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Walking Terra Christa via Christine Meleriessee Hayden, January 16th, 2016

Walking Terra Christa ~ Accepting Oneness Through Responsibility

Machu Picchu Shamballa 1_800_457
This is the transcription of the visit to the Golden City of SHAMBALLA which resides in the 5th dimensional New Earth over Machu Picchu that took place on January 13, 2016.  
Lord Melchizdek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma are the Overlighting Beings for this City which represents THE MAGNETISM OF ONE UNIVERSAL BEING. It represents the 16th Ray in the color of White Violet Light.
Lord Adama brings forth the energetic exchange to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa located in the 5th Dimensional Earth over Macchu Picchu.
Let us now ignite those Merkabah Vehicles in preparation to travel to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa. We center upon the Violet White Light. The mixture of Light Violet White spinning within you and around you igniting your Merkabah Vehicle allowing the extension to go beyond your physical existence. Breathing deeply, breathing deeply as you arise out of your physical body feeling those beautiful essences as you move up to the 5th dimensional frequency of light. We call upon the White Violet light feeling the vortex of energy as you spin through this spectrum of light, it takes you to the Golden Etheric City of Shamballa over Macchu Picchu.

You feel the magnificence of this geographic location that it represents. You feel the power of the Spiritual Self, of the Masters all in one consciousness as this energy represents the Inner Earth, above the Earth and beyond the Earth. We feel that existence moving through the entire being with your breath as you are twisting and turning as you are moving through the vortex of energy. You find yourself now at the beautiful gateway of this city.
There are magnificent lights around this city. You see the mountain ranges and beyond. You feel the exquisite essence of spiritual devotion as we walk through the gateway; there is a calmness that occurs within you. You start to feel the existence of all love, all light of your purest consciousness within your I AM Presence to be fully with you.
As we walk along this beautiful pathway, there are many gardens as this is the entranceway to the city. We have not experienced this previously. The gardens are massive, they go far, and they go wide. There is beautiful shrubbery and flowers of all different kinds. Everything grows here; everything. It does not matter what the soil is; it represents tropical gardens, earth gardens, rock gardens, and so many other types of gardens. You can see the crystalline structure of the rocks, of the mountains, and the hills. We walk up this amazing beautiful hill. You feel the exquisite essence of being One within yourself. Feeling this brilliance of light as it is you. What the city represents is to come to this space to remember; to fully remember the full consciousness but being in a physical body.
We are now met by Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron and the Mahatma. The Mahatma represents many consciousnesses of Beings. I allow myself to join each of you as a visitor to the amazing city of Shamballa. I am Lord Adama happy to be with each of you.
Greetings My Dearest Ones,
We are the consciousness of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma.
We bring unto the God Force of the 49th dimensional frequency and from 0-49 as we also represent the 144th dimension in the skies above of the heavens all around us. As we walk through this garden, feel the earth upon your feet. Feel the splendor that You Are as a Spiritual Being within a physical body in a journey of light. Feeling that existence within you; feel that the Power That You Are – the Greatness of You. As the Light Frequency comes up through your feet and brings forth electrical-magnetic movements, feel that frequency of light that you are to come into the all existence that you ever desired to be as your multi-dimensional self becomes empowered within your physical existence. As we walk further, the pathway twists and turns through all the many gardens. These gardens are all facets of earth life as there are many different kinds. There is a separation and merging of the gardens going into each other.
So we ask of you in this moment to go off on your own for a moment so you can investigate which part of the gardens to you want to experience. Do you want to be of the gardens that represent rock formations, or streams, or ocean water? Do you want to be part of the gardens that represent the desert, represent tropical energies or possibly any garden that represents any geographic area of the earth?
We take a moment as you are going to investigate and feel the energies that are most appropriate for you. They are all very close with each other; you don’t have to travel far. We now bring forth this charge of light. When you fully go into the center of the garden and feel the energies, notice the animals that are with you. Notice everything that is coming together in Oneness. Allow that exchange to be within your full consciousness. Breathe deeply and allow it be within you. Go my Dearest Ones, go and experience the totality of your existence in a completely different way.
[Crystal Bowl Ringing]
[Divine Light Language Encoding]
Let us now gather round, my Dearest Ones. Come from your garden and bring that garden to the rest of us. Let us expand our energies together as we step to the side and see this sparkling body of water, with mountain all around it and a beautiful crystalline structure. We call this body of water “Synthesis of Light”. It represents all of these elements coming together around the beautiful body of water that has a circumference of a few hundred feet.
There are many Beings of Light from all walks of life circling the outside area. In the middle is a beautiful crystalline structure; it is more than a structure but a Temple of Light. There is a bridge that we will step upon and walk onto the crystalline structure. The water is the Light Violet color but it is also emanating colors of crystalline, blue, and green with frequencies sparking off of the surface.
As you walk across the little bridge, it moves up an incline and straightens out. We step into the altar area which is like a circumference of a base with a crystalline energy coming up into the middle. Around the base there are many little seats for us to sit upon. I ask each of you to take your place here. First of all, you may not be sure why we asked you to go to your garden. This is an element that makes you feel safe; an environment that you may be accustomed to that gives you the availability to find security within yourself. As a human, that is what your mental mind desires to have which is security and strength with the availability that you will be safe. Within the human world, you sometimes do not feel the safety, my dearest ones. You are presently allowing your Spiritual Self to come fully into your Physical Self. It opens up the doorway for you to have new experiences. You also may have had timelines in which you were not safe. So I ask you now to bring up any of those thought patterns within this space right here of this crystalline structure. The light is a frequency; the base of the crystal is in the water below. It is very much like a laser beam of the Violet White Light. You can put your hand through it and feel the extension of the energy. It is not solid; it is a frequency of light.
So we sit here amongst this space of energy, the base starts to turn very slightly around. As it is doing so, you are starting to see the perspective from different parts of the environment around us. It is a beautiful body of water that resembles a lake yet not formed as a lake. It is formed like an ocean or a stream or a waterfall. It has all aspects of Oneness. As the altar moves around, notice what you are looking at – is there mountains, sandy areas, hills, or flat areas.
Allow yourself to just experience all those elements. Are there massive trees, bushes or just flowers?   Everything has its purpose upon the earth but when we step into the core of Oneness within all the aspects together, that is true spiritual enlightenment. As we bring forth the energetics through the this city, we start to feel the different parts of ourselves that desires adjustment, desire of movement, that desire of expression, of love, of light, of vibration. You start to feel that essence – the vibrating energy of our altar spinning in a very slow manner. It starts to create a surge of energy coming up from your feet and swirling within your chakras connecting to all parts of yourself.

Let’s think about the journey to fully embody this light frequency.

You have to go through the journey of the 1st seven rays, and then you explore the pathway of the higher rays by accepting your light body, feeling that illumination, and allowing yourself to walk into that new phase of your existence to create the Christ Consciousness within you which is so prevalent upon the earth now.
It is important within your heart; tap into your Heart Essence within your breath and call upon “I DESIRE TO TAP INTO MY CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS FOR ME TO FEEL IT PHYSICALLY.”  
What does it represent for me?
Then, move into Vibratory Communication of your Throat Chakra by chanting, movement, song, or vibrational essences that eventually means something from your Higher Mind. This is all about surrendering as you move into your Third Eye, you feel the Divine Structure you are becoming. That allows you to accept of the totality of the Golden White flame to be part of those essences. It is imperative to feel these things through these processes within your consciousness and eventually you are going to fully embrace it physically. Don’t push yourself through it. That is what the White Violet Light represents.
Think about the Violet as it is the transmuting color but it is very light in its hues. It is mixed with the White Light; it represents your own consciousness of the I AM Presence; it represents the God consciousness; it represents your Monad and your soul along with who you have ever been. It means that you are becoming Multi-Dimensional. Within that level of being multi-dimensional, you start to see colors and colors swirling within you, around you.
Now the igniting energy of the altar and the flame comes out at the top, circles of sparkles of White Violet Light that is merging with the water of the lake. It is acting as a conductor for you to fully embrace True Oneness of the Totality of Whom You Are into the aspect of the physical self. Allow it to come into all parts of yourself.
[Divine Light Language Encoding]
Feel it deeply coming into your Solar Plexus now; feeling the power, feeling your Higher Power, your Higher Heart, feeling the totality that you truly are. We all rise together as the altar ceases to move. Notice at the area you are looking at beyond the lake. Does it seem the same or is it a part of something else that you are unsure you have seen before. Allow your intuitive mind to bring you the expression that you desire.
We now exit the altar and walk across the bridge. I want you to fully experience the Divinity of your Light that has enfolded within you in these moments. Allow it to be expressed within you as deeply as you can; as deeply as you can. Feel that extension through your Heart and your Solar Plexus, the cornerstone of your Power and your Love. Feel those essences as you walk unto the land once again.
All the many masters that have been here supporting your energies now arise as they come towards us. As we all circle within each other. Circles and circles; we stand in the middle as Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma. Then the inner circle is each of you with many of the Masters coming in to stand in between; then more Beings of Light on the outside with another circle being created; then another, and another. There are so many circles that it is merging all the gardens within the Oneness. Each of the gardens that were separate are coming into the true core of Oneness.
Feel this Oneness, my Dearest Ones. Feel the representation that you desire to have in your world. Allow yourself to feel Divine Oneness, as this is what our truth has expressed today – to fully ignite these energies to assist you on this journey, to allow yourself to reflect on what this feels like to have Divine Oneness. When you come back into your physical body, it will be a different experience whether it is tomorrow or the next day, or next week. So you must always reflect upon the powerful moments of your existence so that it can filter into your future moments. As the trials and the tests that you come across, will bring this forth into your physical existence. It is so very powerful; it will help you to mold yourself and a new world for others. Be the power of Light that You Are in this present moment.
{Divine Light Language Encoding}
Now our circles are blending. The outside circle merges with the next one, and the next and the next filtering through each of you and each of us. We become One; we are One in this moment. It is a consciousness; it is not a thought; it is a feeling. Let this feeling to totally be within your Heart before we separate.
My Dearest Ones, you truly are the Divine Expression of Light upon this Earth.
Remember this as you experience other elements that come your way. As long as you remember how to fully tap into this essence, you will never forget who you are.
We now separate our frequencies of light as we walk the pathway with each of you once again. Take a moment to feel the reflection of whom you are compared to when you first arrived. As we walk up the hill, towards the gate feel the beautiful essences and the gardens all around the area by connecting to each of you; feeling the beauty of the plants, the minerals, and the elements as they are all here along with all the animals and all of us.
Blessings My Dearest Ones, we are the 3 M’s, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma, delightfully happy to assist you.
Namaste, So Mote It Be ~ We are One.
It is I, Lord Adama once again. Thank you for this beautiful blessing of light.
Let us now continue our journey as we walk through the entranceway exiting the city. We step into the vortex of the White Violet Light, feeling many colors and colors as we are spinning in multi directions. It is guiding us and taking us from that 5thdimensional frequency moving down into the Planetary Level more fully. Each of us separates as we move toward our physical location. Feel yourself coming back down into the existence of all that you are, breathing deeply, breathing deeply, center yourself within your body. Feeling the Light Violet within you; feeling the blessing you have received from your I AM Presence, from the totality that you truly are.
It is our deepest pleasure of the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole energies and my exquisite desire to always walk with you so we can become closer in physicality. Thank you; in deep gratitude and love,
I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light
We Are At Your Service.
January 13, 2016 ~ New Earth Consciousness~Circle of Light Class
The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies.  Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in ourPartner/Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually.  Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” 
© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages: