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Quan Yin via Jenny Schiltz, July 6th



We come to you today to give encouragement and understanding of what is taking place energetically at this time. The waves of energy streaming into your planet will continue and they will not lessen. Though as your form adjusts to the higher frequencies you will feel relief. We understand that many are weary and want this constant flow to stop, especially those who have awoken quickly and are plowing through the layers within. Look deeply and honestly within yourself and ask if you would be happy to stretch this process out or are you the type to want to move quickly.  Trust that your soul knows what is best and how much you can handle, even when you think you cannot go on one more day.  The true strength and perseverance that lies within each of you is amazing and needs to be celebrated.

Timelines are condensing and collapsing to ensure that personally and collectively you are in the highest possible one. You will begin to see that the results of your thoughts and actions are seen much faster. Some will call this instant karma, but it is much deeper than that. Understand that this is your time to practice shifting your energy and the frequency in which you reside. If something does not go your way and you meet this with self-condemnation, judgement or other negative thoughts you will see that the pattern of things going wrong will continue.  However if you meet an inconvenience with humor or faith that all will be fine, you will then see that it indeed is fine, perhaps even better than you anticipated.  The speed in which you see the results of your inner thoughts and feelings has increased so that you may see the correlation clearly. Each of you has the power to change your perception and thereby change the frequency being sent and received by your energetic body.  Being in a higher frequency or the flow does not mean that life will be seamless or perfect. What is important is your reaction when events do not go your way or all seems to be crashing down around you. It takes practice to maintain the highest possible frequency within and it cannot be tested and strengthened without the bumps or mountains that rise in your path.

Many are seeing resurgence of thoughts, behaviors, health conditions and even addictions. These are coming up to be healed and no longer judged from within. They are coming up so that you may see how deeply the programming of self-sabotage and self-recrimination run within you. This can be frustrating for those who felt they had moved beyond this experience only to have it resurface. Understand that it would not rise again if it were not hidden deeply within. Once you are able to forgive and love yourself completely regardless of your perceived flaws, you will find that the programming no longer runs. This is an important step as each of you are remembering what it is to be a fully embodied soul.

Each of you are working on integrating your soul. Much will change as you remember and then integrate the knowledge layer by layer. It is very similar to the classification that you give to phases as you grow: infant, toddler, pre-teen, adolescent, young adult etc. Regardless of the classification, you are always a human. You have never not been fully your soul, you have simply chosen to not remember your true magnificence so that you could experience life in duality and density. It is now time to remember, and remember while maintaining your form on earth. As you return to yourself in layers you will find that your connection to All That Is increases as do your abilities.

It is very important that you listen to what your body needs at this time. For some what the body needs may not be clear, but the messages you receive on what the body does not need will be. It is very important to open up the line of communication with your body so that you are able to move through these changes with greater ease. When you do receive guidance from within but are resistant to follow the instruction, this shows where there are beliefs and programming that are not consistent with your soul. Understand that each time you follow the guidance received, even when it seems bizarre, you are opening the channel within to receive clearer communication from within.

You are powerful beyond measure and as each of you walk in your power more fully you will change all that is around you. Remember who you are and the deep love from which you came.

With deep love, admiration and respect,

Quan Yin


Conversation with Quan Yin:

Me: Overall what is the pervasive emotions of the ones awakening in these moments?

Quan Yin: Many are feeling deep anger, disbelief and powerlessness. Many get angry and then rail at their fellow man to change the outer world not realizing that what happens in the greater collective is a mirror of what is happening within the subconscious of humanity. If each person were to look deeply within themselves, heal their trauma and pain they will find that all heals around them as well.

Me: What about the clearing going on for the collective?

Quan Yin: You can only clear what matches you from within. It would be impossible to clear an issue that does not resonate in this lifetime. One who has not understood rape cannot help clear that energy from the collective.  Understand it is not anyone’s responsibility to clear for another, only themselves. As one clears an issue they then send the healed frequency out into the collective, it then activates those who are ready to clear it as well. The more that heal themselves, the greater the healed frequency is within the collective bringing about large change by activating all who are ready to heal it within themselves.

Me: I am grateful for your words on listening to the body. I have had cravings that seem to make little sense and go against my diet. I have struggled with the contradiction even though when I listen to the cravings I find that I feel so much better.

Quan Yin: Where did your beliefs for your diet come from?

Me: Some is from holistic medicine others were created because I wanted to raise my vibration and I was told that certain foods lower vibration.

Quan Yin: It is important to make sure that your beliefs do not become your prison. There is no greater authority as to what you need in these moments than you. Listen to the body, connect with how each thing you take in makes you feel. Let that be your guide, but not your rule as these too will change. You must understand how powerful you are. When you understand that all is of the light and it is your perception that changes that you will see that all is compatible. Your feeling and intention is the most important thing. This again is about understanding your true nature and the unlimitedness of your being.

I hope that my questions have helped and that this blog finds you well. I truly appreciate all who share this blog as much of this information gets blocked within social media lately. Sending you all the love and joy we can handle.❤❤ <3 
