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Archangel Michael via Linda Dillon, May 17th

Transcript ~ Archangel Michael on AHWAA: Energy Surge Not Seen Since Earth’s Beginnings, May 17, 2016

archangel michael


Archangel Michael: Energy Surge Not Seen Since Earth’s Beginnings

An Hour with an Angel, May 17, 2016

Link to show audio

Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love

Steve Beckow: Host, InLight Radio


Steve: Welcome, Linda.

Linda: Welcome to you, Steve. Welcome back after your surgery.

SB: Welcome back from the dead, eh? Yes, indeed!

LD: Resurrection and Spring, right?

SB: Absolutely. It certainly helps me to understand what you went through with your two shoulder surgeries. That’s for sure. So, how long did it take you to get out of pain?

LD: Months and months and months.

SB: Oh, no kidding. Oh, my God!

LD: I guess I’m at the end of it now, but it has taken 11 months. It’s been a really long haul, but now I am feeling reborn, you know, and there is that sense of having gone through that dark night of the soul…like, “What on Earth? And where did my life go?” And for me, the most significant part of it was my sense, even when I was in that dark night of the soul place, that I’m really a joyful person. And, that sense of joy, of what I call my smile in my tummy, had gone away. And, I didn’t know if it would come back. How about you?

SB: Oh, yes, I remember that…more compressed than yours. During the time of pain was my dark night of the soul. My God, how do we make it through?

LD: Well, it was great time of personal reflection for me and especially when it was starting to get better, the Council would say to me every single day, and sometimes many times a day, “What do you want to do? What do you want to do? What do you want to do?” And it certainly has led to a shifting in my work…and in my play…and reclaiming the other parts of my life.

SB: Shifting in your work?

LD: I love to write. I absolutely love putting together books, and that is usually on my to-do list, because I am doing individual channelings and group channelings and classes. And writing got shoved to the bottom of the list. And yet, it’s one of the things, along with these shows, actually, that gives me the greatest joy. So, like: “What the heck are you doing, Linda?” So, I’ve cut back on individual channelings. And, I also am finding that the individual channelings have amplified…that the energy and the information that is coming through is so much bigger, meatier.

SB: How’s your book with Jesus coming?

LD: Oh, I love it! I am just having such a great time with Jesus! And it’s funny you should ask, because last night, he was talking to me and I was asking about having some days off at the beginning of July. And He said “No! No, no, no…that’s about the time when we want to launch the book. You’re going to be really busy.” So, it was like, “No.” So he’s sitting there with me as we’re editing these channelings. And you’re just completely enfolded and folded in his energy, and the realization that the message is so straightforward and so simple. And, yet, I look around and I think – the human Linda thinks – “Why haven’t we done this?”

SB: Oh, I’ve had that thought myself so many times.

LD: Yeah, so, it’s really coming along. I’d say we’re most of the way there. These are his messages. Literally, I think the tag line will be “Messages for the 21st Century.” These are his words. It’s going to be a beautiful, beautiful book.

SB: Why don’t I let you transition, Linda, and while you’re doing that, just to thank the readers because Linda’s ability to reduce the number of channelings she’s been required to do to earn her living while she’s been recovering. And, don’t think that I haven’t been lying in bed thinking that the readers’ donations have allowed us both to recover as quickly as we have, as well as we have. So, my heart goes out to you all. Thank you very much. You really have supported us at this time.

And with that, I think probably Linda has made her transition. So, please let us welcome Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael: And welcome to you! Yes, I am Michael. Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome, my beloved family, my beloved friends, my beloved allies, my beloved circle. And I also welcome and broadcast this night to all Gaians across this planet, across this world. And they will hear and heed, perhaps not my voice, but the energy that is transmitted as we join together.

For this is not simply me coming and preaching and sharing and chatting with all of you. It is us, as community, as family, as one, joining together in this sacred union, in this sacred partnership, in this sacred partnership called love, to share our hearts, our wisdom, our understandings, our plan, the Mother’s Plan, and the insights to assist you, each of you, in various ways to go forth on your journey of unfoldment.

Often, I have heard you say, “I know that this program was directed specifically for me.” And, when I hear many of you say that, it makes our hearts sing. Not only me, but St. Germaine, the Mother, Lao Tzu, Sanat Kumara – it matters not. When you feel that these messages are for you, then we have done our jobs.

But, let us also begin this day by commending you. Many, at this time, have been taken out, shall we say, put on the sidelines for reconstitution, rewiring, regridding…some just to learn how to breathe again. And yes, you beloved readers, listeners, participants in the creation of Nova Earth have shared from the generosity of your hearts and souls and pocketbooks. Often we have nudged you and many we never needed to nudge because your compassion and generosity was already in full force.

