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A Black Sheep or Crisis of Relations with Society | Liberty, March 18th, 2024

A Black Sheep or Crisis of Relations with Society | Liberty


A black sheep or Crisis of relations with society.

“I feel like a black sheep!” or Crisis of relations with society.Good news: the number of like-minded people is growing very quickly.

Hello, pioneers! You are those who have voluntarily taken on a difficult mission: to pave the way to the love and light of God through the thorns and obstacles of the material world, so that others, your followers, can more easily follow this path.

I have good news for you: every day there are more and more of you – you who have chosen the path to enlightenment, to heaven on Earth. I know that sometimes it seems to you that you are alone, that you have no followers, that in your environment you can only encounter ridicule and misunderstanding… This is not so, dear ones. You are not alone. You are not alone not only because your Divine family is always with you – but also because your like-minded people and followers on Earth are becoming more and more every day, even every hour.

You may not notice this yet, because your like-minded people do not show themselves as clearly as your opponents and those who disagree with you. Oh yes, you encounter protests and misunderstandings much more often than agreement. And all because consent is silent, and protests are too noisy and obvious. But this does not mean that there are more protesters!

Do you know that most of humanity – more than sixty percent – are, to one degree or another, already ready to admit that you are right, that the path you have chosen is correct? More recently, this figure did not even reach twenty percent, but the situation on Earth is changing very quickly!

This is happening thanks to you. Your ideas, your thoughts, your feelings, your high vibrations have already spread throughout the entire Earth and are gradually beginning to take leading positions in people’s mentalities. And this process will continue, even at a faster pace than now! So far it is going on latently, unnoticed, while it is maturing in the souls of people – but very soon you will see the first manifestations of it in your society.

Or rather, you are already seeing these manifestations – but so far they do not look like the most positive processes. You see that the society you are accustomed to is collapsing. You see that the previous forms of relationships in society, the previous social structures that were familiar to you are losing their stability, are no longer coping with their functions and are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

This may have the appearance of destroying all social foundations – but in fact it is a positive process. It consists in the destruction of everything that is obsolete, outdated, and does not correspond to the new, high vibrations of planet Earth, the vibrations of love and the light of God. After all, before something new comes, the old must be destroyed! This is exactly what is happening now. Please be understanding about this process. Please see its validity and regularity.

Please accept as fact: “Yes, this is what should happen.” This position will help you avoid inappropriate drama in the perception of the social processes that you now see around you.

A model of society based on the subjugation of some people by others is no longer tenable.

The essence of the processes that are now taking place in society is that the carriers of old, outdated energies – energies that are dissonant in relation to the love and light of God, cling to these energies with all their might and try to maintain their power, while the soil is disappearing from from under their feet, and the entire previous social structure, based on their power, is collapsing before our eyes.

For thousands of years, your society was built on the principles of the power of some and the subordination of others, the control of people by each other – control, most often based on manipulation, and even on outright violence, on the parasitism of people on each other.

This model of society seemed so strong and unshakable that it was impossible to imagine anything else in its place. People have absorbed into their flesh and blood exactly this model of relationships. The fact that in human relationships you can be either a victim or an executioner, or one who controls, or one who is controlled, was perceived as the only truth, and it seemed to you that there was no third option.

Many of you still repeat: “If not you, then you,” and build your relationships on the principles of struggle, violence, the elevation of some at the expense of the suppression of others.

And now this system stops working. She loses her strength – but clings to life with all her might, trying to maintain herself in her previous form. However, this system has fewer and fewer adherents. And the first who felt that they no longer fit into these outdated structures of society were, of course, you, the pioneers. How could it be otherwise?

Oh yes, at first you experienced fear and confusion. You felt that society was rejecting you. You are no longer needed and uninteresting to the social structures in which you only recently participated. You might get scared and ask yourself, “What am I doing wrong? Am I really falling out of life? Why am I no longer at court where I was needed just recently?”

Dear ones, you do not fall out of life – you only fall out of those parasitic social structures whose existence becomes incompatible with the new energies of planet Earth. They are the ones who fall out of life, not you!

But because their positions are still strong, they give you the idea that they are right, causing you to doubt yourself and wonder, “What’s wrong with me?”

It is difficult for you, dear ones, to believe that you are right when you are in the minority, and when the majority still clings to the old energies. But now, firstly, you are no longer in the minority – although you still don’t notice it, and secondly, you must remember that the majority can also make mistakes!

