
Love is our new reality

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Divine Truth is Increasingly Asserting itself, March 21st, 2024

Divine Truth is Increasingly Asserting itself | Liberty


Divine truth is increasingly asserting itself or Crises of the system of life values.

New truths spread at the speed of love.

Dear angels, passing through the earthly path in a biological shell, welcome here and now, in the space of our common Divine home that we have jointly created. Oh, how happy we are at the very opportunity of this meeting! We have been waiting for a long time, dear ones – and if you only knew how we dreamed of this meeting back when you could not even imagine that the Spirit would be able to speak to you like this.

I know, dear ones, for many, many people on Earth, this opportunity – to speak with Spirit as we speak to you now – is still perceived as something out of fantasy. People don’t believe it and look at you strangely when you talk about your beliefs, don’t they? Whereas for you, what is happening here and written on the pages of this book is already something familiar and even taken for granted.

Why am I saying this? So that you can see how you change. You are changing very quickly! Just recently, you yourself could not have believed that you would listen to the words of the Spirit brought to you through this messenger and many other messengers. Just recently, you could not imagine that you would read books like this. You are completely different than you were just recently. Oh, believe me, those people who look at you with condemnation and ridicule, those people who do not understand you, also change. For them, what is familiar and understandable to you is still unusual and incomprehensible – but your truth, our common Divine truth is already winning minds and hearts with the speed of spreading love in space and time of your planet Earth.

Yes, dear ones, you are sources of love and light, and you bring love, light and truth to the farthest, darkest corners of your world. Light and love spread almost instantly! Your beliefs are becoming more and more clear to many people, those who just recently could not agree with you.

But still, we are still dealing with a transition period, which means this is a time when old truths still hardly give way to new ones. Associated with this are crises in your belief system and values. Moreover, these crises lie both in your relationships with other people and within yourself.

First type of crisis: the gap between your old habits and new values.

Yes, the battle line is sometimes in your own being. Your values and beliefs change, sometimes so quickly that you yourself do not have time to track the changes. You may not even notice that you are already living in a new coordinate system. And at the same time you are trying to build your earthly life as if nothing has changed. As if you were the same as you were ten or twenty years ago.

It’s as if you still don’t know anything about your true nature – an angel in a biological shell. As if you are still convinced that you are only a body, that you are mortal, that God is somewhere far away, if at all, that you are alone and do not have your loving Divine family.

By following these outdated beliefs, you are still following life values that do not correspond to the tasks of the Spirit. You do this unconsciously, simply out of habit, bringing the values of the material world to the forefront. For example, you can still put in first place the tasks of personal well-being, or tasks of career growth, caring for your family and loved ones.

Don’t get me wrong – there is nothing wrong with wanting prosperity, making a career or taking care of your family. The point is that your life values are not limited to just this. The point is that you should not put them in first place, but the tasks of the Spirit: the tasks of your own enlightenment, the task of spreading the love and light of God on Earth, the task of building an earthly paradise, the task of transforming planet Earth and all humanity in the light and love.

Let’s look at three typical situations where outdated life values can lead you to a dead end.

First situation. 

Imagine a person whose life goals and values are limited to starting a family and raising children. This task can be completely solved by the age of 50–55. Next, a person faces a dilemma: either leave life, since all the tasks he has set for himself have been completed, or look for and set new tasks for himself, tasks of a different level. At this moment he experiences what is called a crisis of life values.

Second situation. 

A person’s main goal is career and professional growth. What will his life be filled with when he achieves all possible goals in this field? If he does not solve the problems of the Spirit, his career growth will sooner or later stop. Sooner or later he will lose prospects along this path. What will he do if he finds himself without his job? Dear ones, you see many such examples: a person whose biological shell could serve for a very long time dies prematurely only because he no longer has the opportunity to do his former job. But the loss of a job was only a sign of the Spirit: it’s time to set new goals for ourselves, it’s time to move to another level of life values!

Third situation. 

A person sets himself only those tasks that are related to achieving personal well-being. Suppose he has achieved all possible wealth. He has accumulated more property and money than he will need even in ten human lifetimes. Further accumulation becomes pointless. Again the same dilemma: either leave this life or look for other values.

