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The Big Call w/ Bruce Intel Notes by PinkRoses 1-5-17


The Big Call w/ Bruce Intel Notes by PinkRoses 1-5-17

Thank you PinkRoses for sending this to us. ~ Dinar Chronicles



Bruce: Welcome everybody to the Big Call. Welcome all the financial listeners and international listeners also. We talked Tuesday night about the fact that we were in the process of SKRs were being liquidated. Amount of the rates seen on the bank screens but were frozen. They got started and yesterday 15,000 who had SKRs were made liquid. Their funds were spendable yesterday. Are all SKR pre-paids complete? I heard one report they were, but I do not have enough confirmation that they were all paid yet. They are in the process, maybe done. Some people in that position received checks that they could take to the bank and negotiate. Bruce: There were people that are part of the subgroups that had agreements to be notified when their currency was exchanged and paid. A lot of people in that position that need to be contacted the way it was set up for them. I don’t think that process has started. I think the Paymaster accounts, especially today I understand it, and the accounts have been fully funded.

Bruce: A lot of tranches have been sent from major trust accounts primarily from the Far East coming to the US, Canada, and to all the world central banks. That has happened in huge numbers. We talked about octillion, duodecillion, nonillion, octillion, etc. Major accounts have been funded and divided up for various Paymasters all over the world. The hydration of funds have moved through. We had a little slow down as certain tranches were scrutinize heavily by one of the agencies, but now all is smooth sailing now. They needed to know the funds were good and were going to a good source. We thought we had a little situation with the Swift system. The little hiccups I think were taken care of today and all is moving along nicely.
Bruce: Meetings between the IMF and top new people in charge have gone well. The US Treasury is good. All are on same page. They reached agreements all moving forward without resistance. We heard that as of yesterday or last night. All ready to go. We are rolling forward now with this and position have notification to come anytime now. I am not saying tonight or tomorrow necessary, but we could be receiving the information we want to set appointments.
Some appointments are set for Monday. Hope we all are in position to do that. Stay in faith for it.
Bruce: Iraq. We know the Iraqi budget was passed and made law, in the Gazette, but not revealed to us. They are waiting for the take back of Mosul. The extremely tall over 100 ft flag pole installed in Mosul in a prominent place and a monument that has been erected to or same proximity. The gift China made to Iraq in the way of a very large Iraqi flag that is iridescent. It is 60 ft long and 38 ft tall. It can be seen day and night. The gift made of this flag was presented today to Prime Minister Abadi. It was received and that flag should be flying no later than 9:30 am in Iraqi time tomorrow. I think it is symbolic point of view, but nothing to do with release for us or the RV for Iraq, but highly significant, symbolic gesture and beautiful gift from China. Similar to how the United States felt when France gave us the Statue of Liberty. We put that up in the harbor of NY. That is significant to us and that flag significant to the Iraqi people. That is to occur no later than 9:30am tomorrow morning Iraqi time. We may see something that comes along with that timing.
Bruce: Mosul taken back by the coalition forces for a month by now. It hasn’t made our mainstream news. Maybe this gesture of the flag will make mainstream news so all can see what has occur in Iraq
Bruce: Rates in the past when people doing business buying and selling with establish rate with their Qi cards. That rate was substantial higher than we talked about on the last call. I believe they try to establish dinar higher than we thought it was. The rates have been on the screens. Yesterday on all the banks screens were showing pending. We have seen pending before. All the currencies were showing pending. At 4:20yesterday all the screens went blank because the rates were repopulating primarily the Dinar and Vietnamese Dong to come back up to a level when rates come back on the screen become active. When active happens that means things are ready to go. I have not heard today that has occurred. Probably still in the process trading the currency in the first basket so they are repopulated where they need to be when screens come back up. I think that is what is taking place behind the scenes with banks of the world with these currencies.
That is something that is happening
