose to our co-creation of balance with you, we are aware of the purpose of the Andromedans at this time.
The Andromedans are selecting souls upon the Earth who are awake, aware and conscious of the Creator. They wish to
anchor their high frequency love into these souls to create an acceleration and amplification of the Creator’s love within their
beings, while also sharing valuable insights and information concerning the evolution of the Earth as a planet of love. The
Andromedans are one of the most evolved civilisations working with the Earth at this time, they are calling upon souls who are
embodying a great volume of love, self-awareness and Creator expression as they are most similar to the frequency of the
Andromedans. With the ability to merge their energy more easily with these souls they will be able to download greater
volumes of love and wisdom into these beings upon the Earth aiding an experience of enlightenment. This will mean that the
light of the Andromedans will be anchored through these advanced souls upon the Earth into Mother Earth for grounding,
anchoring and manifestation. The Andromedans have the knowingness and understanding that these advanced souls will then
act as examples and reflections to support others and eventually all of humanity in absorbing a greater frequency of love to
support the further manifestation of Earth as a planet of love in alignment with Venus, also known as a planet of love.
The Andromedans imagine the advance souls on the Earth receiving their energy as butterflies; the souls move gently through
the Earthly reality, their beauty emanating intensely for those willing to observe and yet they go unnoticed by those not yet ready
to accept love as their truth and existence. These butterflies weave through humanity creating transformation within many, they
do not have to touch or influence others, as they simply pass by, and their magic is exuded for all those ready to receive. They
work with gentleness often unaware of the beauty and love they are creating within others as they continue along their pathway
enjoying the sun light, the source of all that is the Creator, protecting and safeguarding them.
This is why we are calling you, advance souls, Butterflies of the Star Beings, because of the gentle transmission of sacred light
from the universe of the Creator you have the ability to transmit and inspire upon the Earth as you simply move through your
daily reality. We are not inviting you to reach out to others more, we are simply inviting you to realise that the Andromedans
energy is working with and through you achieving all that is necessary. All we ask of you is to recognise and remember your
beauty, know you are constantly receiving and expressing the Creator and that through your simple presence you are making
powerful shifts in the evolution of all upon the Earth.
With admiration, love and balance,
The Arcturians