But it falls upon us that we want to express our gratitude for the myriad of support that you give to each other. Yes to these two, can we say limping angels, but to many. So as we begin this day, let us celebrate your generosity and accept our gratitude for the truth and the sweetness of who you are.

This is a primary example, as we talk later today, about the creation of Nova Earth and Nova Being. Now, I do not mean to infer that generosity has been absent upon the planet even throughout the malaise of the old third, but it has been pockets.

What you have all been doing is anchoring, expressing, stepping forward with the truth of your hearts, sharing what you have. And it matters not whether it has been a dollar or a million. It has come from your hearts. It has come from the desire to create community and share. And sweet angels, we are not only in gratitude to you; we are proud of you. You are acting as true Gaians.

Now, beloved Steve, where do you wish to begin this day?

SB: Well, Lord, you’ve certainly given me a good intro to the topic of building Nova Earth, and I plan to go there directly after one other question. And that is about the energies that are hitting us right now. Last week the Buddha spoke just a little bit about them and said they were the strongest ever. Linda said she was knocked sideways. I was knocked sideways anyway, so I’m not sure I’m a good source about that. But can you tell us a little bit about this new influx of energies, please?

AAM: Well, the Buddha has mentioned, you know in his understated way: quietly and softly dropping a sack of diamonds at your feet, and then forgetting to tell you it was there!

The energy that is penetrating not just your planet, because sometimes when we refer to penetrating your planet, you do not realize fully that it is penetrating each and every one of you. The channel is correct: it is knocking you sideways, left, right, center, backwards, forwards, up and down.

Now, let us explain. You are in a time of extraordinary change. Many of you have forgotten, but thankfully, the Mother has not. Her Tsunami of Love has never ceased. There have been times when it has been stronger or softer, but that has never changed. But, what She has done is called upon all of us. Now, you know that we are all one and that we participate in the One.

But, aside from that, each of us: the archangels, the seraphs, the cherubs, the angelic realm, the legions of light, the legions of sheer energy that we don’t speak of that often, all the legions of your star brothers and sisters, the entire legions of the ascended masters, the entire legions of what you can think of as your ancestors both on and off planet – the clarion call from the Mother went out to us.

And, this has been saved for the time when the final push had need to come. All of us – there is not a single being of what you think of as the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, all the councils, the Intergalactic Council – we have all been asked to send the full force of our loving energy, our creative force, to each of you.

But, the waves that are penetrating not merely your heart, your cells, all of your bodies – awakening glands (pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid), the energies that are speaking to your cells, to your nanostructure – are being laser-like, filled with this collective energy from all of us.

You can think of it however you want. You can think of it as the wildest thunderstorm you have ever experienced; as the strongest golden rain (that is my sister Gabrielle’s favorite); as the tidal wave, the tsunami; as the perfectly quiet peace and silence. But, there is not one of you, aware or unaware, recalcitrant or indifferent, that is not receiving the impact – full impact – of this energy.

Now why, at this moment, has the Mother – can you think of it as – enlisted her troops, her legions? Now also, as I say this, understand you and the planet, all of Gaians, all of what you think of as humanity, are in the framework of the Mother’s New Time. We have spoken of this, but think of it as time being fluid rather than frozen and linear.

In this fluidity of New Time, there is a conjoining, a stirring, a melding of the energies of above and below, of what you would have thought of as future and past all coming into what you perceive of as your now. And, not only the time frame of what you think of as now, which is strange, but into your physical bodies and all your other bodies.

So you are going to be experiencing, yes, feelings of exhaustion. Think of this as a multiplication of what many of you have thought of as ascension symptoms, or flu. So there will be exhaustion, there will be elation; there will be interest in new things. There will be some life review including future review. And, there will be a sense of readiness to get going. You say, “Well, Lord, we have been waiting to get going for a long time.” There is an appropriate moment in all reality for stepping forward, stepping back, and staying still.

What this energy is doing is also, and primarily, reawakening your sense, and perhaps I would say your drive, for the fulfillment of your mission and purpose; the understanding of that mission and purpose, but also the excitement, the awe, the wonder, the feeling of persistence to get going with your mission and purpose.

And, the second is the penetration of enough fuel. And, what is the fuel? The fuel is love. So, think of it this way: You are being loved. You are being filled with love; you are feeling the love; you are expressing and experiencing the love. You are being loved in ways that humanity has not felt since the very beginning.