Bruce: Another thing happening is the redemption centers, the offsite redemption centers. They had skeleton crews throughout the holidays. They been given information to make them come back to a full staff starting about 7:00pm to 7:30pm tonight. That is a good sign. They are getting ready for all to go by having the redemption centers fully staff again. That is a positive thing. Tuesday they began to distribute the packets of 25 dollar bills that will be available for us at the time of exchange. $2500 bundles. If you want it. You don’t have to take anything. You can go out with some US dollars. They started being delivered on Tuesday. They continued that through yesterday and today. To complete delivery by midnight tonight to their locations.
Redemption employees are to come in and currency in place thru out the system by midnight tonight. The Iraqi flag going up by 9:30am Iraqi time.
Bruce: Things are coming together nicely. We have a go ahead approval from everybody in the process. In that situation to say go. All systems are basically go. We will receive notification when it is time. That is the last thing I know we are going to be waiting for notification.
If I am honored to receive the number, I will put it out as I am told to in a celebration call or a prerecorded call. If I am allowed to put it out to the websites as our website: I would put it out in currency land out there. If I am asked we will do that. It would be an honor if it happens. I know that if we do it, it will become viral in 5 to 10 minutes. All will know
Bruce: Group rates. I remember certain individuals awhile back few years ago said you don’t need be in a group. You would do just as well on your own. I didn’t believe it then. I have come to believe it now. Because I do think you have the ability and power to negotiate your rates on the ZIM, the Dinar and Dong within certain ranges. I wish I could help you with those ranges. Those rates are negotiable to an extent. In a group situation, some in a group, placed in group that really the rates look good, and they are still good, but maybe some hidden taxation with a dinar group.
I am going to say if you feel comfortable in a group setting and you do get an email, do what your heart says to do. Follow your spirit into that. In my case, I feel comfortable with that I can negotiate what I plan to do in person. I don’t need the group situation for me. I will negotiation a rate based on all the projects I have to do, all the humanitarian projects. I will present when I go in.
Bruce: Since that time in the last couple of months we have the concept of Rebuild America. Rebuild America I said you can be part of this in this country and around the world
The ZIM for sure will give us enough finances quite a bit more than we thought possible.
At face value even at a dollar, but when you get it above that it turns into serious money.
Give it a thought if you incline to do that. If you don’t have projects of your own, tag along with the Big Call Rebuild America and adopt a town, city, community, housing, rebuilding homes. We will come up with the best way to do that and put it out to our Big Call listeners what we will do as a group. I like to do a sport within a group such as swimming. This is the same, infrastructure. Rebuilding of homes, bridges, roads, hospitals, clinics, etc. try to elevate all in us and the world.
Bruce: When it comes to timing, I told you everything basically has been approved and moving forward. We are literally at the point people hydrated on SKRs. Church groups I do not know if they are through or not. Once they are through, we should be good to go and start. We are in good position right now and we should be there shortly. We are so close we can taste it. Maintain plan A. Plan B is right around the corner. I feel strong where we are. Every Intel we got says no resistance. It is moving through. All agencies are aligned for it to go. The rates to repopulate on the screens. Maybe the church group to finish up, then the toll free number.
Bruce: All the banks we will be working with Wells Fargo, HSBC, RBC in Canada, TD Bank, Scotia Bank. Scotia Bank in the Caribbean. Also Moca Pocia Bank in South America. The other banks we have here Bank of America, Citibank. 12 of the large banks all set to exchange the Dinar. 6800 exchange centers in North America. The call is a two step process. You call the 8—number tell them what you have, based on your zip code and what you have, you call another number. Time frame is one hour and 10 minutes. I am excited to get started. We will see whether or not we get it prior to the next call. We believe we will. You will look for instruction on the website for future calls. On the website will post the 800 number if we are able to.
Bruce: Hang in there everybody. Thanks everybody for listening tonight in United States and Internationally. All of you we appreciate you. We thank you. We will look for some cool things to happen next few hours and few days.