Judas Iscariot
Sunday, April 10th, 2016
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. I am pleased with what you have achieved, dear Earthlings. You make step-by-step progress with the funds and the currency exchange. It has been a good start to this year. Everything is going as expected. Things happen exactly when it is time for it to happen. This is when everything runs smoothly without many disturbances. You have been very attentive and understanding for how things best can be managed to avoid unnecessary problems, which otherwise easily could arise. The minor problems that still have occurred you have easily been able to overcome.
It looks bright for people on Earth today. They can soon enjoy a world with more resources and peace for all peoples. The peace will also include the animals and nature. All living beings on Earth are suffering today, but now the moment has come to change this. Everything alive will be respected for its special gift and wisdom. We are all perfectly created and nobody is for more or less than anybody else.
It is time to bring forward these gifts now, dear Earthlings. Now it is time to act according to the knowledge you have. If you follow your heart and the road will be clear and light for you. It might simply be to rise up a bit in your frequency or maybe you should find something completely new? What does your heart want? Does it want to see something new and creative in your life or does it want to continue in the old tracks? What gives you the best push forward in your own development? I doubt that staying in the old tracks will give you the push you need. Take the opportunity when you meet somebody or something that can lead you towards the dream that you carry deeply within you. The body reacts with various illnesses if it does not feel good about the situation it finds itself in. Your body reacts to your soul’s wishes and becomes exhausted in the battle between your soul and your ego. Do something for your soul now, dear Earthlings. It does not have time to wait any longer. It wants to be on the train for Earth’s large transformation. It wants to contribute with all that it came down to contribute with.
Every soul on Earth is now needed in order to facilitate this whole transformation of the Earth and its surface world. Every little thought and action taken done for its own best and that of Earth can change more than you think. You are on your way to become your own master of understanding your own thoughts and feelings. Then you also have the opportunity to change them, so that they will benefit you and Earth in the best possible way. If you have understood and realized how important this is you will have all possibilities to work with them in an adequate manner. It is this training that is now placed on all Lightworkers, as it is important that you will form the foundation for this new world. One of the founding principles can be to master one’s thoughts and feelings and be able to transform them to a positive direction. Nobody demand that you will fully be able to right now, but the interest to apply this to a larger and smaller extent would be appreciated and recommended.
We have said this before – your thoughts and feelings are much more important than you ever thought or understood. A large amount of light thoughts and feelings can tip the boat so that it does not run aground. The transformation will proceed with ease when more and more send their positive intentions and vibrations to the collective field.
I am sending you all my love and strong belief in your own abilities.
Translation from Swedish: Per Staffan