It Is Gaining MOMENTUM ~ The Ashtar Galactic Command

Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command.
It is wonderful to be speaking with you, Ambassador, and also to those who will be hearing, and Reading our Transmission.
We wish to speak to you about the escalating conflicts upon Earth, and how it is actually effecting Humanity through their Ascension.
Our numerous StarFleets, in collaboration with the Grand Alliance, have now strategically positioned themselves, around your planet Earth. This is forming an impenetrable shield against any malevolent forces that threaten mass destruction of your world.
The collective efforts of these powerful Forces of Light, aim to safeguard the Earth from those who seek to sow seeds of chaos and destruction.
Despite the vigilant watch of our StarFleets, it is evident that conflicts of various scales are on the rise, creating ripples of unrest across different regions. These conflicts are deeply rooted in the complex dynamics between the population and their governing bodies. The ongoing Mass Awakening is serving as a catalyst for these tensions, as more individuals awaken to the truth and strive for freedom and self-expression. In these moments, There are over 700 anti-government protests happening worldwide, in over 147 different countries. These are Awakening Beings stepping up to demand their freedom.
It is crucial to understand that amidst the turmoil, there are dark forces at play, manipulating these conflicts to serve their sinister agendas. These malevolent beings aim to capitalize on the chaos to impose control and instigate fear among the inhabitants of Earth.
As our StarFleets maintain their protective stance, the Grand Alliance continues to monitor the situation closely, analyzing all of the factors contributing to the escalating conflicts. The interplay between societal structures, political influences, and individual beliefs is shaping the landscape of these turbulent times, adding layers of complexity to the existing challenges. Large Groups of Individuals are now standing up against their governing oppressors.
Furthermore, the emergence of underground movements, and resistance groups, highlights the growing dissent, and resistance, against the oppressive forces. These pockets of rebellion, are fueled by a desire for justice, equality, and a fundamental shift in power dynamics, towards a better way for all of Humanity.
Amidst this backdrop of uncertainty and tension, the need for unity and solidarity becomes more pressing than ever. It is through, empathy, compassion, respect, and a shared vision for a better future, that humanity can navigate, through these turbulent waters and emerge stronger on the other side.
The Mass Awakening represents a transformative process that extends beyond the individual level, impacting the Ascension of the entire Collective Consciousness of Humanity.
The Energy surge of the Mass Awakening is amplifying the already intense frequencies, That are permeating Earth.
This profound shift in vibrational frequency, signifies a collective evolution, towards a higher state of awareness, and the Ascension of the Human Collective. As more individuals awaken to their true essence, and purpose, the ripple effect of this awakening, gains momentum. This is creating a powerful wave of change, that reverberates throughout the collective consciousness of Humanity.
Amidst this energetic shift, and the Escalating Chaos, many may find themselves navigating feelings of unease or imbalance. It is crucial to approach these sensations with mindfulness and self-awareness, recognizing that they do not define one’s true essence. By acknowledging and releasing these lower vibrational energies, You can empower yourselves to elevate your own frequency, while also helping to elevate the Collective Consciousness. This process of personal growth not only benefits the individual but also contributes positively to the overall energy field of humanity, fostering the elevation of the entire collective consciousness.
For Those of you who work diligently to stay within your Heart Space, know that you are not Alone on this journey, Your Guides, Angels, and your Many Galactic Families, are here to help raise you in Love and Light.
We are Here, and We Love You.
Message from Commander Vrillon, of The Ashtar Galactic Command.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at