LISA RENEE – Time Shift Blog – Staying in Home Frequency – Morphogenesis – 11-1-17
Dear ES Family,
As things are heating up now in the external fields, there is an incredible amount of confusion that is intentionally being used to spread the forces of chaos and obfuscation, as well as many new players rising. Both human and nonhuman groups have been jockeying for position to gain the most advantage in the strategic chess game that is happening on the earth at this time. We are ending a creation cycle and moving into a new platform for morphogenesis, a platform which has changed architecture, in which many of these forces are attempting to reverse engineer what is currently happening in the field architecture. The observation is upon what is shifting in the timelines now so that those that seek to control the outcome of the false timelines in the future can reproduce their previous AI control mechanisms, as they attempt to gain total control over the collective consciousness direction in the new cycle.
This is the most heightened now while there are shifts moving groups to the next harmonic that result in shifting coordinate locations throughout time. The current interpretation of the collective consciousness field, is that there is an increase of extradimensional intrusions and entity visitors that are taking new directions with culling the asleep masses. As the majority of the people on the earth are totally unaware of the extraterrestrial involvement and the many extradimensional entities that are observing us, this makes life on earth a wild card of potential spontaneous events, which many people are unprepared to handle. This is a great burden that some of us carry that are aware of this vulnerability that exposes humanity to these forces at this time, when the planetary field is very unstable. As a result we feel a grave weight while witnessing this warring reality happening between factions, while many of our human family still remain asleep to this fact.
Since at this time we still do not have adequate disclosure of the Negative Alien involvement in every aspect of human earthly life, this places many people at a disadvantage in not having the larger picture of who is really behind many of the events we can see playing out on the world stage. With this in mind, it is extremely important for all of us to recognize that the planetary body is undergoing transition, and during such massive energetic shifts that are happening in the collective consciousness fields, there are both great opportunities and great vulnerabilities. In such chaotic and unstable terrain all energetic weaknesses, all things that have been hidden or unseen will come to the surface to be viewed and witnessed. Much of what is coming to the surface to be witnessed can appear very dark and disturbing, and a fragile mind and emotionally traumatized person will have a much harder time remaining stable or clear when facing such intense revelations and mind blowing paradigm shifts. This is why we must take steps to increase emotional stability and choose to increase personal safety in our lifestyle by freeing our mind from fear.
One thing to be hyper vigilant and aware of at this time, is to find the heart based core self resonance that emanates from within your inner spirit as your personal home frequency. The inner spirit directs us towards our home soul frequency through our heart vibration, and it shows up to guide you to find the most harmonious and loving energies, to connect with the overall resources that feel the most supportive to your heart at this time. We will need to make the great effort to stay aligned to the “home frequency” found inside our heart in every aspect of our day to day lives.
Some of us that have been pathcutters have traveled on a zig zag path of spiritual development as Galactic Integrators, this role has required that we repeatedly step into a certain parameter in wide ranges of frequencies that had larger spectrums of opposition and schism that operate as catalyst for consciousness alchemy. Many of the frequencies, dimensions and timelines we have been asked to observe were opposing to our home soul frequency. For most at this time, we will need to take a step back, hunker down and focus on the inner core resonance to get stronger in our home soul frequency, more energetically balanced and stable to withstand what is coming next year. This is a time to be careful and not push ourselves too far into riding out the higher frequencies or polarities that can generate too much instability in our personality while trying to function in the daily environment. Many of us can feel a new set of eyes firmly upon us, scrutinizing and watching our every move in order to take advantage of a blind spot or open flank. This will be felt when our body tells us we’ve had enough and we need to listen to the inner message that tells us to slow down, take it easy, stay still and rest up.
During this time, we do not want to bring attention to ourselves in the middle of unyielding and inflexible environments with groups of people that strictly operate within the closed system paradigm of the 3D mentality, that may be easily set off into narcissistic rages. This is not the time for spiritual ambition and hero-savior complex, as pushing the envelope now can get you into great trouble when pushing up against such rigid and closed minded environments. We must learn to harmonize our environments through higher consciousness and learn to better direct asleep people into a more harmonious reactions while in our presence. As an example, it is much more important to remain harmonious, peaceful, loving, and emotionally stable at this time, no matter what the situation or group of people, rather than pushing hard to reach some result. Such as pushing towards extremely high frequencies that can destabilize the inner core for periods of time while the lightbody is working hard on integrating.
While we are enduring the pinnacle of the explosions of such chaotic forces in the environment, and the NAA and others are attempting to capitalize on the spirals of confusion, most people will benefit the most by working on core stability, basic ascension and fundamental topics, like getting control over your mental and emotional body to refocus into peaceful states. The main focus and goal is to establish a calm and peaceful baseline in the way that we navigate our lifestyle and interact with other people, in all walks of life and belief systems, as well as being completely calm while facing challenges and resolving conflicts. Too much too fast will not be the best method while traversing the peak of chaotic forces now, as if we ignore the pressure we feel this can easily lead to fracturing. Every way that you can find deep relaxation in your physical body, cultivating inner peace and gratitude for the things you have right now, despite the challenges, is the most helpful method to stay still and under the radar as much as possible. In describing the current world stage of archetypal energetic movement, I would identify these hidden forces as connected to the tarot card Seven of Swords.
