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Father Absolute

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Thirst For Control), July 23d, 2024

TWO REALITIES (THIRST FOR CONTROL) July 23, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my previous message today we will talk about another stereotype quite obvious to many of you, which you should get rid of as soon as possible. And we will talk about the habit of many people to control their loved…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Thirst For Control), July 23d, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Freedom From Circumstances), July 21st, 2024

TWO REALITIES (FREEDOM FROM CIRCUMSTANCES) July 21, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to return to what I call the “layers” of the three-dimensional world in the human mind. So, what about the most “rough” layers rooted in your mind? First of all, it is what is imposed on you by force…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Freedom From Circumstances), July 21st, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Hear the Voice of the Soul and the Heart), July 20th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (HEAR THE VOICE OF THE SOUL AND HEART) July 20, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today we will talk about the very first stage of working with your consciousness, necessary to achieve its maximum purity. But first, let’s look at the very “layers” of the three-dimensional world mentioned in my previous message…....

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Hear the Voice of the Soul and the Heart), July 20th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Shock Therapy, July 19th, 2024

SHOCK THERAPY July 19, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today’s message will be devoted to current events on Earth. As you can see everywhere, representatives of globalists are trying their best to stay afloat, despite the fact that all their actions are becoming more transparent to any reasonable person. In fact, everything happens according…...

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Father Absolute – Shock Therapy, July 19th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Step-By-Step Approach), July 18th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (STEP-BY-STEP APPROACH) July 18, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Now that you have a clear idea of how individuality differs from individualism, we’ll talk about where you should start to combine these two concepts. Why don’t I urge you to completely get rid of individualism? First of all, because you will not…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Step-By-Step Approach), July 18th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Companions of Individualism), July 17th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (COMPANIONS OF INDIVIDUALISM) July 17, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my previous message today we will talk about how and when a person’s individuality grew into individualism. Everything happened in parallel with all the processes accompanying the fall of the vibrations of the Earth and humanity from the Fifth…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Companions of Individualism), July 17th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Individuality), July 16th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (INDIVIDUALITY) July 16, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message I now want to talk to you about the difference between individuality and individualism. In fact, despite the common root of these words, the difference between these concepts is huge. Moreover, the first has a positive meaning,…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Individuality), July 16th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Subconscious Individualism), July 15th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (SUBCONSCIOUS INDIVIDUALISM) July 15, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to start a new topic that is directly related to the topic of creating communes. But now we’ll talk about what stages you have to go through before the new way of existence firmly enters your life. I see that…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Subconscious Individualism), July 15th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Real Communism), July 14th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (REAL COMMUNISM) July 14, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to give you advice on how to get rid of the prejudice associated with the word “commune” and such a thing as “communism”. In my recent message, I have already explained to you why representatives of the deep state demonized…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Real Communism), July 14th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Class Inequality), July 13th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (CLASS INEQUALITY) July 13, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! To end the conversation about communism as an ideal society of the future, I want to dwell on another reason why it collapsed in the third-dimensional world, despite all the good goals and intentions that people put into it. Since the three-dimensional world…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Class Inequality), July 13th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Under The Yoke of Capitalism), July 12th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (UNDER THE YOKE OF CAPITALISM) July 12, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my previous message today, I want to explain to you why communist countries cause such hatred among globalists and why they are trying to pervert their essence. First of all, this happens because they see them as…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Under The Yoke of Capitalism), July 12th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolut – Two Realities (Conditions For Building Communism), July 11th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (CONDITIONS FOR BUILDING COMMUNISM) July 11, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to continue our conversation about the communes of the future and explain to you why you should start building a new society with them. To do this, I suggest that you return to the concept of “communism.” Have…...

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Father Absolut – Two Realities (Conditions For Building Communism), July 11th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (In Search Of Yourself), July 10th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (IN SEARCH OF YOURSELF) July 10, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today today I want to talk to you about the specifics of the distribution of responsibilities in the commune. As many of my messages have said more than once, in highly vibrational worlds everyone will…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (In Search Of Yourself), July 10th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Spirituality As A Social Phenomenon, July 9th, 2024

SPIRITUALITY AS A SOCIAL PHENOMENON July 9, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! As a follow-up to my previous message today I want to talk to you in more detail about spirituality as a social phenomenon. This is the manifestation of it that is characteristic of highly vibrating worlds. Now you are at the junction of…...

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Father Absolute – Spirituality As A Social Phenomenon, July 9th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – From Awareness To Spirituality, July 8th, 2024

FROM AWARENESS TO SPIRITUALITY July 8, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my previous message  I want to tell you now about what it takes for a conscious person to become a truly spiritual person. I know that many people confuse such concepts as “consciousness” and “spirituality.” In fact, there is a…...

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Father Absolute – From Awareness To Spirituality, July 8th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – The Wind of Change, July 7th, 2024

THE WIND OF CHANGE July 7, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to distract myself from the topic of building the communes of the future and talk about current events on Earth. As you can see, the political situation on your planet is getting worse every day. And this is due to…...

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Father Absolute – The Wind of Change, July 7th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Financial Participation), July 6th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION) July 6, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk to you about the financial side of life in the communes of the future in transition. How can relations between members of a commune with different material wealth be built? Perhaps this will be the most difficult for…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Financial Participation), July 6th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Labor Education), July 5th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (LABOR EDUCATION) July 5, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk to you about labor education in the communes of the future. And this applies not only to children, but also to adults who in the world of the third dimension were engaged exclusively in mental labor. Of course,…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Labor Education), July 5th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute – Two Realities (Integration of Children Into The Communes of the Future), July 4th, 2024

TWO REALITIES (INTEGRATION OF CHILDREN INTO THE COMMUNES OF THE FUTURE) July 4, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! Today I want to talk to you about how the integration of children into the communes of the future will take place. Since many will come there as whole families, and therefore with children of all…...

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Father Absolute – Two Realities (Integration of Children Into The Communes of the Future), July 4th, 2024 Read More »

Father Absolute (Confidence in the Future), July 3d, 2024

TWO REALITIES (CONFIDENCE IN THE FUTURE) July 3, 2024 Hello, my dear beloved children! In continuation of my previous message today I want to draw your attention to another feature of the relationship between people in the commune. Unlike the three-dimensional world, the fifth-dimensional communes will lack the material interest of people, and therefore their struggle…...

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Father Absolute (Confidence in the Future), July 3d, 2024 Read More »