Lady Nada: Greetings Beloveds,
I come before you today to encourage you and uplift you in these challenging times. Many of you have been discouraged of late and thus your energy may be lowered and it may take a lot for you to uplift your energies to the high vibration you are so capable of staying in.
And, likewise, it sometimes may be difficult to experience Joy, which is so necessary to keep your vibration at its optimal level and to be able to express your beautiful unique gifts that are so necessary to support and change this world to the image and intentions you harbor so deeply in your hearts.
And so I offer you my love and my guidance in these challenging times: Dust off your Joy with Gratitude!
My Beloveds, you are capable of so much. You are in essence so much LOVE. Feel that Love now within you, welling up within you, and shower yourself with it. Fill yourself up with it. Allow yourself to flow and float with it until it is permeating all of you and exuding out around you to all in your Presence.
Then, I ask you to Feel Gratitude — Gratitude for yourself, for others, for all the obstacles and challenges you are finding in your path on this beautiful road of Ascension. You deserve to feel such Gratitude for yourselves. You have come so far. You have done so much to lift the vibration of the world, and in the process, you have lifted yours. Of course, that has brought challenges to you and others. But beloveds, you know this is part of the process.
So, ponder the wondrous experiences and moments in your life …. From the grandiose to the very simple, and feel Gratitude. Feel Gratitude for each breath you take, for each moment in your life, and even for each obstacle and block in your life, for hidden within those is the ignition to light your way to more Purity and Wonder and Love and JOY!
So beloveds, dust off your Joy and let it shine by feeling Gratitude. Allow yourself to feel and experience each moment with utter and sustaining Wonder and Appreciation and Hope. There are so many possibilities in each moment to shift your vibration by choice to the divine qualities of Love and Purity and Gratitude. Feel Gratitude well up within you for each presence and encounter in each moment of your life.
Of course, doing this magnifies the beautiful things in your life and thus invites and allows more to be present, but also it can replace negative feelings that a challenge and obstacle can elicit in you and allows in the acceptance and possibility of miracles by shifting your focus to Love and Gratitude, and this brings Joy…. Joy in living, Joy in just being you, Joy in choosing to offer your unique gifts each moment despite any trepidations and interference caused by challenges.
Shift your focus to Loving yourself and being Grateful for yourself and your unique gifts and for each moment offered, whether it be uplifting or challenging, and the alchemy of that will produce Joy, and thus alter the next moment to produce more Joy and Miracles.
Try it. Choose to dedicate yourself to Love and Gratitude. Within that is the Key to Transformation, for yourself and for the World.
Namaste. Lady Nada, at your service, with deep abiding Love and Gratitude.