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Brenda’s Blog via Brenda Hoffman, December 9th, 2017

Dear Ones,

You likely feel as if nothing will ever be right and whole again, as if your life is stagnating with your dreams unanswered and the world in never-ending chaos. Even though you are beginning to sense new developments within you, that newness does not seem to change anything in your world.

You rally to the pain of others because you feel the same. You are angry that the promised life of joy never seems to arrive. And your dreams do not materialize no matter what you do, say, or envision. Yet, others who do not seem to be forerunners are achieving what you wish to and more. You are losing faith and hope.

Where is your dream, your security, your peace? So it is you are beginning to shout your anger to the heavens and anyone willing to listen. For someone needs to take the blame for your 5D or beyond folly.

We indicated earlier that the recent Universal energy bursts would change your being in many ways. Such is now happening. You are in a ‘tween’ state – between blaming others as you did in 3D and taking responsibility for new you and your new directions.

You are evolving so rapidly within yourself that you no longer have a rest state between energy bursts or transitions – as if you are shifting from a toddler to a young adult within weeks. So it is that your dreams are evolving accordingly as are your actions and beliefs.

You are in the middle of a personal action movie where all seems to be lost yet like so many movies, knowing deep within you that you will prevail, that the light – most especially your light will predominate in your being forevermore.

But first, you must adjust to your new feelings and sensations. Such is what you are experiencing.

Can you imagine the wonderment and fear of a toddler shifting to young adult within days or weeks? So it is for you now. You are no longer an infant, but then, you are not quite an adult either. You are betwixt and between – leading you to believe that nothing beautiful and good will ever be yours again.

That feeling is fear of both your inner changes and the outer world. For you do not yet believe that you are different. The indicators of 3D are no more, and those of 5D or beyond have not yet appeared.

Who are you? You certainly do not know, and neither do we. Toddlers easily play with one another as long as each has a sand pail they can grasp. But once those toddlers start maturing, their distinct personalities shift from who is part of their inner circle to what and how they wish to live.

You are in a similar place but because your timeline is so new and condensed, you do not understand you nor does anyone else – least of all us. For you are becoming a new person with new goals, friendships, and achievements. All of which are in the near future once you solidify more of new you.

The energies now pummeling earth are strong enough to shift you from toddler to young adult in a matter of weeks.

As is often true in the movies, your stages of contentment and direction are changing hourly. Think of movies that indicate time shifts with calendar pages flying in the wind. Apply that same calendar image to your inner being knowing that you are not yet a solid being, but are instead rapidly shifting to that point.

So it is that interactions with friends, romances, jobs, locations, schooling, and relatives change hourly. Some hours you feel content and others as if your life is in complete disarray and will never be comfortable again.

Such is similar to your various 3D stages. The difference is that in 3D you had months or years to adjust. That is not true now. Shifting from 5D toddler to young adult in a few weeks, allows minutes, or at the most days, in each stage. Confusing you and all those around you.

“I want that. No, I want this – until I don’t.” That type of behavior is difficult for you and those with whom you interact. Like a teenager, your moods are volatile. You are cheerful one moment and extremely angry the next with a great deal of wonderment when others do not understand you.

So it is you are careening into this holiday season with jumbled thoughts and actions. Not at all what you expected or wanted, even though you en masse requested that your transition process be more rapid.

Your dreams are much closer than was true in July even if you cannot yet believe that. For instead of allowing your transition to 5D young adulthood to be extended by months or years, you en masse decided you did not have the patience to wait.

Your promise from us and others observing you is that all will turn out wonderfully well despite current indications to the contrary. And the timing is much more rapid than you or we anticipated. By the beginning of your new year, that which seemed impossible will begin to be created by new you. And that which seemed unachievable will happen.

For indeed, even though we cannot give you finite details about your individual progress, we know the ending of this particular shift. Like most movies, the ending of this phase is achieving the impossible. You have already done so including moving forward further and faster than we thought possible before your entry to earth in this lifetime.

This time is the middle of your movie when all seems impossible only to discover some clever and unexpected maneuvers that achieve all you wish in the end. And the end of this particular shift is near the beginning of your new year.

Granted, your holiday season might seem a bit jumbled this year, but such is a minor concession for the results that occur soon after. Allow yourself to be both a toddler and young adult at the same and yet differing times, as you test your new being and new skills. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

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