Walking Terra Christa ~ Being the Purity of your Light ~ Cosmic Great Central Sun
This is our first Channeled Message/Teaching for 2016 within the Clarion Temple of Oneness. We bring forth the Cosmic Great Central Sun who represents Divine Mother and Father God as they express their essence of light.
Introduction by Rev. Ara – J. Michael Hayden:
Welcome everyone to the Clarion Temple of Oneness as we resume with our new semester.
It is going to be an exciting year as we move through 2016. We had already been informed that it is not just going to be a year of completion moving into preparing for new beginnings but also with the teachings of Ascension Mastery.
The year of 2012 was the demarcation when the energies of the new frequencies upon the earth would start to take effect in a deeper way of shifting consciousness, the Kali Yuga, the big shift of the ages. Even though those energies were not fully incorporated at that time, it still marked the entranceway of the Golden Age to begin upon the Earth even though it is not being seen within the consciousness of humanity at this time.
The energies have been hitting us with all the solar events, all the CME’s and the cosmic energies moving through toward the planet as well as all the seasonal changes and the alignments within our Solar System along with our Universe to make this consciousness shift be more readily available. In fact, to the extent in which humanity will have to grasp it within themselves or they will be required to continue their third dimensional existence in some other format because GAIA has expressed her interest into moving into a 5th dimensional consciousness.
That is what she is striving for along with the Awakened Ones of humanity. So now everyone has this opportunity to move into these frequencies.
One of the things that will become very apparent within these energies is returning in full force, not just in name or in understanding of what it means to live in the Universal Consciousness of Oneness which essentially means that all the Universal Laws need to be put into effect within the family of humanity so that we all operate within that Oneness, Wholeness, Cohesiveness, that single-minded connection of love and brotherhood and sisterhood to become very apparent upon the earth as we progress. We do not know how long this is going to take, but clearly these energies will make themselves more known in individuals that do awake and within those that do not awake or within those that are desiring to return to that Oneness there will be increasing amounts of that contrasts. Even more so than what we have seen within the last ten years. The United States as been at war and in many ways has not left that environment.
As many people are understanding this consciousness and awareness to be realized that a fifth dimensional Golden Age cannot be with us until those energies are resolved and brought back into that one family of light. This is what we will be working with this year within the teachings with a extreme and full effort towards working with the Universal Laws and bring those teachings down from the Ascended Masters so that we can understand what it means to access them within our multi-dimensionality, no t just simply our personality consciousness of our ego.
So we are very pleased you are with us for these teachings as they are very powerful and can bring about these changes if we are persistent to having that fortitude of self-will and power to bring these changes within ourselves before they can extend outside of us to effect, to help and to assist any others upon the planet.
This is also another deep teaching element that will have to come forth this year; as it is the year of “rolling up your sleeves spiritually” in terms of that personal responsibility to bring it down within yourself so that you can act upon to have it actually create that higher vibrational frequency within the planet.
One of the illusions of the old teachings and acceptances of the planet and its systems is that you could stand up in front of a group and talk about all these things without actually inhabiting them within you. You could strive just as anyone could strive, but if you had not attained mastery, it did not mean you were not a master of the subject. This is one of big things that will change upon the planet. This means that every one who is simply a master in title and not in action, will become revealed as being such. Not that it is a bad thing it just means that they need to actually do the work themselves internally just as they are teaching every one else to do.
Thank you for walking this pathway with us.
This is the first Clarion Temple of Oneness and that is the teaching we reserve for Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.
Yamteleus – Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness
Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,
It is I Yamteleus (Spokes-Being for the temple); it is my pleasure to be with all of you once again. It is so wonderful to connect through this venue as I feel all your hearts and the beautiful experience of each of us connecting in this way. I also feel your excitement as it has been a couple of weeks, earth time, that we have connected together and how very perfect that Divine Mother and Father God will be our teachers this evening. I am not quite sure what they have to say so I am just going to allow the energies to continue. I thank you from my heart for continuing this journey with all of us.
I AM Yamteleus, your friend and guide of the Clarion Temple of Oneness
Angelic Hosts
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
We are the angels of all the principalities and it is our divine pleasure to be with each of you this evening, to bring forth this energetic exchange, and to bring forth the Divine Mother and Father God within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.
It is our pleasure to walk with you, to share with you, as our hearts are always connected in so many ways. Let us know bring forth the energetic exchange you are waiting for.
In Wings of Light, we connect with each of you.
Cosmic Great Central Sun ~ Divine Mother Father God
I Am that I Am, I Am
I Am that I Am, I Am
The Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun
Glory Be, My Dearest Ones,
It is our pleasure to be with you as it has been quite some time. Let us connect with our hearts; let us connect with the Divine Beingness that we are.
