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Father Absolute – History Of Mankind ( By Its Own Presence Alone), January 18th, 2025


history-of-people-one-of-your-prisutstviemHello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to explain to you in more detail how the external factors mentioned in my previous message affect your consciousness.

First of all, external factors mean someone else’s opinion.

It can belong to both your relatives, relatives and friends, as well as other authoritative and highly respected people, which include progressive politicians, journalists, economists, financiers, bloggers – in short, famous and popular people in society.

But agree, my dears, that most of these people have no idea what is happening now with the Earth and humanity as a whole from an energy point of view.

So they don’t know about the transition of your planet to the energy space of higher dimensions, in which the laws of the dual world no longer work.

And it is on these laws that all their reasoning, conclusions and forecasts are based.

In other words, they are driven exclusively by the Mind with its logical constructions, which are based on the experience of the development of the society of the three-dimensional world.

These people can be very smart, knowledgeable, honest and decent, striving with all their heart to convey the truth to other people.

They call for the fight against corruption, economic and financial crimes, criminal pharmaceutical corporations, gender perversions and other imperfections of the modern world.

All this is fine and does honor to these brave and independent people.

But in isolation from the energy processes taking place now on Earth, the main of which is the transition of your planet and humanity to the Fifth Dimension, all their reasoning turns out to be completely groundless, since their forecasts are designed for a third-dimensional society.

That’s why these forecasts sometimes look so sinister and hopeless.

And now let’s look at what happens to those who listen to such professionals.

Fear and an oppressive sense of despair and hopelessness settle in the souls of these people, which are gradually formed into another program inherent in the three-dimensional world, which they unconsciously translate into the collective consciousness of humanity.

As a result, these pure and decent people respected by society, real professionals in their field also unconsciously pour water on the mill of the Dark Forces, with which, as they think, they are fighting.

That is why I so strongly urge you to minimize your “communication” with information channels, whoever they belong to.

Any opinion is now erroneous if it is considered in isolation from the transition of the Earth to the Fifth Dimension, which completely changes the axis of its development in all its hypostases.

But even those who know about the Ascension of the Earth are not able to predict the exact development of events, which are constantly changing depending on the number of people awakened on Earth and their energy contribution to the Transition process.

Therefore, the best thing you can do now is to maintain your own vibrations at a height and fill your life with the energies inherent in higher dimensions.

Thus, having disconnected from external influence, you will bring the Transition closer by your presence on Earth as representatives of higher dimensions.

And I bless you for this!

The Absolute Father who loves you immensely spoke to you