Yes, that’s what happened recently. Most people took part in social structures built on violent parasitic foundations and considered this the norm. This has never really been the norm. But the majority did not notice this for millennia. And only now, when people wake up from a centuries-old sleep, they begin to feel that the previous structure of society can no longer satisfy them.

Therefore, please cast aside all doubts. Know: everything is fine with you, everything is as it should be.

If society rejects you, this happens only because you can no longer be controlled, and you yourself do not consider it possible to control others.

You have left the framework of the “executioner-victim”, “manager-subordinate” relationship. You have come out of this duality where there was no third option given. Whereas the third option exists, and you have come close to it: this is an equal relationship of cooperation and mutual respect. Those structures of society that reject you are not ready for this type of relationship.

The old society is not needed and is not interesting to you, and therefore you fall out of it.

Start to look at the situation differently: it is not society that is rejecting you – it is that these old, outdated social structures have become uninteresting to you. They are really not interesting to you! You yourself do not want to participate in them. Understand that in fact it is your choice: not to participate anymore in what is contrary to your very nature, which has been transformed in the light.

In this regard, you may fall out of your previous circle of friends, from your previous professional environment, from previous public organizations and other structures where you were previously engaged in one or another activity that suited you. But now neither this activity nor this environment suits you anymore.

Yes, at first you might have been confused, this happened, and now continues to happen to many of you. You began to look for what your mistakes were and what your guilt was, and you began to look for ways to again fit into these outdated structures that were actually unnecessary to you. At the same time, you felt that there was no turning back, that your place was no longer there. You felt empty and dissatisfied from the activities and relationships that previously gave you satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment in your life.

You didn’t understand what happened? You have changed, dear ones, that’s what happened. You have changed, but society remains the same. And your task is to move on, forward, and not try to go back.

For a moment, you may be left as if in a vacuum. Don’t be scared by this. This is a temporary step, but it may be necessary.

It is necessary so that you, left alone with yourself and reducing communication to a minimum, thoroughly “cleanse” yourself from those programs and patterns of relationships that have “stuck” to you over the years of interaction with a disharmonious society.

At this moment, you feel a crisis and are trying to get out of it, looking for other niches in society to replace the lost ones. Do not do that. You will find a way out of the crisis in a different way – from within, by first laying within yourself the foundations for a new type of relationship in society.

First, analyze how relationships were built in those social structures from which you fell out and where you now cannot return. In the old society, relationships were built not on love, but on people using each other. You were also part of this system.

You were manipulated, you were controlled, you were taken advantage of – and you did the same. Which role have you been in more often – one who submits, or one who uses power and force? Did you give away your power – or did you take that power from other people?

Dear ones, both roles are disharmonious. Both roles are incompatible with the process of enlightenment. You need to realize this and accept the fact that you have played disharmonious roles. But now this has come to an end.

Find an alternative! Find a third way! Find within yourself that state when you do not fight, do not resist, do not submit, but you yourself do not seek to subjugate anyone – that state when you are committed to cooperation and not to competition.

I’ll give you a hint on how to find this state. Start with yourself – start establishing a peaceful, friendly relationship with yourself. The idea of struggle, control and power is very firmly ingrained in your mind – in the minds of all people without exception.

This has led to the fact that it is very difficult for you to have a peaceful attitude even towards yourself, not to mention other people. Dear ones, if you learn to treat yourself with acceptance, kindness, forgiveness – yes, if you begin to treat yourself with unconditional love, then it will not be difficult for you to begin to treat other people in the same way.

This is a universal rule – always start with yourself. If you want to learn good relationships with other people, first learn to have good relationships with yourself.

Check if you have a habit of fighting with yourself, controlling yourself too strictly, placing too high demands on yourself, using violence, coercion, criticizing yourself too harshly and even scolding yourself?

Dear ones, all this is inappropriate in the new energies of planet Earth. All these hard, low-vibration energies that you create in yourself limit you, drive you into unnecessary rigid boundaries, deprive you of light, freedom, love.

Self-discipline should not be confused with strict control, self-fighting and self-coercion – especially towards those things that are inappropriate for you. If you follow your path, destined for you by the Spirit, you do not have to fight with yourself and apply coercive measures to yourself. If you have to force yourself to do something, ask yourself the question: is this your path? Do you really need what you are forcing yourself to do?

When you are on your path, when you give control to the Spirit, when you live in harmony with your Divine Self – fighting with yourself, violence against yourself and forcing yourself to do anything becomes inappropriate. Your energies flow freely, you easily and joyfully do what is meant for you, you escape from hard forced labor, you do everything with delight and passion.

This comes from self-acceptance, from a peaceful and friendly attitude towards yourself.

When you are friendly towards yourself, you take the path that corresponds to your true nature, and on this path there is no struggle, self-violence and self-coercion.

And when you fight with yourself and force yourself to do something, you begin to do something that is contrary to your nature, and contrary to the highest nature of things, the nature of the world order. So you bring yourself only destruction, troubles and troubles. Fighting with yourself is a road to nowhere, dear ones.

Change it! Analyze all the situations when you fought with yourself, when you applied strict control and violence to yourself. Realize that this did not lead to anything good. Make a decision that now everything will be different – and begin to accept everything in yourself as it is, begin to treat yourself peacefully, begin to follow the Spirit, and not your own rigid directives.

You will find that the Spirit always guides you along your path gently, without coercion or violence. Where you need to break yourself and force yourself to do something, the spiritual path ends there, remember this. The spiritual path is a soft, even, smooth path, without struggle and violence.

Create the sprouts of a new society based on equality, cooperation and mutual understanding.

Having created within yourself the mood for peaceful cooperation – first with yourself, and then with other people – you will feel that you can now return to society. Yes, your hermitage will not last forever, it will not even be too long.

Did you really think that you took the spiritual path only to end up leaving people? No, that’s not true. You did not embark on the spiritual path in order to leave people, and not even in order to create some communities, communes, or other communities, isolated from the rest of society.

No! You have embarked on a spiritual path to create a new society within the old one. This means that your path does not lead from people – but quite the opposite, to people.

Your temporary solitude was necessary to lay the foundations of a new society within yourself.

Then you can begin to attract like-minded people to lay the foundations of a new society, starting with a small group of people. If you look closely, you will see that the first shoots of such a new society are already appearing here and there. These are groups of people who come together to create a new reality, although most often they do not call it that.

They can gather for the sake of healing practice, or for the sake of joint creativity, or for the sake of joint professional activities. It doesn’t matter what these groups are called – whether they bear the name of a company, or just self-development groups – they are built on new foundations: there are no leaders, managers, bosses, teachers. There is no one “main thing”, followed by the rest, “not the main ones”. Even if there is someone who you usually call a leader, his task is not to lead, not to direct, not to lead, but rather to coordinate the actions of the group.

Gone are the days when one could command and the rest had to carry out. This operating model is no longer effective. The only effective model is when everyone is a leader, when everyone has equal rights and opportunities, when everyone listens to each other, and decisions are made jointly, based on the best that can be offered by everyone.

Do you think this won’t work? That disagreements will begin and it will be impossible to make a single decision? Dear ones, this could not work in the old energies. In the new energies that occupy a confident position on planet Earth, things are different.

Focus on cooperation instead of fighting and competition.

Make sure you listen to each other without arguing or interrupting.

Tune in to mutual understanding – learn to look at the situation through the eyes of another person, learn to understand what he feels, thinks, and you will be surprised at how much new things will open up to you.

You will have a whole breadth of views, all possible points of view on the same problem, on the same situation. By listening to each other, each of you will move beyond the narrow frames of your understanding, and together you will rise to new levels of broader and higher perception. Together, you will be able to come up with new solutions that you could not come up with alone.

Try it and you will see that it will start to work out for you. The new energies of planet Earth contribute to just such an interaction. The future lies in a new society based on cooperation, mutual respect and understanding. You see organizations with overly authoritarian management styles fail. You see how spiritual movements and schools are collapsing, where a single leader is trying to lead his “flock”, which is called only to obey.

All these structures, built on a rigid hierarchy of power, are becoming obsolete. I suggest that instead of a pyramid of power, you build something new – a group organized on the principle of a round table, where the role of leader, leader, coordinator can pass in a circle from one person to another, and where everyone has an equal right to vote.

You can create such structures and attract more and more like-minded people into them. You’ll be surprised how quickly this kind of interaction becomes the norm for people. Very soon, authoritarian structures will become a relic of the past, and you yourself will begin to wonder why humanity tolerated them for so long!

Now I want to say something important for those who are still forced to remain in the structures of the old society. Yes, dear ones, I know that there are many among you who feel incompatible with the violent and parasitic attitudes of old social structures, but for now are forced to remain within them. Oh, dear ones, you have become something of a white crow there! You are rejected by these structures, and you do not accept them – but you do not yet see the opportunity to leave, because your earning your living may be connected with this. You cry out to God to take you away from there, but so far nothing has worked, has it? Do you know why?

Because you – exactly you – have a special mission.

You have a special power and special ability to bring light to the darkest places on the planet. Remember this! It is no accident that you are there in these social structures! You are there to bring light into the darkness. You are there to enlighten these structures to their core, to bring to light their true essence – authoritarian and violently parasitic.

There is no one else to do this but you! Remember: you are not there to be overcome by darkness – you are there to bring light.

Just bring the light! Nothing else. You don’t have to fight, because it will be an action in old energies. You don’t have to explain anything to anyone or prove that you’re right. Just bring the light – and, as far as possible, build relationships within this structure on new foundations of mutual understanding, cooperation and mutual respect.

If there is at least one person near you with whom you can interact on this basis, this is already a huge victory! You will create the sprout of a new society within the old system. Other people will definitely be drawn to you, because light is always attractive. A lot of people will feel that you are right. Even those who persist in old energies and old forms of relationships will feel strength in you. Many will be inspired by your example and want to follow it. In the end, you will not need to destroy the old social structure – it will collapse on its own.

Through your efforts, in its place will grow the sprout of a new society – built on spiritual and moral, and not on violently parasitic foundations.

The construction of heaven on Earth begins with each of you, with the transformation of yourself and your life on new foundations. But the next step is the transformation of society, or rather, the creation of a new society to replace the outdated one.

You are now experiencing dramatic moments of a split in society, when part of you still clings to the old energies and does not want to retreat, and part of you is already building a new society based on Divine laws.

It’s difficult for you, dear ones, but day by day it will be easier for you – because day by day there are more and more of you striving to build a new society based on the laws of the Spirit. You can further speed up this process by being bold, active, and bright in bringing your light wherever you are—even in the deepest darkness. Darkness ceases to be darkness when you appear there – remember this! Know that you are powerful. Darkness cannot defeat you – simply because it cannot resist the light. You don’t have to fight – just shine!

Dear ones, a new, transformed Earth is already being created by you. You are already walking on it! Repeat “Let there be light!” often. And we will help you at every moment of your life, in every step you take, in every intention and action you take, aimed at transforming the Earth into light, at building an earthly Paradise.


Exercise 1. Affirmations for harmony with yourself.

In order to create the sprouts of a harmonious society – a society based on new, Divine energies – we first need to establish a harmonious relationship with ourselves. This means we need to get away from all programs of struggle, internal conflict, self-violence. These programs are very firmly rooted in our consciousness and subconscious – “thanks to” the efforts of the old society, built on the model of power and subordination. As a result, most people live their entire lives in a state of struggle both with themselves and with others, and perceive this as the norm.

Moreover, the habit of fighting is considered a sign of strength in the old society. The one who fights and conflicts is automatically recognized as strong, and the one who humbles and submits is considered weak.

But these stereotypes are coming to an end. More and more people are realizing that the tendency to fight, aggression, and conflict is actually a sign of weakness, not strength. Look at some people who are stuck in old energies and habitually try to demonstrate their power by suppressing others.

They may still look like winners and be proud of their “victories,” but this is only an appearance. Through the proud mask, their true, and most often very pitiful, face increasingly shines through. Yes, these people, accustomed to “putting others in their place”, living under the motto “I should always have the last word”, are actually pathetic, and very soon this will become obvious to everyone. And the real winners will be those who are able to escape from struggle and conflict without getting involved in a fight with such aggressors. Such withdrawal from the struggle in the old society was considered a weakness – but in fact, real strength lies behind it.

Truly strong is not the one who fights, conflicts and shows aggression, but the one who is able to peacefully get out of the conflict, prevent the fight, who builds relationships harmoniously, without opposition and competition, both with himself and with others. The key to this state is precisely to start with yourself, to establish peace and harmony with yourself. And only after this you will easily begin to build relationships according to this harmonious matrix with others.

And, of course, one of the main tools that will help us with this is affirmations. Say them out loud once or twice a day, looking into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror.

I am a harmonious and perfect Divine Spirit, experiencing life in a human body. God intended me to be a being in harmony and peace with myself on all levels. Now I am regaining Divine unity, Divine harmony of my entire being.

From now on, I show respect and love for myself in every moment of my life. I treat myself with understanding and patience. I understand myself well, I understand the motives of my actions, my behavior, I understand the reasons for the appearance of certain feelings in me, I understand why I treat different people this way and not differently, I understand why my mood and well-being changes. Thanks to this understanding, I easily forgive myself for mistakes, for those manifestations that I did not like about myself. I understand the reasons for this – and these reasons are always valid.