It is the restoration of the Mother’s Plan. It is the restoration, not of the planet – she is doing well, it is coming along – but it is the restoration of your deep knowing, partnered with the wisdom that that knowing can and does reflect, that you are here to experience love in form, and to create. She has given you the pattern, the paradigm.

Look at your planet! Why do you think it attracts so many to her? Not simply because this is the time of restoration. But, look at her! The grandeur, the diversity: from meadows and flatlands, to the Himalayas, to the oceans, to the streams, to the deserts. The Mother created and birthed this pattern of such diversity to show you, to remind you what is possible. And, then she did it as she inserted within you, because all things are patterned on our Mother.

So you are not all alike. You come in different sizes and shapes and colors. And, even within the wonder of this beautiful physical form, there are different colors of hair and skin, differentiation of organs, even a differentiation of toes, of fingers, of digits. The pattern of the grandeur is all around you. So this is the time of real, profound, great, timeless awakening.

So, you say to me, “Lord, what do I do with this energy?” Well my friend, dearest Steve, it is exactly as I have suggested to you in our private conversation. And that is to allow, to surrender, and to enjoy. The gifts and the multiplicity of gifts are enormous. It’s very sad – yes, we know what sad means, and no – not simply as “pathetic,” as my sister says so often. But, it is sad when you arrive at a being, and a being that is calling back all their aspects, activating their entire pattern, and they say, “Oh, no thanks.”

Now there is a rule, a Universal Law, that the Mother has set long ago, that we do not override free will. And we are not doing that. But the penetration of all beings, all seven billion plus, is occurring regardless of the free will. The energy is going in like air and water. What you are choosing to do with it is, of course, where free will comes in. But as you allow this energy to penetrate and to settle, you will feel – and many of you already are feeling – significantly different. Rest when you need to, because this is more energy than you have ever received upon this planet, period.

And this penetration will not stop until our job, in the name of the Mother and Father, is done.

SB: That’s very interesting what you’re saying, Lord. I just have a personal question. I have been listless and exhausted. I’ve associated that with my recovery, but are you saying the energy is doing some of that as well?

AAM: Yes. It is both. So, you are being healed, yes by us, but certainly St. Germaine has been extraordinarily busy with you and he allows me to insert some blue flame here and there, some blue diamond from the Mother. And the humans, of course, have been helping you. But understand this: what you call listlessness, this sense that at the one time you are exhausted and yet you are itching to get going…

SB: Yes

AAM: …is the energy that is coming to the planet. And there is not a one of you who is hearing this tonight, who has not been feeling this way. And, the joyous part for us is that many of you who have been, can we say, “floaters” are beginning to re-engage, re-admire, deeply love and remember your physical bodies. So, you don’t have to get sick, you just have to accept the energy. And yes, rest when you feel that you are about to fall down. What do you think we are doing, telling you to go run a 10-K? No. We are saying, “Please, lie down and receive.”

SB: Wow. Is there anything further you want to say on that before we turn to the topic of building Nova Earth?

AAM: I think I have said enough, do you not?

SB: Oh, I thought you did a bang-up job, I really did. By the way, every time I think of you talking about the blue, I recall your joke of a few weeks ago when you said that so many people think of things as black and white when they’re so obviously blue. (Laughter)

AAM: It is the truth!

SB: It is the truth. Hallelujah. Turning to the topic of building Nova Earth, in our last private conversation you said that the overarching principle of financial wayshowing after the Reval (currency revaluation) is stewardship. Well, if we widen the purview, if we take an overview of the whole prospect of building Nova Earth, would you say that the same principle is the overarching concept, or is there a different overarching concept to the general work of building Nova Earth?

AAM: No, this concept of stewardship applies. And let me add a couple of thoughts. Let us pair stewardship with leadership and responsibility. And let us explain. In the old world, there was a great deal of attention, energy, placed upon ownership. Now, ownership is a relation to greed and control and, might we say, even avarice, and the belief that there is never enough. And that there is a subtle, and not so subtle, level of competition amongst human beings, which has also resulted in your terminology of haves and have-nots.

Now, there are many indigenous people all over your planet that understand that ownership, per se, and ownership of land, and the planet, and the waters, and the sky is absurd. And they are correct. Why you are here, each and every one of you, and there is not a soul, a person, a starseed, a hybrid upon this planet at this time that is not an ancient wise being regardless of what mask they are wearing, what role they are playing who came to the planet during this time of renewal, of ascension, of shift – were the ancient wise ones.

