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Jesus Christ via Jahn Kassl, July 7th, 2023


Conversation with Jesus Christ

The learning task is to see everything, every development or non-development, in a larger context. Only then does relief and relaxation occur. If you like to interfere in other people’s lives, this is an impossibility for you. Please always get an overview! Take a higher perspective! This is the key to freedom for yourself and for your fellow human beings, even if they are your children: One day you will have to let them go and they will go their own way

JESUS CHRIST: Do not be afraid – neither of life nor of death. Both exist only in your imagination. Your life is imperishable and death is an illusion.

What happens is that you change your shape, your physical state. What is alive in you remains untouched by dying: It is the divine spark that contains everything you are.

Beloved person,

the days go by and you still remain the old one. Why are the changes so difficult for you? Why are you so sluggish? Like a hypnotized rabbit in front of the snake, don’t you move from the spot? You threaten to be devoured by the events and don’t notice it. Why is it as it is?

Because you still make a big bow to the essentials. Because you circle around the bush like a cat, around your still open life topics.

The long bench

You are afraid of meeting yourself, and so you put everything on the back burner. Your own transformation requires courage! Why are you missing this one?

Because you don’t feel a real need for it inside and because you are still looking for experiences that someone who is serious about his transformation wants to avoid.

What you haven’t lived yet wants to be lived and that’s how you behave accordingly. At this point, the message would be irrelevant to you, but what I will tell you here is that you should no longer worry about your non-existent willingness to transform.

The only important thing now is to live what feels right for you. Because only in this way will you bring into your life the experiences that you are looking for internally.

Every person who refuses his own transformation today has good reasons for this – and it is important to see them, to perceive and accept them.

Everything has to mature!

This is especially true for those light warriors who often stand in front of friends and family members, jammed and without understanding, and ask themselves: Why does this or that one refuse to do well-founded clarification work. The answer is simple: Because the time has not yet come. Everything must mature, the more maturity requires spiritual processes. Once this maturity is given, everything goes very easily and transformation is then the most logical thing in the world.

If a person is immature like a fruit that is still waiting for the harvest time, then no one has the right to intervene in this process.

JJK: Just like the African saying: “The grass doesn’t grow faster when you pull it.”

JESUS CHRIST: And when you pull on it, you tear out the grass instead of promoting growth. Therefore, beloved person, to whom you have dedicated yourself to your transformation, and you, who you steadfastly refuse it: Do not worry, because the hour of truth and clarity comes for everyone at the right time.

Do not quarrel with yourself or with others, but accept things and decisions calmly. Accept the path of your fellow human beings, even if they are detours. Never act know-it-all, move away from this position, it is poison for your fellow human beings and poison yourself.

Every person will one day take responsibility for themselves and every person will determine for themselves when the time comes. You can’t and shouldn’t intervene here!

Let it happen, because just as all the rivers pour into the ocean, all people will one day find their way back into the ocean of divine love.

What about our “computer children?”

JJK: But what if you see that people are taken over by the “system” and can no longer think clearly themselves? Many of our children are currently feeling this way. You spend hours or days playing computer games and no longer perceive the world around you!?

JESUS CHRIST: How did you, Jahn, become who you are today?

JJK: By living “my” without paying attention to whether it suits my environment – but especially my parents.

JESUS CHRIST: No matter what massive influences a man is exposed to, a man always has the power and the strength to overcome them – always. Man surmounts all beings in the cosmos by his inner mental power. If this is activated, 5G, 6G or 7G vibration fields can no longer harm you.

What happens to the children of this time is that they are confronted with the low-swinging technology and react to it. This initially leads to dependence in very many children and adolescents and creates new addictions. The image – that these young people give when they tip completely into this energy – is sobering and shocking at the same time for a viewer, for mother or father. So what is the solution?

The solution is in the child, in the human himself. When one day he gets tired of his addiction, the reconquest of freedom begins.

Today, people’s addictions are different than they were 100 years ago. However, addiction always remains addiction and must be recognized by the addict himself as an addiction before healing can take place. Young people will and must free themselves, just as every person can only free themselves.

This very often requires serious experiences, because every reversal lives from the extreme that precedes it. This has to be seen and let a person choose his own path.

What if children are still children?

JJK: But what if the children are still children, i.e. they are 7-14 years old. Don’t parents have to intervene and accompany the children?

JESUS CHRIST: Of course, it is necessary to set limits for children of this age. With regard to the handling of devices with addictive potential, measures must be taken to minimize possible later damage. However, be sure: Some children tend to do so more than other children, it is decided by what nature a soul is and what they want to experience and experience.

Anyone who wants to learn about the path of “transhumanism”, because that is where love for this misanthropic technology leads, will. Prohibition signs in this phase of life are helpful and necessary, but there always comes the day when a person takes his fate into his own hands and is confronted with the consequences of his own decisions. You can’t take this away from anyone. It is important to draw the attention of children and to sensitize them to the correct handling of these devices.

JJK: I see how hard this is, since the children somehow tip in without noticing it themselves. The hours before the game console fly by.

JESUS CHRIST: Parents should intervene, but they should also be aware that in the end each child seeks their own access and can and will find their own way self-determined.

So don’t worry too much about this big topic of this time! In the end, everything depends on the individual person. Your views can be included or rejected. This is the freedom that you also claim for yourself.

It is important to understand: Every person has been connected to his life plan since birth and this wants to be implemented. Intuitively, every person acts in his or her sense.

Detours are part of the game!

JJK: But some people miss their life plan and live past their blueprint. That’s the big issue of this time, that so many people get lost?

JESUS CHRIST: From your point of view, this is true. From an overarching point of view, every detour also includes new learning experiences. This also includes repetitions. If you want to do extra rounds on the carousel of life, you have decided for yourself – usually unconsciously.

JJK: This is often very difficult to accept when you have to watch a person you love in suffering. Because it is often associated with suffering and pain.

JESUS CHRIST: The learning task is to see everything, every development or non-development, in a larger context. Only then does relief and relaxation occur. If you like to interfere in other people’s lives, this is an impossibility for you. Please always get an overview! Take a higher perspective! This is the key to freedom for yourself and for your fellow human beings, even if they are your children: One day you will have to let them go and they will go their own way.

JJK: In summary, this means intervening as long as it seems appropriate and recognizing the time of letting go.

JESUS CHRIST: To live up to the assumed responsibility as a mother or father, as a teacher or companion and to give them back at the right time.

Everything regulates itself

All life regulates itself and in the end the natural always prevails. In heaven as well as on earth, growth happens out of the all-in-eating creative power. For people who are integrated into the space-time concept of the earth, it is important to wait for this moment of awakening.

Anyone who refuses his transformation knows why. Those who pursue their transformation with dedication know why – and although the results are different, both are part of the way in the end.

In infinite love