
Love is our new reality

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Ashian via Jennifer Crokaert, June 22nd, 2023


Jennifer: Ashian, what say you to all this deep pondering on my part?

Ashian: Greetings and blessings to all who resonate with these words. We are with you, in loving comfort, for as you mention dear Jennifer, Gaia and all humanity are going through a death and rebirth at present, as you prepare for the incoming upliftment of energies that is to occur.

J: … and here was I thinking you’d talk about death!

A: There is so much to come that is to uplift humanity, but evolutionary leaps are intense.  They purge every aspect of … everything. The process of self reflection that you are undergoing is in perfect alignment with these energies.

We invite all of you who are resonating with us to consider what you truly value, where you find meaning and resonance in your life.

What are the courageous truths that you’ve been afraid to express?

What have you been holding back?

Where are you squeezing yourself into your life, knowing deep inside that this box is killing you?

You can die a million times and still live. This is a true reason to mourn.

Is this you?

Death, the final leap from this realm to the non-physical is when you have conquered life, so to speak, not submitted to it. Death is a graduation. You have successfully completed the University of Life. Celebrate!

Celebrate with those who have graduated!

Celebrate, when you realise that you are dying to yourself; when you choose fitting in and conforming to a life path that is completely out of alignment for you.

This path takes courage. When you incarnated, you knew it would take courage. You light workers hold not just the development of your soul, but the evolution of Gaia in your energy field, in your day and night work, in your every breath. You are here on a mission that is the very farthest from easy.

Although it has become a cliche that only the strongest of the strong were chosen to be light workers in this now moment, that does not devalue the truth of your strength.

It is known that you are all tired. If you understood how intensively your non-visible support teams are minding you at present, your hearts would be blown wide open, such is the love being rained down upon each light worker. You are loved; you are treasured beyond words. Allow yourself to tap into that feeling.  Allow yourself to be immersed in the balm of unconditional love that is wrapped around you in every now moment. It is to sustain you.

Go gently with what we share here. Notice where you are in pain. Simply bring your attention to those areas of your life where you are constricted. Love the You that is pain, that is gripped by fear of moving on, of changing your life. Be gentle with You.

And as you do that, set the intention to bring love, light and healing to that corner in your heart where you are in pain. Set the intention to allow that love, light and healing to melt the false ideas that are killing you: set the intention to have the courage to melt, to dissolve, the thoughts that hold you in this straight jacket of pain.

And celebrate! Celebrate everything that works in your life, every aspect of life that brings you joy and peace, because these are the straight jackets of pain you dissolved in previous light-times.

J: Thank you Ashian.  As ever, you bring compassion and wisdom to help us uplift ourselves with the gentleness of a divine touch.

A: It is our pleasure and honour to be of service to you. We are always with you, all you have to do is call upon us.

(C) 2023 Jennifer