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KaRa and One Who Serves via James McConnell, September 1st, 2024


KaRa (Pleiadian Emmisary) and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell


(James McConnell leading meditation along with KaRa)

Now remaining in your tube of protective white light, focus a moment on your breathing as you take several deep cleansing breaths. Just focus now on finding the center within yourself and letting go of the outside world for a little bit. Just focus on moving within yourself. And take a deep breath now, breathe in the light and exhale out any tension, stress, negativity of any kind. Just let that go out gently with the exhalation of your breath. Another deep breath now, breathing in the light and exhale out the darkness.

One more time, breathe in the light, and exhale out the darkness.

Now put your attention in your etheric body and become aware of the nine chakra centers that have become awakened and reawakened within all of you. And focus on the alignment of those chakras. And if they are somewhat out of alignment along your spinal cord, then simply just nudge them back in with your visualization.

And as you move up from the lower earth star chakra below your feet all the way up through the top of your head to the soul star chakra focus on raising the vibrational frequency within each chakra. And know that as you raise the vibrational frequency within each chakra, it raises the vibrational frequency within the corresponding gland. And when you raise the frequency of the glandular structure within your body, it raises the vibrational frequency within all the cellular structure in your body as well. And know that as your
vibrational frequency keeps rising and rising and rising, it will continue to move into a more crystalline structure. That is the goal throughout your ascension process is to become more crystalline in nature within you and feel that creative ability within you coming back more and more and more.

Now focus on the Earth Star Chakra just below your feet. And know that is the grounding point to Gaia, grounding point to Mother Earth.See that as a beautiful earth brown color. Deep earth brown color. And moving up to the root chakra, the base of the spine, see that as a bright, brilliant, ruby red color.
The next orange. Next at the solar plexus area, brilliant, bright yellow. Then the Heart center, the midpoint between the four lower and the four upper chakras. See that as the deep blue green color and the High Heart Center, that is magenta. And the throat area chakra sky blue. The third eye in the middle of the forehead, purple or indigo. The crown chakra at the top of the head, gold or violet or silver. Then finally the soul star chakra. See that as a brilliant white light.

Now when you merge all of the chakras together and do that now with your visualization, just simply bring all of your chakra centers together at one into the soul star chakra. And as you bring them all together and merge them as one, feel the vibration now as all of these chakras with their high vibrational frequency all come together now. Feel the tremendous vibration all around you as your conscious knowing self has now moved into that soul star chakra, which is now your Merkaba light vehicle and visualize that as a three dimensional six pointed star and you the conscious knowing self moving into that. And again, feel the vibration all around you, the high vibration.

You may even feel it even in your physical body as well as you vibrate faster and faster and faster. Now feel yourself beginning to lift away from your physical body. Just see it falling below you as you rise up through the roof of the building, wherever you are or outside, up into the sky, through the clouds.

Now find yourself floating, floating now over the ocean. See the waves of the ocean, the white caps, as you move closer and closer to a very isolated beach.  You’re now floating over that beach. As you look down, you see the sand, see the waves coming up on the sand.

Find yourself now floating down and resting onto the sand. Your feet, feel your feet, burrowing into the sand and the warmth of the sand. Perhaps you’re down by the water and you feel your feet in the sand and the water the same.

Listen to the seagulls overhead and smell the salt air, salt from the ocean. You feel the energy here, a high energy from the negative ions that are in this place. You, you’re all alone here. Just you, sand, the ocean, the air, the sunlight. Feel the sun’s rays coming on your back. Warm. Let’s feel the scent of peace and calm.

You become more and more absorbed in this environment. Become one now with the sand, beach. Become one with the water. You can begin to say now, I am one with the water. I am one with the water. I am one.
And again, feel the connection now to the consciousness within the water, all of the life that is here in the ocean. Feel that sense of connectedness in one. Feel the immersion into the water.

Now merge with the water.  Feel life all around you. You find yourself sinking down further and further into the water. Don’t worry, nothing can harm you. Just feel yourself floating down.

See the sunlight above you as you drift further and further down until you come to the bottom of the ocean.

And find yourself merging with that as well. Feel yourself being pulled down further right into the earth, right into Gaia.  Falling down,merging down, further and further. All the way to reach the center of the center of the earth. Feel the heartbeat here. The heart center. Feel the beat of your own heart matching the beat of Gaia herself, mother earth.  And most of all, feel the connection to Mother Gaia. Feel the oneness with her.

Feel the sense of self just drifting further and further into Mother Gaia. Becoming one with feeling what she feels.  It’s a great feeling. A great feeling of love.  Feel how she feels with all the life that is within and upon her.  Animals, plants, rocks and stones. All of the consciousness that is here.  Feel that consciousness. Be that conscious.

Now holding on to this level of consciousness, this level of wonder, this level of love, love for all of life,
feel yourself now beginning to drift back, into your physical body. You feel yourself merging with your physical body again. Hold that consciousness and love of Gaia into your own heart, bring it back with you and hold that love.  You come back with that love vibration, the high vibrational frequency is now pulsating within your physical body.

