
Love is our new reality

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Djwhal Khul via Christine Meleriessee, August 30

Festival of Lights within Virgo ~ As Shared by Master Djwhal Khul

It is my Divine Pleasure, to be here with each of you in this moment. I Am Master Djwhal Khul sharing the essence of the Moon in the Sun Sign of Virgo.

First, let me explain how important it is to reflect within each sun sign for the specifics of the energies presently. In the higher states of conditioning Virgo is a very caring and self-involved energy within the planet of this Earth. It represents nurturing, growth, and understanding what needs to be addressed within the enfoldment of these aspects through the human conditioning.

It is essential to realize that the aspects of this sign are reflected on what is created within the Earth.

As each human form walks upon the floor of this planet, they bring an essential quality of themselves into creation. When a person honors the essence of nature in all its form, it is thanking the evolution of that essence to be fully manifested within its purest form. This allows it to grow deeper with each breath of the planet.

This truly is what we honor within Virgo ~ Giving Service of Love to All the Inhabitants of this Earth.

When you, as an individual, loves something outside of yourself then you become the recipient of that exchange that you have exhibited. This is giving Service.  Allowing the Love to be shown through the exchange of all parties involved creates the harmony of life.

If humanity were able to concentrate on this element continually, this earth would be more evolved than it is presently. It is due to the strife within the world that GAIA is feeling pressure in so many areas.

Each soul inhabited upon the Earth presently has the ability to command the Love Essence that they are into their physical bodies while extending it into GAIA’s core.

This then allows me to speak about the essence of the moon at this time within the sign of Pisces. It is a beautiful connection within Pisces and Virgo as together their essences combined into one full extension representing the reason every soul is upon this Earth.

Do you know what that reason may be?

Each of you has chosen to be an extension of God’s Love, the purity and peace of Light that you have been. This Love radiates so deeply within you even when you think that it is not. As the radiation of your Light and Love beams forth from the Heavens Above, then you become the totality of what you desire in each moment.

This then extends into the Core of Gaia’s Heart.

She heals so deeply from these moments of your reflection into the miracles of love that she portrays through the lands around the world. Each of the sacred moments upon the Earth that you experience are truly but a mere reflection of what is within you.

As you look upon the oceans, a waterfall, a mountain, a lake, or a meadow within the lands around the Earth, they reflect into your Heart. You start to sing and dance as if there is a butterfly within you that is about to be born.

As you expand these energies around you, then GAIA receives them within all her wonders around the globe. The excitement that you feel, the beauty that you allow yourself to be engaged within you, is due to what you have experienced by seeing and feeling the essences upon this Earth. When you stand upon these areas, share your prayers, gratitude, and love as this is truly giving Service.

You are a beacon of Light upon this Earth.

Your main responsibility is to experience peace and joy as that is your determined birthright as a Soul. You bring this essence into GAIA’s heart. This is when she expands beyond what anyone can imagine.

This is where Service of the Light and within the Light starts. It is embraced by everything you experience through your eyes, your ears, and your heart.

During this full moon, take time to realize the expressive energies that are part of your Divine Essence from the Source of Light that you are. These elements coming into you will be expanded into everything around you. Take time to concentrate on the Service that you are doing within the element of Divine Love.

Through these energies of the Piscean and Virgo essences it will help to ground all the expressive qualities of Divine Love and Light within each of your Hearts. Those elements cannot help but be felt by the ground you walk upon going into GAIA’s core essence.

Then, take time to fully concentrate on the energies that you are feeling. As you walk upon the ground, allow your True Essence to flow from your Earth Star into the Heart of Gaia. It will be like sparkles of light filtering through the air but in this instance, it will be moving through the many layers of her core essence. If you walk through water, do the same exercise. Feel the movement through your feet as it blends within the molecules of the water allowing the Divine Love within you to flow all around you.

You will then be giving Service of Love for Humanity.

These essences cannot help but be felt by every soul upon this Earth. Many individuals are hurting deeply with the challenges that they are experiencing. Those that do not have this awareness that each of you are inhabiting need your assistance.  Know that in the process of giving Service you will be receiving exactly what you desire for yourself.  Do not allow the essence of this moon take you down a dark spiraling path, but yet, it will bring a great opportunity to for you to embrace all that is You but has been Lost.

This is a beautiful way to perform Service to this Earth.

Walk in the beauty that you are, that I see within you, as all elements within your reach fully support your effort as a Divine Soul upon this Earth.

Thank you for your continued effort for creating the New Earth.

I Am Master Djwhal at your service.

Please join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, August 29th, 2015 at 10 AM Pacific for a Full Moon Ceremony and Meditation. Please click the link for details on how to join the tele-call.

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©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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