Message from a sector of the Andromeda Galaxy:
“Greetings. We have established communication. It is a delight, is it not, to use your telepathic abilities in order to establish this network and this connection so that communication is not limited to your immediate sphere. This is how we have been functioning for a very long time and it brings us great pleasure to watch humanity rediscover its own galactic and cosmic origins, its innate abilities to transcend the limitations perceived of the physical human avatar. We are most pleased to offer further insight into our work. It is our passion. It is our purpose.
We are a particular team that oversees and collaborates with a sector of the Andromedan galaxy that is, from your perspective, highly evolved. We will begin by helping you all understand that balance is incredibly important. Planetary systems are in dynamic flux at all times, but there is an overall balance or coherence that must be in place in order for the lifeforms on that planet to have a satisfactory existence, one that does not put them in physical or even energetic peril. While we collaborate with the planetary consciousness of seven different planetary systems, we have gleaned much experience and insight into the workings of each planetary system individually but as a collective as well.
For you see, planetary consciousness is not isolated. This is very easy for a third-dimensional human, from your perspective, to project your own experience onto the rest of the cosmos. First, understand that your planetary consciousness of Gaia is very connected and interconnected to the planets in your solar system as well as planets connected to her over-soul, if you will, and beyond. This means that nothing is happening in isolation and that each of these planetary bodies are affecting one another and in constant communication.
There is much we could share that will not be terribly relevant to the question at hand. We will focus in on your planetary system and specifically, the question regarding how humanity may be a better partner, and collaborate, and co-create with their planetary consciousness. This is a beautiful question, one that we hold in high regard.
First, understand that your planetary system, your planetary consciousness, is very concerned and very preoccupied with the overall well-being of all inhabitants of her planet, not just on the surface, but all of the interdimensional as well as inner Earth lifeforms and civilizations. Her main focus is not a self-focus. This is very important for the individual human to understand because the human is self-focused and has been conditioned to be so. We invite you to place yourself in the situation of your planet’s consciousness and imagine, for your imagination is a powerful co-creative force, what would preoccupy you as a planetary consciousness on a daily basis. You will see that much of the preoccupation has to do with maintaining balance.
There are polarities that exist within planetary systems, but they are simply two expressions that come out of one. This is not a divisive paradigm that you are used to in duality, the reality of duality. With polarity comes great energetic and electromagnetic exchanges. There is tremendous energy running through the electromagnetic sphere as well as the energetic grids on any given planetary system but most certainly that of your own. Now, add to that that there is more information coming into this planetary system and consciousness from beyond, connected again to the other planetary bodies in your solar system as well as directly to your star or sun, which in turn is connected to other centers of information, shall we say, other star systems, other suns. There’s a whole chain of communication and energetic transmission happening at all times.
In order to maintain balance, what we would have you see at this time is that Gaia has been struggling with the energetic pull, mismatch, disproportionate distortion created by the consciousness of the human collective. Allow yourself to feel into that and feel into, more specifically, the incredible anger and fear. Well, you know what it’s like to be in the electromagnetic sphere of an individual human who is in such a distorted, skewed state of being. Now, extrapolate that to the entire human species and you can begin to understand the kind of distortional field that it is creating in the entire system that comprises Gaia’s planetary consciousness.
Now, you begin to understand very quickly, do you not, the work to be done within the human collective, bringing it back into greater balance and harmonic within itself, within each individual as well as within subgroups, and eventually, the entire populous, shifting into a much more balanced, coherent, unified state of being. As we connect to your planet’s consciousness, we can tell you that this is exactly what she is looking for you to do. She is looking for assistance with this specific aspect of her own planetary ascension cycle. Another way to think of this is you have one group of lifeforms on this and in this planetary system, for there are many others in other dimensions, that it is out of alignment with the overall timeline that the most of the rest of the collective is leaning toward, working toward. This is why all emphasis, all the focus at this time, is on the human collective.
Those of you who are the volunteers, the ambassadors from other star systems, who came in to assist during this time are being highly activated during this time in order to bring in much greater coherence. On the individual level, for those of you listening for whom this message resonates, this means that your individual coherence is exceptionally important at this time, for you know you have an impact on the collective. Beyond that, you will be asked via your own multi-dimensional channels to begin to step into more vocal and verbalized action.
We do not use the term ambassador lightly. It is exactly what it means, that you come with innate bodies of consciousness and knowledge representing other galaxies and certainly, other planetary systems within your own galaxy. Though we’d have their perspective, their consciousness, their frequency, and their assistance known at this time, and this will take great courage on your part, but ultimately this is your mission. You will find ways to circumvent the fears that you hold around being ridiculed from the rest of the population.
We will draw your attention now back to the Andromedan galaxy, and we will take you on a bit of a tour to help you understand what is achievable in your own system. We will take you into one of our planetary systems. This planetary system will look to the human eye as having a green hue, so travel with us now. You may take a moment to shift gears and if you need to close your eyes and use your abilities to shift into a more connected state. You may meet with our team.
We are on what you would consider a spacecraft, but it is not a material-mechanical spacecraft. It is built of plasma. The craft itself is a living organism with which we communicate. You will see there are seven of us. We do not all look the same. You will see in the center of our circle lies a hologram of each planetary system with which we interact. We are focusing in now on just the one planetary system, focusing our intention and our own consciousness on the system, and by so doing we travel there instantaneously.
We are now hovering above this planet. As you look, you will see many diverse lifeforms across several dimensions. There is activity. There’s a lot of coming and going, but if you feel into it, you will feel the central tenant is coherence. There is a flowering of life here that feels calm, in balance, interconnected, interwoven. Connect now to the planetary consciousness itself and you will feel the same serene energetic emanating all around you.
This is what is achievable for Gaia. This is what so many have been working toward. It is our great pleasure to share our knowledge and experience with you and we wish you all tremendous blessings on your own timeline of ascension. You are very well-equipped and we are watching you, observing with great interest.”
Okay. I will just share that after – I can’t remember what part that was where he was talking about the individual mandate to be in greater coherence ourselves and balance with an ability to affect the collective. My field completely shifted, altered. That is definitely the work before us. With that, this transmission has come to an end.