Dear Ones,
You are clarifying your being and direction – not always an easy task for you are used to pleasing others, doing a tap dance of society rightness, despite misgivings about how that society rightness might affect you. You are discovering it is too uncomfortable not to be you – no matter the consequences.
Until now, most of you tip-toed around your feelings and how you wished to function.
The past few days, many of you discovered personal cover-ups are no longer possible. That if you betray your inner being, you physical or emotional body creates a discomfort informing you that you have gone astray.
A discomfort you once easily hid from yourself.
You used to function within the parameters of rightness created by others with few after effects other than boredom or gossiping with others how uncomfortable you were.
Such is no longer true. You cannot tolerate moving off your path to care for others more than yourself. You are discovering the angst of doing what others expect is deeper than any angst you once felt for not being what others wanted.
New you is a transformation far beyond what you imagined. You assumed you would transition bit by bit with none other than you being the wiser. Such is no longer true.
And those who assume you are the you they were comfortable with or that you will do what they request because you always have, are as surprised as you at your new positions.
You no longer find the need to appease others at your expense. Something you were so comfortable with in 3D – yet another form of caretaking.
You are you, and others are who they are becoming. Delineations as surprising to you as much as anyone.
Perhaps you are concerned that few, if any, will wish to be with you as you continue your new path. Even though we would like to report that thousands will be enamored of your new being, you are in uncharted territory.
You are learning to love yourself despite what others think or feel. Something you have never attempted while of the earth without earning the label of egocentric.
So it is you are not pleasing to those who wish to continue the dynamics established before new you emerged. And so it is most of you are doing so which does not allow for much interweaving of group rightness at this moment.
The best description is of two pre-schoolers wanting the same sand pail. Each child is focused on the sand pail with little concern whether the other child likes them before, during or after. It is only the observing parent who attempts to negotiate a compromise between the two pre-schoolers.
Right now, you are one of those two pre-schoolers not that interested in compromise as you discover what gives you joy.
Many of you do not like that image for was it not just days ago that you were labeled new you adults? And so you are. But you are an adult in training – overcoming negotiations that you are, “to be nice, be part of the group, do what you are told.”
No longer an easy task as you divest yourself of one belief after another. Beliefs you do not necessarily realize you have until you are forced to make a decision about who you are, instead of what others need or want.
You are cutting to the core of your new you being. And as you do so, you are discovering elements of your totality that just need to say, “NO.” You are also discovering new interests and roles that did not interest you before.
You are a new being in your physical shell. The only piece that remains of 3D you is your appearance – and even that is shifting a bit.
You are a new being within causing, sometimes even forcing, you to move in directions you did not think possible or wanted to think possible a mere few months ago.
You are claiming you – just as predicted, but not necessarily as you expected. New you is much more clearly defined than was true of 3D you – or throughout this transition until now.
Not only are you uncomfortable now not being who you are, you can no longer do so. Something that both amazes and frightens you. For there is no parent to negotiate for you. There are not others patting you on your back confirming how right you are – for they are too busy discovering themselves. There is only you following inner directions not always comfortable in terms of what you have come to expect of yourself, but always true to who you have become.
That trueness to yourself is your beacon of light for those who follow.
No longer are there those hazy lines that 3D you was so comfortable with, “I will do this, so my friend will reciprocate when I need something from him.”
Your life is no longer a compromise. It is, “This is who I am. I would love to have you in my life, but I cannot be who you want me to be to remain in your life.”
Now you are perhaps frightened. Does such a change mean you will be more isolated than you have been? Not in the long-term, but perhaps in the immediate future. For some of your decisions will not please those who continue to be of 3D or even those discovering themselves.
It is not your responsibility to make others comfortable at your expense. You have done so for eons out of fear.
Now that you are learning to love yourself, you are moving to your drummer without concerns of the outcome – just as is true for pre-schoolers fighting over a sand pail before an adult intervenes. In a sense, you are now moving through the “terrible twos” of your new being as you claim what you have given away emotionally, physically and spiritually for eons to be of the earth.
You are you in all your glory. Allow that to be. And allow the same for others. You cannot live someone’s life for them, nor can they do so for you.
And if you discover that others want to tame you, shift you, change you, apologize for you or any other aspect that tells you are not the glorious being that you are, you will most likely move on with or without an explanation of why. For many explanations are merely 3D you trying to fit in.
You have shifted beyond that and it is time for you to acknowledge that for yourself and others. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
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