Most of you, many of you, original Creator Race – with many starseed and star visitors thrown in. In that, the concept of Nova Earth is community. Each of you have role and purpose. It is the reason you came. It is the reason you have come on this and on many planets again and again and again and again. But at this time it is for the fulfillment of this promise that you made, in regard to this time and this undertaking, to the Mother.

Creating Nova Earth community and equality implies generosity and sharing and compassion and discernment. It is not about foolishness. There has been enough thoughtlessness, foolishness – and I say that from mayhem to chaos to war to murder to rape to pillage to indifference. There has been enough of that, and it has lasted thousands and thousands and thousands of years.

What you are doing, and it is not from a place of ego; it is a place of wisdom and knowing and willingness to work, to play, to join together to create a world, a paradigm, a pattern for this planet that is in partnership with the planet herself, with all of the kingdoms – yes, with your star family and far beyond. You were invited as full partner, as full participant to the Intergalactic Council about a decade ago. And yet, it is only now that you have served your apprenticeship and are moving into that full membership. But, even prior to that, what are you doing to shift?

Now, leadership: There are always going to be some at the head of the parade. And they are the role models and the showers of the way, and the mentors so that, in the process of entrainment, the human collective knows which way to head. Then there is leadership in the melee of the masses, because not everyone can see the conductor at the head of the parade. So there are pathfinders and wayshowers in that general collective – and, might I say to you, that this is one of the most difficult, challenging, rewarding and important jobs that you can have.

Because what you are doing is putting yourself, literally at times, in the chaos – whether it is esoterically, etherically, bi-location, inter-dimensional, it does not matter, you are putting yourself in that school of humanity – and saying, “Let’s turn this way, and that way.” And as you are walking and, yes, walking with all of us, you are pointing out subtly, and not so subtly, what needs to be done in terms of building this new world.

Then, there is leadership at the back of the parade. And, that is the shepherd who goes and finds the lost lamb and makes sure that they bring it back and that all are included.

Now, this is a time when many, many – because of the penetration of the energy – many are simply choosing to leave. Is it sad, in terms of the personal, for many? Yes. But is it sad in terms of the ability for them to return home and to complete their mission and purpose from this side? No. They are welcomed with open arms.

But this is leadership, and part of leadership and part of the awakening is knowing where you fit in. But knowing where you fit in is only the very beginning. It is being the participant/observer, of stepping into action. Even when it is inaction, when it is observation, when it is in the pause, you are still in the process of participation. You cannot create Nova Earth, in our sacred partnership with you…you are our boots on the ground, and so you are the doers: You are the builders: You are our construction crew, you are our architects, you are our engineers. You know how to operate that big equipment.

And it sounds easy, but it is anything but. Because what we are speaking of is the massive, massive task of shifting institutions, societies, the way communities operate, the way that families operate. This is fundamental change. You know the dream, but what you are doing is stepping into the practicality of the doing. And sometimes, the doing is standing perfectly still; understand that as well.

But, in that, you have been given the Divine Qualities, and particularly clarity and purity and grace. But the Buddha has also given you passion and compassion. Uriel has given you foresight. Gabrielle has given you joy. You have the Blessings and the Virtues in order to go forth.

But it is in stewardship you are entrusted with the practical and the universal, in terms of how to and what does it look like. Because if it is based on something that your definition is ownership – that is exclusionary. Now, I am not suggesting to you that you do not have bank accounts, or private homes, or a personal life. But all of those practicalities, first and foremost, have to be built on, “What is best?” Yes, in your radical discernment, “What is best for the collective?” And, there are times that the collective is simply your little collective of family, or your block, or your community. But, if you start with that question: I am entrusted, not only with the wherewithal, the practical wherewithal, but the esoteric Universal Laws, the Blessings, the Divine Qualities – “What is best?”

Not, “What will do?” That is what has gotten humanity into this quagmire to start with. There is a carelessness that has been rampant upon this planet for far too long. It is far better to not take action until you have that knowing of what is best rather than simply to do something for the sake of doing. Because it is not based on knowing and love; it is just based on, “Well, there is an expectation of me; I’d better do something.”

So, this sense of being entrusted with your segment that interlocks like puzzle pieces with every other segment of your entire planet comes to you right now. Some of you are stewards for the animal kingdom. Some of you are bridges to the elementals. Some of you are bridges to the past and future. Some of you are healers or channels or teachers.

You say, “Well, I am feeling the energy, Lord. But I’m not sure yet about what it is I am supposed to do.” And what I say to you, in complement to the Mother, who has always said, “Does it feel like love?” I say to you, what is it you have always wanted to do? What is it, if the playing field was wide open, that you would desire and jump at the chance to do?

