Judas Iscariot
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. I have come today to tell you that the New Age has started. Everything is going according to plan. The RV is on its way out in the world. The currency exchanges have started and the new projects are starting up. A new president is to be elected and the outcome of this may be a bit surprising, but all is well and the world can start to meet its new challenges. All happens at a calm pace and those asleep can start to wake up in peace and quite. Know that everything is with you and the changes in the world are growing stronger and stronger.
More people start to wake up. They find their heart and their path in life. The heart is speaking more clearly now. It can be easier for many to hear it. The energy that has washed over Earth is strengthening the voice of the heart. You just have to listen inside and follow its urgings. The heart wants to follow the path of the Light. It is the heart-centered energy that has reached Earth. It is the energy that carries much love and care for each other. It is the era of love and empathy that has arrived to Earth now. As it is also the time to take care of and be concerned with oneself. Give yourself the love you need to grow in love for your fellow people. A great love for oneself and one’s body automatically gives great love to others and their bodies.
All is perfectly created and we are all equally unique and loved for who we are. Think of that… everything is perfectly created so that we just need to be those that we innermost are to change our world and all that exists around us. We are created in the image of God and we are created to be able to perform any miracle that we wish in service to the true love. The true love you have in your heart. You are meant to wake it up now and start to fight for it. It is the seeds of love that have been spread by the wind and that now is to grow up and blossoming into full bloom. It is your hearts that are to blossom to full bloom and act for the time that is now. It is through your love to yourself, your near and dear and further out to your fellow people that you change this world day by day.
There is a song of peace playing in people’s hearts today and peace is at the door. There is a song of justice in people’s hearts and a more just world is on its way in to the world of people. There is a serenade about humanity for man and animals and a more brotherly world is also soon at the door. Who said you cannot create anything? You are already doing it with the love and intention that is in year heart.
Dear Earthlings, you are stronger than you think. You carry out miracles without knowing it. All this you do from your loving heart with the right intention for yourself and your brothers and sisters. Feed yourself with love, as it is from love that you perform your miracles that are taking place all around our Earth today.
We are grateful for the love that exists in your hearts. We bow to your great love and your great courage that now changes your world forever. You are the brave warriors in service to love that we sent to Earth. It is now that you can reap the harvest that comes from your love. We love you so much and you have many around you now. You are honored and celebrated and many will give their support in all possible ways that they can.
A new era has started and the world all of a sudden looks a bit brighter. The fog is lifting and the sunrays reach down to Earth and the path of warmth and love becomes more tangible for all.
My heart beats for you and I leave you know with great love in my heart.
Translator from Swedish to English: Per Staffan
Source: www.sananda.website
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