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Message from Lady Nada – Acceptance of Aging, May 15th, 2024


Message from Lady Nada

The gift of aging is to have found peace inside, to look back gratefully on a life and to be able to deal tenderly with oneself and fellow human beings. Perception changes and access to life changes: from doing to being! When you have been completely absorbed by being, then you accept and you look at your own youth in love, but without longing. Eternal youth is the goal for those who know neither a before nor an after!

Contribution picture © Andrea Percht


“Work or pension?”

JJK: It’s hard to accept that I’m getting older! I notice how I fight almost every day with the fact that my body no longer does the way a young body does, and that the age of 58 is slowly becoming apparent. Most recently, a hairdresser who is not yet very powerful in the German language asked me, to whom I spontaneously arrived for the first time when it came to the numbers: “Work or pension?” in order to get me a pensioner discount. Although I’m working on myself, I can’t really accept the ravages of time! Hm?

LADY NADA: It happens that the interior stands out more and more, and it happens that you are completely influenced on your inner presence and reality. Your non-acceptance stems from the fact that you identify with the physical body as well as with your soul. It is the identification that you are now slowly giving up, what remains is respect and love for your body.

JJK: What I definitely want is to grow older healthy. Many people then have age-related diseases, as people often say, I absolutely want to avoid that with me. Are sports, dietary supplements and a healthy lifestyle good guides?

LADY NADA: What gets your body good is familiar to you, so keep listening to it and your earthly vessel will serve you well until the end of your days, stay healthy and give you joy. It still needs some time for your full acceptance, after that everything becomes natural, simple and easy.

JJK: It’s funny, although of course I know that I am infinitely aware that I will live before this life and continue to live after this life, is it difficult for me to accept getting older?

The identification

LADY NADA: The degree of identification makes a thing easy or a topic difficult. If identification is abandoned, not only the point of view changes, but above all the feeling of it.

The topics, and what seems important, vary from person to person, but weight and meaning always gains everything through identification.

JJK: So slowly get used to it …

LADY NADA: To love you for the beauty that radiates from the inside out and that is now visible in the more mature years of life.

The gift of old age

The gift of aging is to have found peace inside, to look back gratefully on a life and to be able to deal tenderly with oneself and fellow human beings. Perception changes and access to life changes: from doing to being! When you have been completely absorbed by being, then you accept and you look at your own youth in love, but without longing.

Beloved people,
eternal is life, eternal you are as beings of divine origin.

Eternal youth is the goal for those who know neither a before nor an after!

But you should be carried by the certainty that your soul is immutable and your spirit is immortal. You are divine consciousness that inhabits an earthly body for as long as this is intended for an experience. After that, you return to your unearthly presence and take your place with us again in the light.

Do not give excessive importance to the earthly phenomena – they are transient, as your earthly robe is transient – what remains, you are, in all your power and glory.