As we ignite our energies within this beautiful temple this evening, we bring forth the Divine Rays of God that you have incorporated within yourself of the fifth dimensional frequency but let us go further by allowing all 330 Rays of God to be within this temple. Colors and colors of beauty all through each of you shining immersing illuminating, allowing these frequencies of light to be you and to go deep into your Heart into the Inner Core of your Being where there are so many energies that may not correlate with this higher frequency of light.
Just breathe it into yourself and allow your physical being to release, to surrender, to be embraced by our Divine Essence. That is our role this evening.
You are in the midst of a New Year, you are in the midst of acceleration, but within that higher vibrational essence, there must come a sense of responsibility within your physical being and through your higher being. As your Spiritual Self becomes more part of you in small moments of every day and every night, it can cause great change to occur through any of the bodily systems. There is so much that you are not accustomed to in your consciousness. Some may think that it is just a moment in time and that you really understand as you come from this higher space.
Your soul has evolved into higher levels of acceleration but all of those timelines were meant to be so you could bring it into this physical body, this creation that you have upon the earth in this lifetime. The timeline that we want to bring to you is in this moment is to embrace the Purity of Light That You Are.
Allow us to have this timeline that you can call upon at any other time of your worldly existence. Isn’t it helpful to have something you can refer to that gives you acceleration, excitement, and support in what you are experiencing? It is when you don’t have those moments to go to that causes you to become very conflicted, that the subconscious thoughts become so centered within the power of less than instead of great than which causes you to experience life in a completely different direction than you desire it to be.
The changes that are going to be occurring within the Earth will take you into deeper parts of yourself if you allow yourself to go there. Otherwise, you will be on a roller coaster and you will not be able to embody what you are desiring to do because of those closed doorways within your Etheric Self that are not being opened. It takes great courage and tenacity to open up those doorways and that is why man cannot do it. This is why Mastery is so very important for the New Earth.
It brings forth this understanding.
Think about how it would be to walk into the New Earth with who you are now. What would happen to that New Earth. Would it stay in a 5th dimensional frequency and beyond? I say, that it would not.
That is why it has not occurred, although many think that it has. There is still too much confliction within the world; there is too much duality. You definitely are living in a 4th dimensional frequency of light presently.
It is not a bad frequency of light, but it has its ups and downs. It has its darkness and it has it power of light. This is what each of you is experiencing. You see, each of you have chosen to be here at this certain time and the depth of your work, of your inner self, is so very important.
At the beginning of this month, which is now, the moon has just started its course, which you call a New Moon. This moon cycle is bringing to humanity the ability to understand what needs to be addressed and what needs to be embraced, but sometimes the conflict can be in the wholeness of that essence. So it is important to separate what you have experienced and understand why you experience it. Each moment of every day you are going to change. The frequency of light of this moon is bringing forth great revelations. It is bringing great healing. It is bring forth the ability of light intensity to come into each soul that is ready to accept it.
Now it is going to come into each individual upon the planet; that is part of the process as it is a cleansing period. But it is also one that needs to be addressed in the consciousness of that human field. If an individual is not awakened enough, they will address it through their sleep state or alternate realities, but they will not address it in their physicality. This is where it gets lost.
But each of you are quite different. There are many others out there that do not understand what they are going through. Oh, they know there is change, and know there is transformation occurring, but do they realize that transition from the Old Self of Being into the New Self of Being is a necessary component. This is what this moon brings to the earth.
Dearest Grandmother Moon is bringing her frequency of light very much like the Crystalline Flame. She brings this essence into each of you to purge and allow the rebirthing to occur.
Isn’t that what this year represents?
It shows us the ability to look at one self, to make the necessary changes, and to allow the continuance of their life with those changes more fully integrated.
So I say to you, as the Cosmic Great Central Sun, do not be afraid of what you feel. Allow yourself to surrender into the process of acceptance. Allow yourself to know there is more to what you are experiencing than you can understand, and when you realize there is no understanding, that takes you into the doorway of Acceptance.
I ask each of you now to bring forth this Acceptance no matter what the consequences can be. Can you do that for yourself?
That is the true aspect of really being in mastery – to open a doorway and you are not sure where that doorway is going to take you, but you know, through the Purity of the Light that you are feeling, that it is the right space for you. Your physical self may not always agree, but your Higher Self guides you to that place. The physical self has the vehicle, has the movement that is necessary to move into that doorway.
So I ask you now as we bring forth these essences of the combined Rays of God to open up the doorway to your Heart, to open up that next elevation that needs to be accepted no matter what you are going to feel when you are going to walk through that doorway. That does not matter; you may think that it does. But the true essence of this frequency is to allow your physical self to move forward. Once you start to do that, the old will dissipate, as you no longer are holding onto the control of needing those old elements even though you may think that you needed them. You no longer need them; you are n w a Pure Freedom of Light. Now you have your Wings of Light; your have your Wisdom and your Knowledge. You have your Love and this will create the Power for you to feel this immersing energy.
