
Love is our new reality

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Ascension Update and Encouragement | Alia Mira, December 9, 2024

Ascension Update and Encouragement | Alia Mira, December 9, 2024

by Alia Mira

Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are thankful for this opportunity to connect with you and share perspectives with you that will assist you in aligning with the flow of energy and light that is your own leading edge.

Universal shifts have taken place and given rise to New Light. This New Light is available now and it is arising from within you and it is arising from the planetary field and it is streaming into your world.

As the Earth moved into a new tonality with the recent Universal shift into more of the Aquarian energies, the fundamental energies that have been increasing, expanding, elevating and building, for years, reached such a peak that now, very different and new light is now streaming in. Radically, dramatically different new light. Light of the new, golden age made manifest. Light of the golden future.

This new light is the light of Oneness. It is the light of Divine Knowing. It is the light which ignites remembering.

It is the light of LIFE ETERNAL, life beyond duality. It is the light of Unity. It is ascended Light. It is light that initiates ascension.

This New Light is light that connects Earth and humanity to the Universe in a new way. It is light that activates deeper levels of Oneness within the Universe, propelling Universal Ascension into a new phase of unfolding expression.

This New Light is Light that will illuminate within you and activate within you, a fuller expression of your True Self so that you may be who you came here to be — not just lightworkers, and forerunners not just ascending beings, and way showers, but WorldBridgers.

The Universal shifts that have given rise to this New Light are giving rise to the activation of and remembering of, those who are ascending first, those who have come to be WorldBridgers.

If you are reading this now, you are, or are becoming a WorldBridger and the time to answer this call, own this, open this up, understand this and begin to live this demonstration of ascended frequencies, is NOW.

Take a moment and acknowledge the explosion of love and knowing that is possible as you take in this articulation. Celebrate all you are and all you are being. Celebrate the joy of knowing you are participating in this ascending world, consciously, and no matter how you are living, you are playing your part and your part matters.

Take that in and place your hand over your heart. Call upon your Divine Self and your non-physical allies. Feel the UNITY you share with this Family of Light. Open to feel their love and appreciation.

Yes you are still evolving, and yes — you are ready now, to be a WorldBridger. You are readying yourself for the coming year, the first year in which the light will be far more prevalent in the manifest world. You are readying yourself for that and that is part of what has summoned this transmission into being.

You are ready to begin to more fully understand the shifts that this energy is making real and to align with them. You are ready to merge into this leading edge ascension wave, and the new potential of it, made possible by this New Light, and to open to conscious understanding, and dare we say it? A remembering of who you are as a WorldBridger

We love the opening to this new expression of being human, for many of you came here specifically to play this part in the overall movement out of the old, and into the new, Golden Age. You will very likely feel an inner resonance, as you receive this transmissions, and know this is speaking to you, about you.

Your presence is so special, significant and important.

The outer world presently is in blended cusp expression — some of the new world is arising and yet it’s often structured, or operating in both new and old ways. There is a mix of old things coming to light and being revealed which empowers illumination and transformation, and new things arising pure, clear, and true.

Part of our function in the angelic realm in this time of universal and multi-universe ascension is as allies in the unseen world with a unique intention to provide you with reminders, activations, transmissions that elicit and activate the deep knowing of your true Self present within you…In essence as we always are: we are messengers.

We are heralds of the new age. We reflect back to you, with clarity and understanding the changes you are creating, the significance of them and we do so, so that you might feel and more clearly and consciously understand what has come from the many moments of gradual evolutionary shifting which you have, with devotion and love, flowed and expressed through, allowing yourself to be transformed on every level…and becoming who you are now and who you are still evolving into being.

Now, the culmination of so many inner directed choices, of your devotion to heart-centered ways, and love, and your willingness to work with what is arising within you and within your history (which you rightly sensed, could be transformed), is resulting in this new era of energy and light, this new era and the dawning of the golden age and the new world.

And now, in these new energies, in this New Light — YOU, if you’re want to, and are willing can consciously shift into a deliberate knowing, and as you do, discover a new role. A role embedded and intrinsic to the path you’ve been on for a long while; the role of being an intentional, confident, clear, WorldBridger.

You may already know yourself this way — we know that some of you do. But for some this is new, and happening now…or you’ve been feeling something and this message is helping you to bring it into greater focus. Understand that the energies NOW are starting to fuel this new way of being, and support this! There is much to say about that and what we will say here is this: this shift will make life easier for you. It will help your body to receive more of what it wants and is calling for. This shift into conscious WorldBridging will be a luscious joyful flow into newness. A very different experience than what you’ve mostly known as your transformational journey into embodying your Divine Self.

This shift out of separation, out of lack, out of limitation, is part of your evolutionary journey, but the shift into being a WorldBridger is about radiant, true BEING. And in this flowing, authentic FREE way of being, Life lightens up and there is so much joy and so much ease and so much pleasure and so, so SO much satisfaction.

But the way to experience this is very keenly about what you’re focused on and what you’re telling yourself on the inside and in what you talk about, or write, or in anyway express, about what is going on now.

And pushing against that which is ending, will not get you there.

We feel a strong sense that a incubator of sorts, a protected container — protected by the higher frequency of it — and a supported journey in which you acknowledge what is ending, move through the new potentials and gradually embrace your new role as a WorldBridger; a Source of Light in the world at a VERY DIFFERENT LEVEL OF LIGHT, is what we want to offer to you now.