You may say: well, what if a person lived for a very long time, but did not reach the desired level of well-being? Does this mean that by continuing to set this goal for himself, he can live the same amount of time, or even longer?

Of course it can, dear ones. But do you think this will be a happy life? If a person spends his whole life chasing something that he cannot achieve, and that, by and large, it is quite likely that he does not really need it? Such a life does not bring satisfaction. Such a life does not bring happiness. Such a life does not bring the feeling that it is lived with meaning. Such a life brings only disappointment. And if a person has spent his whole life striving for that well-being that he never achieved, sooner or later he will ask himself the question: what did he live for? Why was all this?

You can avoid such dead ends on the path of life. Stop and analyze whether your lifestyle matches your new status, your new truth, your new idea of yourself. Don’t you still put material things first? Do you put other people first? Don’t you put in first place everything that is connected with the earthly life of your biological shell?

Do not think that the Spirit knows nothing about your material needs, difficulties, and inconveniences. Don’t think that the Spirit is against your material comfort. The Spirit is not only not against it, the Spirit wants you not to lack anything, so that you live in material well-being and comfort.

But the Spirit wants you to remember: well-being and comfort are not the end in itself of your earthly life.

You shouldn’t make it your priority, you shouldn’t treat it like it’s the most important thing to you. With this approach, you will very quickly reach a dead end and lose the sense of meaning in your life. With this approach, it will be very easy for you to be unsettled by the slightest inconvenience, the slightest discomfort. You don’t want this, do you? Yes, dear ones, in your earthly life you still encounter inconveniences and discomfort every now and then. And you will easily endure them only if you do not attach excessive importance to them.

You know that there is something more important, there is something truly meaningful to you. These are the tasks of your Spirit. One of the main tasks is to bring light into darkness. And if you always, every moment of your life, remember this task, you will face inconvenience and discomfort fully armed. They won’t take you by surprise.

They will only help cheer up your Spirit. You will not become despondent, but will say to yourself: “Well, now a new problem has arisen in front of me. She, I think, is up to my shoulder. I see darkness in front of me – well, I’ll try to turn it into light… After all, that’s what I’m here for!”

Dear ones, the inconvenience will recede, the discomfort will recede, the trouble will recede, and everything that you tried in vain to achieve in other ways will appear in your life: well-being, material wealth, a happy family, and professional success… Do you understand?

When you make material tasks an end in themselves, they elude you. When your main goal becomes the fulfillment of the tasks of the Spirit, everything you need in the material world comes by itself.

Yes, I know that for all of you reading and listening to these words, the tasks of the Spirit have long been in the first place. What am I talking to you about then? It is about making this knowledge not a speculative part of your belief system – but about making it a driving force for you at every moment of your earthly life. I’m talking about turning this knowledge from an abstract, rationally accepted value into the norm of your everyday existence.

This is a difficult moment. It is essentially about being in contact with God every moment of your existence. Then you will be able to compare your every step with the values of the Spirit. And this is also an important point in the transition to a new system of values and beliefs.

If in the old energies it was customary for people to devote only a certain amount of time to God, in the process of prayer, or visiting church, and the rest of the time to lead a normal lifestyle – now everything has changed. Now you know that you are particles of God, His rays. Now you know that God is the part of you that is connected to the entire Divine universe. Now you know that to meet God you do not have to go to church or other places specially designed for this. Now you know that God is always with you, and what you call prayer can become your usual state, a state of direct contact with God.

Now you can’t live differently. Now you cannot devote only a limited time to contact with God, and live according to different laws the rest of the time. Now it won’t work like that, dear ones.

Check your every step, every action, every intention, every thought, every feeling with the tasks of the Spirit.

Then your life will change. This will mean a real change in your system of values and beliefs. This will mean that your life and your beliefs are in unity. This will mean that there is no more struggle within you, no contradictions, no front line. This will mean peace and harmony within you. This will mean a new level of your life. This will mean that your belief system contributes to your health, youth and longevity.

Any material assets will sooner or later be exhausted and lead you to a dead end. The values of the Spirit cannot be exhausted. The longer you live, the more, fuller and brighter the Spirit will manifest itself through you, the more new opportunities, goals and tasks you will have. You will essentially enter what is called eternal life, and fully realize yourself as an eternal, immortal angel, a particle of the one God.

