Dear Ones,
Today is not like most other days because you are undergoing a deep shift that is cleansing your emotional palate.
Perhaps you know of wine tasters or sommeliers able to discern tastes others cannot. So it is for you now. You climbed your mountain of fear and cleared those 3D pieces that precluded you from a 5D or beyond life. You are now refining your being in ways we cannot describe – any more than a sommelier can describe a fine wine to someone not interested in wine.
Most likely, you are surrounded by one or more naysayers. Those who proclaim only 3D experiences exist. They spout that luck, not skill determines who gets what in the world. Probably, they also inform you that they are realists and you are a dreamer of impossible dreams.
Nothing could be further from your new truth. For you are now creators in residence. Those naysayer thoughts have little to do with your new reality. You are not the dreamer, they are.
You are in a new reality that has little in common with your 3D world. In truth, little in common with any experiences you have had on earth or in the heavens.
For in the past, you either were of the earth praying for miracles – or of the heavens knowing you could create all you wished.
So it is you volunteered before your entrance to the earth in this lifetime to combine your “heavenly” skills with the hopes of the earth. The difference is you no longer require miracles or hope because you are able to create knowingly.
Perhaps this concept is confusing to those of you wishing for something such as a large sum of money or a relationship – neither of which seems probable today.
Such is your stumbling block for it is no longer about wishing or luck, it is about the application of your current skills.
You do not need to hope you will somehow create what you want. You need to KNOW that you will – perhaps not in the exact formation you envision but most certainly more than what you now dare hope for.
We speak of exact formation for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that your dreams are limited to your 3D experiences instead of your heavenly capabilities.
So it is that it is time for you to place your dreams in a larger format. Instead of dreaming of financial abundance, create peace within your financial world. Or instead of a tall, dark, handsome knight sweeping you off your feet, create loving, warm relationships.
Broaden your intent and therefore your creations.
Most wine sommeliers are created as a result of intense study instead of arriving on earth with an exquisite wine palate. Granted their taste buds might be a bit more refined than most, but such does not necessarily mean they will use those taste buds in the winery field.
So it is that not only do you have a new skill set, you must determine how you wish to use those skills. Some of you will use your skill set for personal joy and others for group comfort.
Within your personal or group goal, what do you wish to focus upon? For indeed, the wine sommelier could easily use those same taste buds to become a dill pickle connoisseur.
Determine your direction for the next few weeks. Is it more appropriate for you to focus on group or personal goals? You will answer that question by what gives you joy. For with all your 3D structures imploding, you have many directions to choose from personally or as part of a group. There is no right or wrong – merely what gives you joy.
If thoughts of helping specific groups send smiles and laughter throughout your being, that is your direction. If a personal issue has come to the forefront the past few days that seems to require immediate attention and gives you joy to think about resolving, that is your focus.
You are creators incarnate. Like a child piano prodigy you are a creator prodigy – you just do not yet accept that you are.
If you decide not to create that which would give you joy at this moment, you might ask yourself why – in essence clearing your palate as does a wine connoisseur or sommelier before each wine tasting. For you have many areas in which to apply your creative skills.
First, you have to decide what creation will provide you with the most joy. And within that parameter, what seems to be missing in your personal joy experience?
That answer is your focus for today, tomorrow and until you create that piece. For until you do, you will have difficulties discovering your true inner joy. Then and only then, is it time for you to move to another creation.
This is not about saving the world. What gives you joy? Or perhaps more to the point for this message, what is subtracting from your joy? That is your current creation need.
Focus, expect and so it will be. Amen.
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