Now, returning to your body and your earth avatar, come back now into a full state of consciousness and circulation, fully revitalized and refreshed, knowing that the pure love for all things, the love of Gaia, is within you now and forever more.
(End of meditation)

(Channelled message by James McConnell, channeling Ka-Ra (Pleiadian Emmisary))

I am Ka-Ra. I come to be with you at this time in these moments that we all share together. Yes, I am on my ship and attending my council meetings.  But my attention is always with you, with you, those of you that are part of our family. All of you are part of our family of light, the family of Star Seeds, the ones that come from many different civilizations.

Some of you are from the Pleiades side. Some of you are from Serious, and all the various systems that you come from. But know that we are all one together in all ways.

Moment by moment, we walk together. Spreading the Light, knowing the Light, Being the Light.

And as you know, this is what you came to do. You came to be a part of this expression of love coming back into the planet, of light coming back into the planet. Light overtaking darkness everywhere. You Came here to be a part of this and express the light wherever you go. Wherever you are moment to moment.

There is a great divide that is coming. And those of you that are already aware are beginning to see it more and more.  It is going to become even more pronounced in the times ahead. Great divide, or what you know of as the wheat separating from the chaff. That is in process now and will continue to become even more and more pronounced.

Do not be concerned about this. Do not let this bring your vibrational frequency down because you all knew coming into this, this is what you were going to experience. Maybe not to the exact details of course, but knowing the plan. For all of you knew the plan coming in, the divine plan.

You did not know exactly how it was going to play out. You couldn’t possibly know that because everything is fluid and changing based on man’s collective consciousness, not the planet. But know fully that the Light is not only winning here, it has already won. It’s just playing out the continuing roles of those that are involved in this script, in this movie.

Let it play out. And as you watch it play out, as you are aware of all of those things that are happening in your external world, know that it cannot affect your internal world unless you allow it to. It cannot bring down your vibrational frequency unless you let it. It is all up to you to continue to move through this ascension process knowing full well that you are in control of the process.

More and more of you can do that, the more and more of you can hold your vibrational frequency high, even when those around you are lowering theirs.

That is how you will measure the ascension as it moves forward. That is how you will measure the light overtaking the darkness as you move forward.

I use the term move forward. You do not want to go back. Even though the saying now from those of the dark forces is we will never go back. And you replied, many of you, back to what? No, you will not go back to the way it was in the third dimensional illusion. You are not going back to that. You are always moving forward.

But now, as you move forward, those things which you did have in the times previous, when the vibrational frequencies were high, certainly back in the Lemurian time and parts of Atlantean time and other civilizations that were here upon the earth, those vibrational frequencies that you had then, you shall have again, all of the corresponding love, unity, consciousness that goes with it.

That is what you came here for. That is what you are looking toward. Know that we are in our councils, and there are many councils that are helping to continue moving the plan forward. And we are in touch with those of the councils here on the planet as well, the Earth Councils. Yes, there are Earth Councils. Not the leadership that you may be thinking of, not the government. The councils within the White Hat Alliance, they’re all a part of this as well. They’re all working together on this. So know that it is not possible that a few, a few comparative few that are within the dark forces can overcome all of the forces of light that are here now. Those upon the surface here, the within here, and the above here. We are legion. We are everywhere. Trust the plan.
Because the plan cannot be overcome at this point. You have already won. Now you must see it to its conclusion.

All of my peace and love be with all of you, my brothers, my sisters, those of you that are part of our family of Light.
(End of channelling session)

(James McConnell channels One Who Serves known as OWS)

Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Ma Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Ma Om Ma Om, Greetings to you, One Who Serves here and no Shoshanna today. So we will do our best to assist you in your questions and we will ask you now for your questions if you have them.

I have a question.


Yes, you’re the Thomas. Yes. Always the one that comes forward with questions. And that is wonderful, though, because if you hold on to those questions, you hold on to what you have been wondering about, you will never have the answer if you do not ask for it. What is your question now?

(Member question)
I’ve read and seen videos on the Telegram channel about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes in Colorado. And also the hell’s angels are going up to battle with these games. And just wondering if any of that is actually true or if it’s created by AI, which I don’t trust at all. The main reason I’m wondering about that is because rural Colorado is rather close to our Earth.

(OWS Answer)
We will tell you that what you have read, what you have heard is very accurate at this point. This is part of the division that Ka-Ra spoke of here and others of course have been speaking of for quite some time. More and more of this will occur. There are those that you would say are fed up, have had enough. Enough is enough. And they are coming to assist in bringing about order, order of law once again. But these ones that you are speaking of, what you call the hell of the angels, are coming to right the wrongs that have been done. And up to this point, like we say though, there will be more of this as the light rises up against the dark more and more. That is all we can say on this though now. But trust, trust your discernment, trust your inner knowing when you have questions such as this. You knew deep within you that as you read this or heard this, that it was accurate. You just do not trust in your inner knowing all the time. And it is coming more and more.

(Member continues to comment)

What should I do about it?   if I should establish or try to get together a neighborhood militia or something like that to protect us?

