Judith Kusel: The Past is being Eradicated
Judith Kusel
The Light quotients of our souls are now being amplified as with the immense sun flares and amping up of the cosmic energies and the sound frequencies and vibrations, our souls are being activated on all levels, as our DNA is totally created anew.
Therefore the past is being eradicated.
Be aware that suddenly things will come up for releasing, not only in your physical body, but also in your conscious and subconsciously mind and all the old programming you took in through your own thoughts, feelings, and those imposed upon you by the outside world.
This is a deeper purification than ever before so that we shed all all the old stuff and absorb the immensely powerful Light Pockets of information now downloaded into us at much higher frequency bands more easily.
You may feel at times as if you have difficulty walking – and it is almost like you are not quite in your old physical body anymore. I mentioned this to my friend (who wide awake and conscious) and he mentioned that he often has the same sensation, although being a Qi Gong master as well.
Here we need to ground ourselves even deeper into Mother earth, even imaging like Diana Cooper suggests, that our earth star become the size of the earth and we merge with her.
I often imagine myself like the mighty Tree of Life, stretching from Universal levels into the earth and then growing such thick golden roots that it spans the whole earth. Walking barefoot on the earth, or grass or in nature will assist you are well.
We are starting to walk between the worlds as the higher dimensional states are opening rapidly now. I am finding that I can now access Universal Knowledge when doing my Soul Readings which I could not access even a year ago.
It has to do with the massive Universal Consciousness and Energy Fields now being accessible to our souls, as merging with our soul groups now.
We are going to feel ourselves now being pushed, literally from the seeming possible, and seeming comfort zones, right into the Universal Space and the only way forward it to trust that you are always lovingly guided and assisted through this process.
It is vital to do deeper within and listen to that still, wise voice and deep intuitive knowing within, for things are now hotting up like never before and we are in state of total breakdown of all systems, so that the new can be birthed on all levels in the New Earth and anchored into the New Golden Age.
We are Cosmic Exploreres and Pioneers now, and how exciting this is!
The navigational systems and tools are within your own heart and soul and indeed the infinite Love you in truth are!