The second type of crisis: the gap between your values and those of other people.

Now, I want to talk to you about the gap that can lie between you and other people. This is another kind of crisis of a belief system. Oh, you already know how very different you are from other people. Some of you have already fully experienced what misunderstanding, and maybe even ridicule and condemnation from other people, means. You are white crows, my dears, and each of you knows firsthand what it is!

Don’t you understand what’s going on? You don’t understand how this could happen to you? It is as if you have fallen out of all existing communities and systems. It’s like you’ve become a stranger everywhere. If you were previously a member of the church, you now feel that there is no place left for you there.

Or rather, it’s the old boundaries that have become too tight for you. If earlier you were part of a community of people striving together for growth and development, now you have become uncomfortable among them, you don’t fit into this framework. Your former like-minded people do not understand you. And again you ask the question: “What’s wrong with me?”

You are all right, dears. All that happens is that you have grown out of all previous frameworks. All that has happened is that you have arrived at a system of unified knowledge, based on the idea of a single Divine nature of all things. You have gone beyond the boundaries of religions, schools, movements, philosophies. You are no longer constrained by these restrictions. You found freedom, that’s what happened.

And associated with this is the misunderstanding of those who still sit within these old frameworks. You are rejected, former like-minded people don’t want to deal with you, and some are even afraid of you! Do you know why?

Because they feel the angel inside of you. For people stuck in old low frequency energies, your light may seem like something that is dangerous. He really poses a danger to them! It can highlight the falsity and limitations of what these people believe to be true, what they pray to and what they follow all their lives. You represent a danger to their habitual value system, which is why they shun and fear you!

You can avoid such dead ends on the path of life. Stop and analyze whether your lifestyle matches your new status, your new truth, your new idea of yourself. Don’t you still put material things first? Do you put other people first? Don’t you put in first place everything that is connected with the earthly life of your biological shell?

Do not think that the Spirit knows nothing about your material needs, difficulties, and inconveniences. Don’t think that the Spirit is against your material comfort. The Spirit is not only not against it, the Spirit wants you not to lack anything, so that you live in material well-being and comfort.

But the Spirit wants you to remember: well-being and comfort are not the end in itself of your earthly life.

You shouldn’t make it your priority, you shouldn’t treat it like it’s the most important thing to you. With this approach, you will very quickly reach a dead end and lose the sense of meaning in your life. With this approach, it will be very easy for you to be unsettled by the slightest inconvenience, the slightest discomfort. You don’t want this, do you? Yes, dear ones, in your earthly life you still encounter inconveniences and discomfort every now and then. And you will easily endure them only if you do not attach excessive importance to them.

You know that there is something more important, there is something truly meaningful to you. These are the tasks of your Spirit. One of the main tasks is to bring light into darkness. And if you always, every moment of your life, remember this task, you will face inconvenience and discomfort fully armed. They won’t take you by surprise. They will only help cheer up your Spirit. You will not become despondent, but will say to yourself: “Well, now a new problem has arisen in front of me. She, I think, is up to my shoulder. I see darkness in front of me – well, I’ll try to turn it into light… After all, that’s what I’m here for!”

The inconvenience will recede, the discomfort will recede, the trouble will recede, and everything that you tried in vain to achieve in other ways will appear in your life: well-being, material wealth, a happy family, and professional success… Do you understand?

When you make material tasks an end in themselves, they elude you. When your main goal becomes the fulfillment of the tasks of the Spirit, everything you need in the material world comes by itself.

Yes, I know that for all of you reading and listening to these words, the tasks of the Spirit have long been in the first place. What am I talking to you about then? It is about making this knowledge not a speculative part of your belief system – but about making it a driving force for you at every moment of your earthly life. I’m talking about turning this knowledge from an abstract, rationally accepted value into the norm of your everyday existence.

This is a difficult moment. It is essentially about being in contact with God every moment of your existence. Then you will be able to compare your every step with the values of the Spirit. And this is also an important point in the transition to a new system of values and beliefs.