We expand this light through the temple right now in the misty frequencies of the palest colors that you can envision. Feel this mist coming over you as it will open up your Heart into a new doorway of experience allowing yourself to fully accept the next stage of your journey. This is going to assist you so much.
When you have trust, when you have faith in the power of the unknown, it guides you into the knowingness. But you must relax with your breath. You must allow this Frequency of Light to come fully within your entire being which will ground it through your entire essence. This brings forth the ability to take the next step of your journey.
Breathe deeply my Dearest Ones. Breathe deeply and feel these essences coming within you as we extend them to you in a frontal mode through your body.
As we expand them to the top of your Crown, as we extend them behind you and all around you. You become a Master of Acceptance. You accept yourself to move through this next stage of your development. This is the discipline you need to have within yourself. Be strong, but you have faith. Be strong that you are secure. Be strong and you will have courage.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Feel the power of your transition now. You are completely encased with these colors of light around you. If you have any feelings of insecurity, breathe deeper into the process and allow yourself to know that you are safe. You call upon your Solar Angel, you call upon your Higher Self, you call upon your Gate Keeper, your Guardian Angel; you call upon all the ones that assist. You feel yourself being pushed very slightly into the next momentum into Time and Space. As it comes fully within you, you will start to feel the transition from the old into the new.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Feel the power of our Love, feel the acceptance of Divine Mother as she blesses you with her feminine essence. Feel the essence of the Will of God representing Divine Father; as we are both part of these essences. We bring you the courage, but we bring you the nurturing that is necessary. Hold it deeply, my Dearest Ones and feel the change as it emits out of you representing the old issues, the old aspects that are holding you back as you move into this new stage of nurturing your Divine Self, nurturing your physical self. Allow the momentum to take you into a new direction that you have not received previously. Feel it deeply with all aspects of your Being. You Etheric Body is adjusting; it softens. Your Emotional Body is feeling the courage and the strength with the blessing of the nurturing that is happening. The Masculine Body of the Mental is relaxing and merging with the Feminine, as now the power that you have not been able to acquire in certain circumstances now becomes you. Your heart is warm and you feel the warmth curdling through your veins; you feel the power that you are becoming, but within that essence there is the deep Love that shows you what needs to occur.
This is the healing process of this moon to move these essences into the Divine Being that you are. Know within yourself that in order to have these aspects fully intact, you must discipline your mind, you must discipline your emotions, you must discipline your physical self, your Lower Ego in understanding the higher aspects of All That You Are. Embrace it deeply, my children.
As everyone in the temple has moved in their consciousness, there is a moment of an adjustment. It could be very subtle or it could be very strong; it does not matter what it is. But allow this Frequency of Light to combine within your four-body system so that you can start to feel the changes that are occurring within you. Take these moments and not worry about your outside forces. Think about the inside of your Divine Beingness, your I Am Presence, your Godliness. You are a Child of God; feel the eruption of those energies moving through you and around you. Be them as it will assist you tremendously. Breathing deeply.
We are going to extend this energy from the temple to the core of Gaia and allow her to take it as she will, as she may, to whatever areas, to whatever aspects that are needed.
We must consider that as we bring forth the essence of Spiritual Laws, Universal Laws – what you feel today in this moment you are feeling and exhibiting outside of yourself. It is no longer the outside coming to the inside. It is the Purity of your Light, it is the Courage, it is the Love, it is the acceptance. You want to share this with others.
So just let it seep out of your aura, out of your field as you cannot hold all of this. It will go into all the other places as now the Earth is being centered with these beautiful light streams of frequency in a mist that is very soft because it is calming. It is a soft energy that is assisting in the process of knowing thyself in a much deeper level. Feel that now come back as the entire consciousness of the Multi-Universe, the Universal, the Galactic, the Solar and the Planetary are now all One combination of light. Breathe deeply my dearest ones and accept it to be.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
In Waves of Light, you have allowed your physical consciousness to receive your Super Consciousness, your Higher Self, your Higher Mind, the light frequency of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness with our extension of Divine Mother Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun. Feel the warmth that we bring unto you in these moments, as it is our pleasure to see you accept the Light That You Are.
It is our pleasure to be with each of you through these energies and at the onset of this beautiful year. We will see great change; we will see great growth amidst the turmoil and the challenges. But the Purity of Light shall be fully within you within your physical self.
Namaste and the Light of the Christ That We Are Together.
So Mote It Be ~ We are One Dearest Ones.
I AM that I AM
I AM that I AM
I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God.
Blessed Be; Blessed Be.
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© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission.