
Love is our new reality

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Brenda’s Blog via Brenda Hoffman, June 29th, 2018

Dear Ones,

You are busily adjusting to new emotions, physical shifts, and intellectual AHAs. Throughout this phase, you will likely feel like an emotional yo-yo.

Even though you are physically, emotionally, and intellectually quite able to integrate these pieces into a new whole, at times, you will feel as if you are on extreme overload. For not only are you shifting throughout your being, so are those of 3D, creating chaos that may seem overwhelming.

Our past messages indicated that those wishing to remain of 3D would be even more adamant about displaying 3D emotions and actions – while those beginning to shift and those of you at the forefront would slip from 3D control.

It is a time of 3D destruction. The phase that follows, which begins after the July 2018 eclipses, is that of the 5D rebuild.

As that rebuild begins, you will often feel as if it is hopeless, as if those with 5D or beyond intentions will never be stronger than those solidly enmeshed in 3D. But day by day you will begin to see progress occurring within hours instead of years or decades. For large groups and communities will turn their backs, so to speak, on 3D control. Forcing those of 3D control to fight back dramatically until their fight seems to be a parody or comedy of life as the world moves into love and joy.

Even though such does not seem possible today, it will happen.

So let us turn to your shifts of the next few days. Your emotions, even your physicality will experience wide swings. Not to punish you but instead created by you to determine who you are.

As has always been true of earth beings – even though you are evolving, you continue to be an earth being – you find it difficult to select something without experiencing it to some degree. So your emotional, intellectual, and physical swings the next few days are helping you choose you.

You will find yourself knowing that you like that, but not this. So it is you are rebuilding you.

Imagine the next few days as the difference between building a crude mud hut, as was true in your 3D world, or creating a home of extreme personal beauty and pleasure. For the hut protected you from the elements but did not satisfy your inner need for beauty and self-care.

You are creating yourself anew and are doing so not out of fear as you have for eons, but of joy and fun – your new creation components.

Your question the next few days is “Who am I?” Once you determine that, you will expand your energy to help those reconfiguring structures.

As has always been true, you are the key component to creating something perfect for you. Then and only then, you will expand those energies to create for the masses – either physically or through energy sharing.

Before this transition, the masses were more important than the individual. Masses controlled in fear by a few.

New Earth and new you are exactly opposite for if you allow or encourage others to control you, you are merely exchanging one 3D world for another; allowing someone to determine what is good for you based on what is most rewarding for them.

In 3D, the question of who you are was voiced but never acted upon for those in control could not have you declaring complete freedom. So you continued lifetime after lifetime changing the rules here and there but always under the control of someone’s dictates.

For the first time on earth, you are claiming your self-contained being and doing so by adding segments of your past, present, and future beings. The next few days are merely you creating a new whole from the segments or colors you now have available.

Thinking in terms of each segment having unique skills and therefore colors, you are creating a new you painting of great pleasure. Some of you will discover that you prefer watercolors to oil paints and others different mediums but all creating images easily changeable until you create the perfect image, blending colors, or discarding this and that much as someone creating a sculpture would.

Exploring those new skills will be your chaos of the next few days. Putting a bit here, painting or cutting over it, selecting another color, emotion, entity, or segment until it is just right.

So it is the next few days, you will be revamping all your personal bits and pieces into the complete being required for your new you role of joy. Do not be frightened anymore than is true for an actor testing how to best present his or her lines, a sculptor cutting away the stone, or a painter testing images and colors.

You are creating you in every joyful way possible. Even though doing so may seem a bit frightening for it is a change without an earth precedent. Allow it to be without fear. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

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