Channel: James McConnell
This is “Adama”. It is so wonderful to be with you, my brothers and sisters, once again. For this group finds a fondness within my heart because of who you are. As I gaze around this room and peer upon your faces, and yes, I can do that, for I am very much here with you in your presence. And as I look upon your faces and feel your vibrations within you I feel the connection and I wonder if you also feel the connection with me, because we have been together many times before, you and I.
We are once again drawn back at a time that is fast approaching, those times that we spoke about a long time ago. If you look deep within you and search within your memories now you may remember the conversation that we had. The one when we knew all was going to go to darkness but that the light would shine through once again. When that shone through once again, we would be together and we would be part of this grand undertaking that is afoot now.
For there are many things that are changing, many things that are happening and yet, still behind the scenes in some respects but there is much that is coming forward now. Much that is being revealed in all of your various sources, your media, your movies etc. All of these things are coming together at a moment we spoke of a long time ago. We knew we would all be back together once again when we knew that those of us who reside within the Earth would join those of you who stand upon the surface.
That time is now. That time we spoke of at that time, we are entering in this moment. Many of us from within the Earth have come forth now in various ways. Some even in a physical body and we have infiltrated within you. Not to spy upon or anything of this nature but to integrate our vibration into yours, to bring us together at a higher vibration. Because that is what is necessary to bring us together, a higher frequency. It is all about frequency and in order for us to be together in a physical body, your frequency must raise. Yes, we can bring our’s down some but we will not do this to the point of finding ourselve’s inside this 3D vibration. You must come up to us to meet us!
And you are doing that! That is why we are here and that is why this infiltration is happening now. And very soon to be the full emergence of those of us to be ready to stand next to our brother and sister as we did before.
You are dear to me. More than you can possibly know at this time but again, if you search within your memories and they are there for you to reach now, they are being opened to you if you would but look at them. Remember those times in Lemuria in the Mother Land where life was grand beyond anything you could envision at this time. But there is an inkling, there is that small remembrance coming up within you of those times together and what our lives were like in that Golden Age.
We return together as One once again. You and I and all of those that are prepared, that the times are coming, before and after “the Event” and all of the events that make up “The Event”. We are going to find ourselves together and close as we once were.
It is wonderful to be here to share with you. And as you have been hearing, soon we will be together in a more physical matter in this sharing process. All of my peace with you, Adonai.