I am a good and worthy person, and if I do something not the way I would like, then there are quite serious reasons for this. I take this into account and don’t beat myself up, instead I treat myself with understanding and forgiveness.

There is no need for me to reproach myself, there is no need to conflict with myself – when I can treat myself with understanding, patience, love, compassion and forgiveness. I accept everything in myself as it is, and I feel how peace and harmony are established in my soul.

I live in peace and harmony with myself. My mind and my feelings, my soul and my body are parts of a single whole, and they all coexist in deep unity, harmony, and agreement with each other.

I am the light and love of God, and all the contradictions within me are dissolved in the light and love of God. I’m making peace with myself. I’m making peace with the world. I make peace with everything inside and outside of me.

I am building my new world, I am building my harmonious, perfect life on the basis of peace and harmony that always reigns inside me – in my heart, my soul, my mind, my feelings, my body. I am a harmonious Divine Spirit, harmony and perfection are my true nature. From now on, my whole life is built according to the laws of harmony and Divine perfection. 

Exercise 2. Become a magnet for attracting like-minded people.

It is no secret that we attract into our lives only those energies that we already have inside us. If we carry within us the energies of struggle and conflict, then people will constantly appear in our lives who want to fight and conflict with us. And only if there is peace and harmony within us, can we unite people around us who interact with us and with each other based on the principles of peace and harmony.

If we want to create the sprouts of a new, harmonious society, we must first create a “magnet” within ourselves, that harmonious energy that will attract like-minded people who are ready for new relationships of cooperation and mutual understanding. The first condition for this: we must be firmly convinced that we are right, that the future lies in relations of cooperation, not struggle, and that we are right in choosing this path.

Many of us, being dependent on the accepted idea in society that “the strongest wins”, that “life is a struggle”, are still in doubt about the correctness of the chosen path, and even feel some of their inferiority, believing that strength belongs to others – aggressors, accustomed to control and subjugate.

If we are not confident in ourselves and in the correctness of our position, we will not achieve our goals. Let’s start by building self-confidence: we are right when we strive for peaceful, conflict-free communication, when we establish relationships of cooperation rather than struggle. The power is behind us, although we do not seek to seize power.

This exercise will help you gain confidence and become a “magnet” for attracting like-minded people, together with whom you will certainly create the germ of a new society.

First step. 

Find an opportunity to be alone for a while. Take any comfortable position, close your eyes, calm down and relax, drive away extraneous thoughts. Bring your attention to the heart area and connect with your Divine center. Mentally say: “Dear God, please show me how the state of inner harmony, peace and agreement with oneself, internal harmonious unity feels at all levels of my being.” Imagine that the desired state descends to you from the Divine levels and connects with you. Feel this state and remember it.

Second step. 

Mentally say: “Dear God, please show me how it feels to be in a state of strong self-confidence and in the fact that the path of harmony, peace, mutual understanding and cooperation is the only true path leading to the common good, in the new energies of planet Earth.” Imagine that a state of confidence (which is the energy of certain vibrations) also descends to you from Divine levels and connects with you. Feel and remember this state of gaining and maintaining firm confidence in yourself and in the correctness of your chosen path.

Third step. 

Mentally say: “Dear God, I express my firm and unyielding intention to turn these internal energies of peace and harmony into a magnet that will attract like-minded people who also possess these energies to me to create the sprout of a harmonious society built on the basis of Divine laws.”

Fourth step

Imagine how renewed and strong energy flows of pure Divine energy are moving inside you. They form a bidirectional movement along your spine, up and down at the same time. These energies form a powerful light field around you – think of it as a bright, glowing cocoon. 

Imagine that your field is like a beacon, illuminating the darkness for a huge distance around you. You see people in the illuminated space who notice your light. You see them turn around, notice you too, and begin to move towards you. There are more and more of these people. You see joyful, smiling faces turned towards you.

Fifth step. 

Mentally say: “I greet my like-minded people. We are together to build a new society – a society of harmony, peace, cooperation, mutual understanding, where everyone acts for the benefit of everyone, and everything for the benefit of everyone. Let it be so”.

Sixth step

Remember the internal state that you created in yourself during this exercise. Take a few deep breaths in and out and open your eyes. Don’t forget that you are a carrier of harmonious energies and a magnet that attracts like-minded people to create the sprout of a harmonious society. Use every chance in your life to unite people in the name of this most important task.

(translation from book “Kryon. Staircase leading to Paradise. How to turn the energy of problems into a force that gives a long and happy life.”)

With Love, Liberty