(OWS Answer)

 We would say to you, if you believe that that is where your path lies, then go for it. But we would also say more so for you, surround yourself with light, surround your family with light, surround your friends, your home, all of this with light and it will have the same effect.

(Member comments)
I guess. Thank you.

You can add further questions here.

(Member question)
So my question is, can you hear me? I’m just wondering. Sure. Yeah. Sorry. didn’t hear your feedback. my question is, my understanding is that there’s, layers or I guess the layers, I don’t know what the best term is within each dimension. And my understanding is within each dimension, there’s five layers or like different levels. That’s what I was shooting for the word of levels.

So we understand the lower fourth is a kind of like the Wild Wild West like the Astral Plane kind of like the canteen of our scene from Star Wars. We set my understanding and then higher fourth obviously approaching the fifth dimension, which is more probably a lot more light more refined certainly less astral folks running amok. My question is where are we? Like I would say that the light workers, the consciousness sort of maybe represented by this group, where do we predominantly just, well, two parts of the question, sorry, is what I asked true. And maybe you can explain a little bit of that. And then number two is where are we predominantly residing consciousness-wise right now?

(OWS Answer)

We would tell you that most of you, if not all of you are moving back and forth we will say here from the third dimensional illusion where you still find yourself at times and other times you are operating in the mid level of the fourth dimension and even higher than that at times as well. You mostly skip the lower levels of the fourth dimension where the denizens reside because they cannot get to you. Your vibrational frequency is too high. Your consciousness is too high for them to be able to intercept your level of consciousness and your thinking processes and all of this, because you know better. You do not allow them in for the most part. There are times, of course, where you find yourself perhaps ill in your health or something, and they can find their way in a bit.

But your vibrational frequency and your guides are there to assist in keeping that from having any real effect on you. So mostly we would say you are finding yourselves more and more often in the mid to upper fourth dimension and even times finding yourself moving into the fifth. But then falling back again perhaps.

(Member comments)
But we’ll continue, we’ll kind of continue that toggling process for lack of a better term, going back, pinging back and forth. Eventually we will not be pinging back in the third. Hopefully we’ll be pinging somewhere between mid fourth and low fifth.

(OWS Answer)

That’s correct. That is the essential process that you are all within. Perfect.

(Member comment)

Thank you so much. Appreciate it.

(Member question0

So, yes, I wanted to dovetail on that question. So those in our lives, like our families or friends who are unfortunately still asleep, maybe wearing masks or getting vaccinated or thinking Kamala Harris is the new Joan of Arc as president. Are those people lower on the fourth or still in the third? I know there’s going to be a separation. We already know that. But I’m wondering if those people are well,I think it’s kind of obvious, just to confirm, they are on a lower frequency than those of us lightworkers on this call.

(OWS Answer)

 Most certainly, they are more, for the most part, in the third dimensional track within the third dimensional illusion at this point. At times, they find themselves rising a bit, but it is their lack of knowing and their lack of inner knowing, we will say going with their inner knowing that keeps them from moving out of that third dimension.

(Member continues)

Okay. So are those, are those loved ones who are in the third dimension, which I can see, are those, when we have more of a this side and that side of light workers going this way, the 3d people going that way, is that going to be kind of a, they cannot jump higher than the third dimension. And that’s why the frequency will be expressed in two different life experiences.


That is correct.


Thank you. Thank you.


There be any further questions here?

(Member question)

I have a quick question. It’s a little personal to me, but does my smoking allow access to the negative to me or not?

(OWS Answer)
We would tell you that if you believe that it does, then it does.

(Member continiues)

Well, you see, I really don’t. But that other question, that other question, if you think of it. Well, we did not understand that second part. I said the first question made me think of that. So I think maybe I’m going ask.

(OWS Answer)

Yes. Smoking, as you are saying, drinking, using drugs, all of these things allow for an opening at times for those of the dark forces to make their way in and have some way of influencing you. Even though I’m doing it all about, let us finish. It is all about consciousness. So if your level of consciousness is high, even though you are imbibing in this way that you are speaking of, they cannot get through here. So it is all about consciousness and vibration.

(Member comments)
Okay. All right. Thank you.

Any further questions?

(Member question)

Yes, I have a question, please. Are we part of the council that mentioned Master Ka-Ra in this early conversation?

(OWS Answer)

The question is, are you a part of that council? Is that what you are asking? (Yes)  We would say that nothing your conscious knowing self here on the earth here is aware of this. But in your dream state, some of you certainly are a part of these councils that are needed. (Yes. Thank you.)   Any further questions?

(Member question)

Yes. Well, that brings up a question then, because I’m always curious or I mean, it seems like once in a while I remember dreams, but for the most part, I don’t. I think, I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m so far away dealing with such things that, it’s not like maybe I’m doing work while I’m sleeping instead of like play. Is that holding any water? Like that’s why I don’t remember it because like I’m far away doing things of importance.

(OWS Answer)

You are quite accurate in what you are saying here. Even though you do not remember your dreams, you are in a subjective reality of your own here. And that reality for many of you is…

The organizer has ended this meeting. Goodbye.(conference call ended abruptly – not sure why)

(The Recording Ended here)

Channeled by James McConnell

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