If in the old energies it was customary for people to devote only a certain amount of time to God, in the process of prayer, or visiting church, and the rest of the time to lead a normal lifestyle – now everything has changed. Now you know that you are particles of God, His rays. Now you know that God is the part of you that is connected to the entire Divine universe. Now you know that to meet God you do not have to go to church or other places specially designed for this. Now you know that God is always with you, and what you call prayer can become your usual state, a state of direct contact with God.

Now you can’t live differently. Now you cannot devote only a limited time to contact with God, and live according to different laws the rest of the time. Now it won’t work like that.

Check your every step, every action, every intention, every thought, every feeling with the tasks of the Spirit.

Then your life will change. This will mean a real change in your system of values and beliefs. This will mean that your life and your beliefs are in unity. This will mean that there is no more struggle within you, no contradictions, no front line. This will mean peace and harmony within you. This will mean a new level of your life. This will mean that your belief system contributes to your health, youth and longevity.

Any material assets will sooner or later be exhausted and lead you to a dead end. The values of the Spirit cannot be exhausted. The longer you live, the more, fuller and brighter the Spirit will manifest itself through you, the more new opportunities, goals and tasks you will have. You will essentially enter what is called eternal life, and fully realize yourself as an eternal, immortal angel, a particle of the one God.

The second type of crisis: the gap between your values and those of other people.

Now, I want to talk to you about the gap that can lie between you and other people. This is another kind of crisis of a belief system. Oh, you already know how very different you are from other people. Some of you have already fully experienced what misunderstanding, and maybe even ridicule and condemnation from other people, means. You are white crows, my dears, and each of you knows firsthand what it is!

Don’t you understand what’s going on? You don’t understand how this could happen to you? It is as if you have fallen out of all existing communities and systems. It’s like you’ve become a stranger everywhere. If you were previously a member of the church, you now feel that there is no place left for you there.

Or rather, it’s the old boundaries that have become too tight for you. If earlier you were part of a community of people striving together for growth and development, now you have become uncomfortable among them, you don’t fit into this framework. Your former like-minded people do not understand you. And again you ask the question: “What’s wrong with me?”

You are all right, dears. All that happens is that you have grown out of all previous frameworks. All that has happened is that you have arrived at a system of unified knowledge, based on the idea of a single Divine nature of all things. You have gone beyond the boundaries of religions, schools, movements, philosophies. You are no longer constrained by these restrictions. You found freedom, that’s what happened.

And associated with this is the misunderstanding of those who still sit within these old frameworks. You are rejected, former like-minded people don’t want to deal with you, and some are even afraid of you! Do you know why?

Because they feel the angel inside of you. For people stuck in old low frequency energies, your light may seem like something that is dangerous. He really poses a danger to them! It can highlight the falsity and limitations of what these people believe to be true, what they pray to and what they follow all their lives. You represent a danger to their habitual value system, which is why they shun and fear you!

Do not let them confuse you. Don’t let them dissuade you that you are right. Do not be afraid of the situation that you may temporarily find yourself in a vacuum. You are pioneers, and this is the only reason why you find yourself separated from others. There are always only a few pioneers.

They move forward, making paths, alone. And only then do everyone else rush after them. Remember that your mission is honorable. Remember that you have the strength to cope with this mission and all the difficulties that accompany its implementation.

And most importantly, remember that your loneliness is nothing more than an illusion. You know that all of humanity is one. All humanity is one Divine family, which will unite sooner or later. And all your current disagreements are temporary. Sooner or later, all of humanity will rush forward along the roads paved by you.

Yes, but what should you do right now? How to find a way out of crises associated with the abyss that lies between your and other people’s belief systems?

There is only one way out, no matter how banal these words may seem to you: it is in love. Yes, we very often pronounce this word, which in your human speech may seem worn out. But we are talking about love in a different sense – about Divine love, of which you are all bearers.

Divine love is that which is above any disagreement, any misunderstanding, any belief system.

You have fallen out of previous belief systems precisely because you do not follow beliefs, but love, which is greater than any beliefs.

Remember that initially all humanity was united by this enormous power – Divine love. This is what makes up the Divine spark in each of you. This is something that everyone can understand, regardless of their belief system.

