Judas Iscariot
Friday, July 10, 2015
Channel Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Today is a beautiful day in most parts of our globe. Everything goes according to plan and the small obstacles we encounter we have no problem to solve.
Be in the heart now, dear children. The energy coming down now is very strong and it can do wonders for your body if you allow it to do it. Let the energy enter and allow it to clean out the old, and you may soon feel like reborn. It can get a bit uncomfortable at first, but you have gone through much worse things. This energy can dissolve your blockages in the heart. That is when you begin to understand “your true self”: How you relate to everything and everyone. You begin to understand which way you must go. The road that leads upward to the light where your Father so patiently is waiting for you. He has stretched out his arms now because he knows that all of you have begun on the path to home.
It is a great joy up here and a great anticipation for what is to come: Music, laughter and tears, all is in joy and with emotion. There are many who long to see their loved ones again. They follow your steps with love and awe in their chest. They want so much to help and are trying everything they are allowed to help you now. They send their fondest greetings with the hope of a speedy reunion. They want me to emphasize that you are so, so much loved, that you are not alone, that they are there with you all the time. They hold you in their arms, as often as they can to give you the courage and the love that you need. Perhaps you can feel it in your silent meditations. It was a little about what it looks like up here, regarding your dear family.
On Earth, many people are working for your freedom now whether it concerns money, laws or governments. The success has come at last, and the money is on the way out to different countries. Everything takes its time dear children, but those who are awake can see what is happening now. Some do not want to let go but they have no choice now. The “new system” takes over more and more. The “old” will withdraw. Slowly but surely the “new” paves the way for a new fairer and freer world.
The crystals that fall down from the sky affect you the same way. The “new energy” paves the way for a freer mind in a healthy body. The “old” will have to withdraw and dissolve and disappear. Everything takes time. The body must get used to the “new energy”. It is much lighter than the “old”. Now there is perhaps a risk that you fly away? Though you are already doing it without you knowing it. You are all out flying at night. Everything will have its explanation in due time.
Now you should just concentrate on bringing in the “crystal energy” and be in the heart and meditate a little bit every day. The answers will come to you when you need them. The intuition grows with this energy and you can all find the answers within yourself. They tell you whichever one will be your next step. Listen within and you will understand what this is about. Do not be afraid of changes, because there can be many such now. This obviously varies from person to person. It also depends on what you have changed before and in the process you are in.
My advice is to follow the heart and the intuition you have there. I trust firmly in your ability. Your guides and leaders are with you all the time. Seek help and guidance if you need it. We are there to help you as much as we can.
With so much love
Translated from Swedish