“The Seven of Swords asks you to be very cautious and wary so that you do not become a victim of someone else’s deception, betrayal, cheating and false motives. Someone may be trying to get away with something that is actually unethical in association to you. You may trust someone who then turns out to be running their own agenda, leaving you high and dry. You need to be very careful of who you trust over these coming months as you are at risk of being taken advantage of. Look out for any sneaky behaviour and trust your gut instinct about when something does not feel right or is too good to be true. The Seven of Swords, means to use your wits for diplomacy and not to use aggression, this is why it can be viewed as secret planning or hidden dishonor, acts that may be legitimate however it is suggested to use your mind and intellect rather than force or via surface and obvious means.”
In the muddled terrain of Negative Alien war strategies that are being used to stay in control of the demographic areas and the attempts to exert control over the people that they believe belong to them, it is important to stay awake and aware, staying out of high risk activities that allow your body to be harvested from negative emotional energies. There are a variety of extradimensional groups that are stating their claims on earth people, from their involvement in the hybridization of certain bloodlines, from previous lifetime agreements, or whatever ideology that they had set forth to justify the ownership over the genetic relationships and tribes of the human race. Thus, it is important to understand that these off planet entities are taking measures to claim those people on earth that they believe they have ownership rights.
Planet earth is thought of as a breeding ground for earth human trafficking to other systems, and the routing process is occurring where some races are contacting their representatives on the ground in order to claim them as their own, and it will be up to each of us to determine the energetic frequency and resonance of these contacts to know if we are in frequency alignment with them. When we know how to command our space, using our intent and informed consent to state our highest authority, learning the principles of self-ownership and self-responsibility, as well as asking the hard questions of our higher self, this helps us to direct ourselves on the physical plane in the most beneficial way. This protects our body and helps us to gain more clarity about the forces we are being exposed to.
Over the years, and especially more recently, it has been noted that people that have specific connections to certain star families, such as those directly connected to the Human Essene and Hibiru tribes, the Andromedan Diamond Sun Christ families, Galactic timeline historical events and many other unique genetic histories, may encounter a wide spectrum of potential extradimensional contacts during spiritual ascension. This occurs both in extraterrestrial and extradimensional realities, and each person will have different alliances or spiritual connections that feel like the “home frequency” to them. This is why there cannot be a one size fits all ascension plan, because each person has to feel the inner spirit that lives within themselves and make the choice to consciously participate with those highest and most aligned frequencies, modalities and connections that feel the most heart based, loving, and supportive for their continued spiritual growth and consciousness expansion.
Many people on the earth plane do not recognize the energetic signature of the Christos mission, or the actual cosmic frequencies of the Christ Consciousness that comes from the Aurora time continuum, and thus, many people may feel more direct alliances or soul family connections with other world soul groups that were on Tiamat, Maldek, Venus, Arcturus, Pleiades, and those found in many systems in the Orion constellation, in order to return to those soul groups with what they have learned on the earth plane at the time of the Ascension Cycle.
Also, it is made very clear that all records that have to do with the true comprehension of Christ consciousness on the earth plane has been assimilated into the NAA’s AI quantum software, as a way to replicate creation code in reversals to project false holograms and reality bubbles that the NAA use to harvest energy from the planet and humanity. We have many imposters on the earth that say they are someone that they are actually not. As an example the bible narrative of the Crucified Christ as the set up for most Christian based organized religion, is an alien construct with a false hologram Christ story line used to promote violence based religion upon the earth. The fabricated version of the planetary Christ has nothing to do with the actual Cosmic Christ consciousness that sources from the next Universe.
As a result of the NAA using these creation codes and identities in reversal or anti-life constructs, many people have a hard time determining what is organic and what is inorganic in creation that was replicated in the AI time loop software after World War II, and this can create confusion and even repulsion when exposed to the frequencies of Christ Consciousness. We all have been saturated with the forced immersion into an anti-Christ or death culture which is socially accepted and reinforced by the masses and thus has seeped into many of our unconscious layers and psyche making it hard for many people to exercise good discernment.
However, the best reality check is to boundary test such contacts and the ranges of frequencies we are exposed, while continually working to clear the negative ego and pain body, so that subtle energies in the environment can be better discerned and checked for accurate resonances. It is from the Krystal Guardian position that to effectively evolve into a higher expression during this Ascension Cycle, no matter who we are and what soul group or Star system we actually connect with, and wherever we decide to place our consciousness, that learning how to live in the basic principles of the Law of One, and to translate these principles into our daily lifestyle, is what prepares all people on the earth for the highest expression of their embodied spiritual identity that they can reach at this time.
As we develop a stronger character and devote ourselves to the practices of expressing love and unity in all that we do, our lightbody gains strength and we are more able to repel these negative forces, such repelling the NAA away from attempting to commandeer our consciousness and lightbody, as well as siphon negative emotional energy from us.
Practice Two – Love Yourself
Apply the practice of Unity with All-One as an extension towards loving, honoring and respecting yourself in all interactions and situations in your life. Acknowledge the precious life force within your body by holding reverence and respect for yourself in all ways. Unconditionally loving yourself is the first action towards self-sovereignty, which is the natural state of embodying God’s Eternal Love found within our heart. As a manifestation of God’s eternal spirit of Love, one has the ability to choose to create personal freedom without harming others. Have the courage to remove the obstacles of pain and fear to become embodied Unconditional Love, as God’s spirit is always found within.
Take good care and listen to your home frequency inner guidance first and foremost, when navigating the rough energies that are in the surrounding environment.
With Love and In Friendship,