Bring light and love to everyone – those who do not understand you, those who condemn, who mock, who reject you, who are afraid of you. Remember that they are the same sparks of God as you are, although, unlike you, they do not yet realize it. Remember that they are just as loved by God as you are, no matter what, because God’s love does not depend on anything, including a person’s belief system.

God loves the one who rejects Him, the one who does not accept Him, and the one who mocks Him. Be like God – bring love, spread it around you along with the light of your soul. Your light, your love, without any words, without preaching or teaching, will begin to penetrate the souls of those around you and turn them to the light.

This process is already underway, dear ones. From your point of view it goes very slowly, but from our point of view it goes very fast. You won’t have long to feel alone. Your like-minded people, those who share your views or are about to share, are becoming more and more numerous every moment.

And very soon the long-awaited time will come for you when you can openly share your beliefs and views without fear of ridicule, condemnation and misunderstanding. Very soon your beliefs and views will be accepted by most people as true. Very soon you will join a single family of people who love and understand you, whose thoughts and feelings are so close to yours.

It will be soon, very soon, dear ones – you’ll see! You will come out of all crises with honor if you do not allow them to plunge you into despondency, if you do not allow anyone to make you doubt yourself. You follow the Divine path, on which there is no room for doubt – after all, God does not doubt himself.

Love is the key to resolving all crises. Love… May it always shine in your hearts.


Exercise 1. Affirmations for constant contact with God.

We do not have to constantly pray, we do not have to visit churches, temples and other places intended for worship – we just need to constantly feel inner contact with our Divine Self.

At first this is not easy, since the material world always claims priority attention on our part. But even when solving purely material problems, we must be in contact with our true, Divine essence, with the angel that we really are. This does not mean that we will start to have our head in the clouds and ignore our earthly responsibilities. Quite the contrary – we will become better at fulfilling these responsibilities, we will stand more firmly on the earth, because God will help us in this.

These affirmations are needed only for the beginning, for training, for establishing constant contact with God. Over time, this contact will turn into something wordless, into a state that no longer needs words, because it will become not just your habit, but your very essence.

In the meantime, let’s learn to create this desired state with the help of affirmations. It is advisable to say them twice a day, at any time convenient for you, out loud, looking into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror.

Now I remember my true, Divine essence. Now I remember who I really am – a Divine angel, a ray of God, doing important work in the human body and on planet Earth. This memory awakens throughout my entire being. I remember my Divine essence at the level of consciousness and subconscious, at the level of the mind and emotional sphere, at the level of soul, heart and body. Every cell of my being remembers its true essence and lights up with bright, pure Divine light.

I am the light of God. I am the love of God. The memory of this fully awakened on all levels of my being, in every cell of my body.

Every moment of my life I realize myself as a Divine being. Every moment of my life I embody the light and love of God in all manifestations of the material world. My Divinity is continuous and infinite in space and time. Whatever I do, whatever I think, whatever I feel, I act, think and feel like a Divine angel.

Always, everywhere and everywhere, no matter what happens, I do not forget that I am the Divine Spirit, bringing the love and light of God to the Earth. No one and nothing will make me forget my essence. I am the incarnate Spirit, and my every step on Earth is filled with light and love. Whatever I do and wherever I find myself, I am fulfilling the tasks of the Spirit. It was, is and will always be so. 

Exercise 2: Establishing Spiritual Values as Priorities.

This meditation exercise will help you remove the barriers between you and Spirit – barriers that are outdated values and beliefs related to the material world. Every person is Divine in essence. As for our earthly existence, here we must create a projection of God on Earth. We can create this projection only through ourselves. But for this we must be a pure ray of light.

If there are no barriers between us and God, we become a pure ray and create a projection of God on Earth. But if obstacles arise, then they begin to cast a shadow, and instead of a projection of God, we create only a reflection of our own distortions.

We can look at our outdated belief and value systems and change them. In essence, you need to do this more than once; you should return to this work as often as possible. Habitual beliefs that we have inherited from the past can be very persistent, and return when we already think that we have completely freed ourselves from them.

Awareness is important in this work, because we often follow old beliefs unconsciously, without realizing it. This exercise will require honesty with yourself, because you will have to honestly admit to yourself that you still have beliefs that do not correspond to the purposes of the Spirit, and that you place some values in your life above Divine truth.

