Archangel Michael

Blessings Beloved Ones,
It’s a joy to speak with you. Thank you for connecting with me.
The process that is used in this communication is much different than most who channel Galactic Messages. When Chellea Channels Angelics, Ascended Masters, or inter-dimensional beings, she is able to connect directly through a type of telepathic communication. Which allows for us to address any Questions she may have for us. While many who deliver these messages, embody the spirit they channel, Chellea does not, allowing for her to interact with many different beings throughout the cosmos. Today she has come to me with a question asked by a supporter of the Blog and channel.
The Question, to be addressed, is from Jay. Thank you for your question.
We will keep the question in the wording used.
We have already experienced a transition from physical to nonphysical many times through death, which in its own way is both a process and an event.
Is the shift from 3D to 5D like death or different? If different, can you explain how the shift occurs?
I first must address the beginning of the question. When your soul leaves a body through the process of death, you transition into a fundamentally different plane of existence that is distinctly separate from the Living realms you inhabit while alive. This transition is not an ending of your soul’s journey, as believed in most religions. Rather, it marks the beginning of a new chapter in the eternal journey of the soul. Once a soul leaves the body, it enters a dimension that facilitates the adjustment and continuation of your soul’s journey.
It is vital to recognize that not all souls are of a Positive nature; some may carry darkness that necessitate further growth and healing on a spiritual level. This aspect of the journey is crucial, as it underscores the importance of spiritual evolution and the lessons that must be learned in order to ascend to higher states of being.
The interaction of souls with creation is necessary for the advancement and evolution of the soul into the Higher dimensions. This interaction is the means of learning and growth for a soul, and is also a way for souls to contribute to the greater tapestry of existence.
It is essential to understand that a soul must always inhabit some type of form, to proceed with this process, whether it is a physical body as you perceive it in the 3rd and 4th dimensions, or a more ethereal or luminous body within the Higher dimensions. The concept of form is not limited to what is tangible or visible. Rather, it encompasses various states of existence or Vibrational States of Being. Everything is made of Light, including your physical form. As your body raises in frequencies, it changes in its Density. For those of the 3rd Dimensional Vibration, they do not physically see those of the 5th dimension, they are invisible to your human eyes.
A soul can only reside within a form that is vibrationally compatible, meaning that the essence of the soul must resonate with the energy of the dimension it inhabits, allowing for harmonious existence and progression.
In these precious times, Your Physical Body is also undergoing a significant transformation as it ascends to a higher vibrational state of being. This process is often referred to as the transition into a Light body, a term that signifies the elevation of one’s physical form into a more refined state of existence. It is crucial to emphasize that this transformation is fundamentally different from the conventional understanding of death as the end of life. In fact, it is the opposite; rather than an ending, this transition represents a profound metamorphosis. Your carbon-based body, which has been the vessel for your experiences in the physical realm, is entering a state of vibration that allows it to shift into a Crystalline form of Light. This shift is not something to be feared, as it is an expansion of Life, a deepening of your connection to the universe and all that is within it. It is an Evolution of your being, where death then becomes a choice, a conscious decision made when you are ready to transition into a new form.
As you raise your vibrational frequency and align with the energies of the higher 4th dimension, your body becomes increasingly prepared to resonate with the elevated frequencies that are characteristic of the 5th Dimension.
Up to this point, Your ascension process has been a gradual evolution of your consciousness. You have actively been moving through the vibrational frequencies of the 4th dimension since your earth year of 2012. This is an essential expansion of Consciousness, as a Divine Order has been put in place, to lift you beyond the 4th and into the 5th dimension. This is where a celestial event, will trigger the Grand shift. Which will vibrationally lift you instantly, into the Nonphysical existence of the 5th dimension.
While this is a personal Journey of your Soul, it leads you to the understanding of your interconnectedness to all things. You awaken to your connection to the Oneness of God. The Higher in Love you become, the Higher in Vibration you become. You are raising your entire being into Higher dimensions of Light.
Each moment is an opportunity for transformation, leading you toward alignment with the Oneness of God.
I Love you, and I am Always with you.
I Am Archangel Michael.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at