Ishvara via Ann Dahlberg, January 18, 2025
I am Ishvara and it is a very intense time that you are living in. One event succeeds another at an increasingly rapid pace. There are many who are affected by what is happening, even if they do not see or experience it as intensely as those whose minds are focused on what is happening to humanity right now. It is an intense period of change both within and without. One affects the other. The inner development is happening in parallel with the outer. There is a subtle interplay between them.
Awakening is now happening at a higher rate than has previously been possible with the energies that you have been surrounded with. The heavier energy has been lightened, thanks to you dear friends. You have made it possible for the light and the light energy to spread across the Earth. There are many people who have opened portals so that the light has been able to come down and take hold, this in turn has led to new energy structures being opened up that more people have been able to take part in. You are not alone, you have a lot of help around you, so that you can complete the work that you have started. It is an inner and at the same time an outer work of clearing up that which neither you nor the Earth feel good about. It can be on different energetic levels, the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual area. Everything happens in different stages but they interact and grow into a common energy structure. Everything works to keep the balance, so that you are not thrown here and there, but can advance in your own development in a calm and methodical way. It may not always be experienced that way, but it is just a natural phase before everything has stabilized.
It is your work that makes everything change so quickly today, it is also reflected on the outer plane. This has led to people now feeling stronger, beginning to understand their own value and the opportunities that life can actually offer. They want to see changes for themselves, their family and their country. They have gained greater compassion and do not want anyone to have to suffer unnecessarily.
There is much to do on your Earth, it is a big job that you have to do. It takes courage and a strong will to change some things, but you both have dear friends. There are many who have volunteered to do this particular job on Earth. There are more now who have woken up and joined this group. It strengthens the energy and affects even more people, it becomes a domino effect so to speak. That is what you now see unfolding in your world today. Everything is being brought to a head and there is an inner and an outer struggle in your existence. It is a necessary part of development for some changes to happen, but you have the ability and capacity to carry it out.
You are not alone, you have many around you who now support your projects. You are receiving the guidance you ask for and need for your work, whether it is on the inner or outer plane. You are watched over and deeply loved, dear friends, and much love is being sent to you today that strengthens all the conditions you already have.
Much love