And remember: prioritizing the values of the Spirit does not mean giving up everything else that was important to you, but it does mean putting all other values in their place, where they will serve you, and not work against you.

This exercise will help you with all this.

First stage. 

Find some privacy so that no one will disturb you. You can do this exercise in the evening, lying in bed, before falling asleep. Close your eyes, focus your attention on the heart area, imagine a soft white glow there. Mentally enter this glow and connect with your Divine Self.

Second phase. 

Imagine that you are inside a flow of energy – a ray of light that goes down to the center of the Earth and up into the infinity of the Cosmos. Imagine that this flow is a luminous tunnel that connects you to your Divine home. 

The earthly part of you is on Earth, and the other part, the Divine part, is in the Divine house – in the higher dimensions of reality. The tunnel of light connects both parts of your being.

Third stage. 

Say mentally: “From now on, I put myself in my Divine manifestation first in my life. This is my highest, unshakable value. From now on, no one and nothing can come between me and God. Let it be so”.

Fourth stage. 

Remember the values that you placed in your life above Divinity, above yourself in your spiritual manifestation. Be honest with yourself about what those values are. Other people, even the closest ones? Job? Money? Property? Something else? Realize that all these values, no matter how important they are for you, cannot be placed above Divine values, above the goals and objectives of the Spirit – above you yourself in your angelic, Divine hypostasis.

Fifth stage. 

One by one, imagine all the values that were a priority for you in the form of a shadow, a cloud, or a clot of dark energy that blocks your tunnel of light above your head – just like a cloud blocks the sunlight. 

This is exactly what happens when you put someone or something above the tasks and goals of your own Spirit, above the Spirit itself as a value that is a priori higher than all earthly values.

Tell yourself, imagining each successive value: “I remove the unnecessary significance of… (name what or who) in my life. I give priority value to the Spirit (God, the Most High – call the word that finds the greatest response in your soul).”

At the same time, imagine that you are directing a ray of light from your heart to this “cloud”, which dissolves in your light, and the rays of the “sun” – the light of Divinity – again shine unhindered for you. Thus, remove the excessive significance of all those earthly values that you can realize at the moment.

Sixth stage. 

Imagine yourself in the pure, unclouded light of Divinity. After this, you can take a few deep breaths and exhales and open your eyes (or fall asleep if you do the exercise before bed).

Return to this exercise every time you feel that you again have other priorities besides God. Find this feeling – when you remove the excessive significance of something or someone in your life – and you get liberation, you get the feeling that you are one with God and no one or nothing stands between you and Him.

Then you will be able at any moment to remove the excessive significance of those values that are not Divine, as if you were simply throwing off a burden from your shoulders, and you will not have to close your eyes and meditate for this, it will be enough to mentally say to yourself: “I am removing the excessive significance… (who something or something) in your life.”

And remember: removing the excessive importance of some value for yourself does not mean giving up the things that were of this value to you. This means starting to treat them differently – not putting them in a place that is intended only for God. Remember: for you, as a Spirit, earthly life is just a game, and therefore taking earthly values too seriously is inappropriate!

And, of course, removing the excessive importance of a person for yourself does not mean starting to treat him badly or stop loving him. On the contrary, your relationship may improve, become warmer and kinder. You can love him as you love all your neighbors, but do not place him on that pedestal that is reserved only for you as the Divine spirit. Then all the values in your life will be put in their places.

Then you will feel as if the shackles have been lifted from you. Then you will gain freedom, you will begin to independently manage your life, without giving it up to something or something that you are used to putting above yourself.

Even God is not above you, remember that. God is part of you, and you are part of God. Other people and other values cannot be higher. You do not put others down by refusing to put them above yourself. You simply establish equal, harmonious relationships – the way God sees them.

You are Divine. Remember this. Only you and God can manage yourself and your life. No one or anything else has been given such a right.

You and I were born free. So let us claim those gifts of freedom and happiness that have long been ours by right.

(translation from book “Kryon. Staircase leading to Paradise. How to turn the energy of problems into a force that gives a long and happy life.”)

To be continued… 

With Love, Liberty