For some of you, it is building and helping to assist and activate fully, in your time, the Cities of Light. For others of you, it is literally being called to participate with your star family more clearly and completely. But it is not an either or, because the Cities of Light are populated with all of you: with your star family, future parts, you currently, animals, elementals. So it is not an either or. So it is also discernment and knowing and accepting.

You don’t have to have all the answers – because even if you think you do, you don’t. But it is allowing that your piece of the puzzle will unite and fit perfectly with the piece of the puzzle of another group, another individual, another billion who have the same vision, desire.

So, you see, you can’t own your project, your vision. You have to be willing to share that stewardship. Because there are many, and that has been part of the plan, who have a similar vision and mission and purpose – and it will fit with yours.

Now, I have said several times that there are times to stay still, to be the observer, not be hasty. Yes, I know, you say to me, “Lord, I am dying to get going!” But that is what it is: it is dying, not living. Elongate your time. You are in the fluidity of time. Choose where you position yourself. Visit the past, visit the future, bring it to the richness of the now.

Allow the joy of what you are doing to seep into your very bones. And if it does not feel like joy – and I do not mean that you are happy and smiling in every single moment, because there will be times when you will feel that you are working in the community and you are batting your head against the proverbial brick wall – but the outcome of your vision is what is bringing you joy, and you know you are on track. This is the creation.

Now, responsibility: That is the ability to assume the mantel of shared authority. Yes, like many of your Native Americans say, it is the ability to respond in appropriate, kind, considerate, loving ways. And that is what so many of you have already been doing. You say, “I don’t know where to start. Dearest Michael, show me.”

But dearest friends, you have been showing us! The Mother would not have sent out her clarion call if you were not fully ready to say yes. So, responsibility is the willingness to be the steward, to step forward, to do – and to not do what is not best for you and for all.

No, it’s not an either or. You say, “Well, sometimes I think it’s best for me, but it doesn’t really serve someone in Brazil at the moment.” If you don’t think, and feel, and in your inner true heart know that the ripple effect will benefit all, then restructure what you are doing. It is a very simple, tried and true method that we use. And we are dealing with a much bigger universe, and far more variables, than you.

But, what does responsibility mean? It means trust: trust in yourself, trust in each other. When you trust, what you are doing is calling forth the highest, purest part not only of yourself, but those that you are placing trust in and with. And that is the role of stewardship that is entrusted to you and entrusted to others.

Now, will there be errors and mistakes, mishaps? A few. But you don’t look at these as tragedies. When a mishap occurs, it is a chance to come closer together, to forge that bond of unity and community. “Gosh! What did we do wrong? How did we misstep? How can we come together more closely in our shared mission to do it right? To do it better?”

So it is an expansive, joyous undertaking! It is not dependent just on money flowing. It is dependent on you holding the wisdom and vision and taking whatever actions you can, right now, to be part of this magnificent unfoldment.

Is this clear, dear Steve?

SB: I just want our listeners to know what a cushy job I have. You’ve answered all the questions on my question paper, Lord. I was going to ask about responsibility, etc. So, it isn’t that this isn’t a dance of two. It very definitely is. Thank you.

Just before going, Lord, are there any words of assurance that you can give to the Brazilian people who are watching chaos spread in their government circles?

AAM: It is a very strong breakdown of existing systems. So, it is not just the people of Brazil to whom we send great support and compassion. Because, what you are witnessing, and living through, is this split. Now, we have said that many people are leaving, and that they are welcomed home with wide-open arms and great fanfare. But also what has come to the forefront, and you are seeing many examples of it upon your planet, is this friction between those who want to cling to the old third regardless of the fact that it no longer exists. They believe, in their arrogance, that they can recreate it and they are not willing to let go!

Now, it is past choice in that regard. We are not renewing the old third. You have a vague memory of it so that you don’t recreate the old third, but it simply won’t be permitted at this juncture. But see it, and send peace, and calm, and tranquility, faith and trust to these areas where you are seeing such difficult, difficult transition.

It will be sorted out and it will be a very unexpected solution. So take faith, my friends.

SB: Well, thank you for that Lord. Is there anything you would like to say in closing?

AAM: I think I have said enough, so do not worry. The only alien troops that are in North America are your star brothers and sisters. And they are more than welcome.

SB: Well, that’s very good. Thank you for that, Lord. I’ll make a change to the article that I wrote that incorporates your comment.

AAM: Go with my love.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

©2016 Council of Love, Inc


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“Transcript ~ Archangel Michael on AHWAA: Energy Surge Not Seen Since Earth’s Beginnings,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at

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