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The Council via Ron Head, January 27th, 2017

The Council – Pushing Your Buttons

The Council – Pushing Your Buttons

We hear you saying “Something big is happening!” Please know that you are feeling, as one enormous impression, the accumulation of an uncountable number of changes that we have been speaking of for years. As more and more of these changes come to fruition, there will be moments when that feeling will push itself to the forefront of your consciousness.

Sometimes you will ascribe it to one current thing, such as a wave of incoming energy, for instance. And at other times you will just be at a loss for a cause of the feeling. But if you are able to stretch out your senses enough, you will almost always be able to sense the building momentum of planet-wide change.

One of the things that is becoming obvious is that individuals are having their ‘buttons pushed’. There are a great many necessary changes that have not yet begun to manifest. And time is running a little short now due to what has been a great resistance to change. Status quo has seemed best to many who wished to hold on to their position, power, and luxury, things that are truly ephemeral at best. What you have done as a group is to incarnate in places and in soul groups that would react in certain ways if certain things came to be. In other words, you would explode if someone pushed your buttons.

Well, those buttons are, in many cases, being pushed, some intentionally and some not. But the button pushers are finding that you are not as easy to control as they assumed you would be. And they will find that the results of things that they set into motion expand in directions they do not anticipate. For instance, someone decides to threaten someone else with a demonstration of female power. But now, you see, there are many millions of women all over your globe who have seen unmistakably exactly how much power they have. And now it may be a better idea to avoid doing that again.

We have spoken recently about the head-spinning amount of change that you will experience during this time. And if you keep your eyes open, you may now see that happening. It has not yet reached its full force. And much of it is still being kept from you, but you may rest assured that your lives are truly in the midst of a vast flood of change. Some of this must happen as older structures just will not be able to continue. That which is built on fear, on control, on darkness will not be able to continue. Not every change will be comfortable for everyone. But you are on the way to the new world you have dreamed of.

So, how do you get through this time? We would say, deal with what you need to deal with today. Today practice being the heart-centered being that you have learned you are. You do not have to deal with everything that is going on in everyone else’s life. It is not imperative that you know about everything that is happening in every city and countryside on your planet. We are not saying that you should not be compassionate. We are saying that you will have enough to be compassionate about where you are. That is why you are there. There will be compassionate hearts aplenty in those other places. And that is why they are there. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to anchor the light where you are. But we assure you that our secretaries will not disavow knowledge of your actions. To the contrary, you, where you are, how you are, who you are, are writing history you can only dream of.

We will remind you of what we were saying to you a short few years ago. It was not believed that you could accomplish all that you have. But you did. You have changed the destiny of an entire planet. And this is change that is so far reaching as to be unimaginable.

You are the saviors of yourselves. You are the co-creators of a new world. You are the furthest thing possible from powerless. Know that and you cannot fail.


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