Adama of Telos: Energy Upsate
by Asara Adams
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We Are Most Joyous to Connect with You HERE, Today, and We are Sending You our Utmost LOVE from the Heart of Telos.
Beloved One, at This TIME, the Ascension of Planet Earth is SPEEDING Up Exponentially.
Experiences and circumstances will SHIFT more RAPIDLY and the More FLUID you are with this Process, the Easier your transition to the HIGHER Dimensional Reality will BE.
Your Reality is NOW Responding Faster and Faster to your Vibrational Output and your INTENT will BE Experienced More Tangibly.
It is All Hands on Deck, so to speak, and with Each Moment, you are Able to set Forth your INTEND for it.
If a Moment starts unpleasant, simply Imagine a POSITIVE Outcome of it and Focus on your inner GOD SELF and the GOD SELF of Anyone you are Interacting with.
You Are Approaching the HIGHER DIMENSIONS by Way of your Heart’s LOVE and Desire for Ascension for your SELF and the World.
You are the Captain of your Vibrational SHIP and you can Focus on HIGHER Vibrational Feelings and Experiences, or on lower vibrational feelings and experiences.
The Choice is, as Always, Yours.
These Accelerated Times will Allow a SHEDDING of All lower vibrational layers of your BEing.
This will Happen in your Sleep Time or at Deliberated Times of Meditation.
All BEings of LIGHT of the HIGHER DIMENSIONS Are Here to Assist you and We Are most Joyous to Welcome You HOME!
We Champion your Victory in the LIGHT!
Welcome HOME!
We Send You ALL so Much LOVE…
You are Carried on the Wings of Angels, to Bring Forth The NEW EARTH.
KNOW in your Heart, that you are Always Surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of LIGHT and Yes, also by your Family and Friends in Telos – and Always will BE.
Dear Ones, We Are Walking with You on this Journey and You Are LOVED Beyond Measure – Always.
I AM your Brother ADAMA of Telos.”