MORE THAN ANYTHING? This is about JOY. It’s about satisfaction. It’s about alignment and allowing what wants to flow through you. It’s about ease and focusing on the new and what is coming forth — both within you and in the world.

It’s about trust and faith and confidence and inner knowing and getting better and better and living in ways and focusing in ways that empower all of that.

To feel free to orient fully to the new and BridgeWorlds is to understand what you are moving out of and what you are moving into, energetically and evolutionarily.

The next several months will be huge for you in terms of moving more fully into this New Universal Energy and Light and your new roles. Huge as you anchor in your own dimensional choice and capacity right now, and in opening to this lens of understanding and interpretation that comes from being a conscious, deliberate WorldBridger.

Being a WorldBridger is an energetic designation. It acknowledges a specific way of being; pure, clear and true.

You may, and can, move in and out of it, but the potential is here now, to radiate and shine true, bridging worlds, knowing and understanding what is happening and being a presence of coherent and confident expression of what we’re ALL moving into: Oneness. Starting with Oneness within you and your own vast non-physical wholeness, aka alignment, inner harmony, and flow. And extending that clarity into your way of living in New Light, in demonstrating Oneness, in relating to your human family and the world and ultimately, shifting from forerunner to WorldBridger; becoming a Source of Light in a very new and different way.

We are suggesting to Ailia that she create a series of events, know too that we will as we sense serves you also add in some supplemental written materials including affirmations and scripts you can use as springboards to new stories, so you can easily and in a fun way attune to AND CLAIM this new potential.

We may also provide guided journaling for transformation and alchemy at some point; and definitely a live Q&A so we might channel in response to your personal questions and so you might learn from one another.

We would like to provide these transmissions, materials and experiences, both as a way of learning more about this shift of the Ages, and as a way of exploring your own relationship to this shift.

There will be an invitation at some point in the program to be energetically initiated into being a WorldBridger during this co-creation, if you wish. That simply means allowing us to activate and initiate certain energies and structures within your human energy system. This is an ascension boost of sort — accelerating your planetary and cosmic evolution and empowering you to contribute in a new way, at this time.

You can also allow this initiation to happen on the inner planes organically, and while you sleep through your I AM Presence. All choices are valid. Your inner truth will make clear to you what is yours and we support you in all of your choices.

We simply wish to assist by opening up this experience, providing a way for it to become more clearly known and consciously experienced. The first wave moving into this way of being deliberately IS A REALLY BIG THING!

We are here to support you as you continue to evolve, ascend, expand and express yourself, sharing the beautiful and essential harmonics of your own Soul Song, here, moving out of separation, and into true expression.

The Light within you matters. Your sensibility matters. YOU are an essential aspects of the new Golden Age. Know this, with great certainty and naturalness. YOU ARE A LIGHT IN THIS WORLD.

Each person here, carries capacities, energetically within them, which can activate others, influence collective consciousness, give rise to expanded feelings of Oneness, and demonstrate the possibilities of an ascended life in a certain harmonic expression. Each expression is unique and therefore creates a unique opening for others who encounter your energy and have the gift of knowing you and being around you.

You as a way shower, forerunner and now, potentially, a WorldBridger are creating new pathways of understanding Life and living as an ascending species, on an ascending planet, in an ascending Universe. You are an eneregetic key to others awakening and flowing and expressing along the same pathways in their own ways.

All Life is moving into higher expression as it can. And like a ladder, with many sequential rungs, as each of you move forward you draw others forward as well. For All is One and we’re all in this together.

All Life is being exalted by the Infinite Oneness from within as each being opens to this lifting, loving, light within them, that is their Source.

Knowing this, you can rest easily, trust in the pervasive presence of love and the energy of divine order and well-being and listen within, for your own truth, your own inner nudges.

We invite you now, to open to the fullness of your being and dare to be willing ambassadors of the New Golden Age! Open to your expanded Divine Flow. Let what wants to flow through you, flow through. Let yourself BE the way you truly want to be, and allow your Life to be one of increasing order, beauty, harmony and truth. Allow yourself sincere, easy, natural authentic and joyful expression.

As any of you become living demonstrations of Eternal qualities of the True Self, you make that possibility more real and available for everyone else.

And that Beloved Ones, is such a tremendous gift of love — to yourself, first and foremost and to the Oneness that is All.

Lastly, we wish to reflect back to you — you may have felt very differently over the last week or so. We see you in New light, emanating New Light, flowing New Light, and like all high frequency infusions, this is also initiating vast changes within you at that same time that newness is arising.

You are simply beginning to radiate a very different quality of light. Everyone who comes into contact with you is now, automatically lifted higher. Anyone you even think of receives this light and is as empowered as they can allow themselves to be.

We encourage you to see yourselves through loving eyes. See yourself being love, seeing the Divine in others, more and more. Imagine yourself loving and encouraging others through the way you live and through your energy presence — this is happening! Feel it as real.

See yourself expanding in your ability to love others as they are— nothing will empower their awakening and evolution more than this! See yourself growing in the light you can embody, transmit, radiate and emanate.

Divine Embodiment is living Truth. This way of being innately brings about an ability to put increasing order, harmony, light and beauty into the Universe, and you are doing this now!

We celebrate you, and as always we must say again: we love you very much!

I AM Archangel Michael, with Archangel Metatron, Archangel Raphael, Ashira, Ailia, Quan Yin, Serapis Bey, the Andromedan High Council, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Galactic Dragons and the Council of Radiant Light. New Light is shining upon us ALL, through you!