Maria Magdalena via Ann Dahlberg, January 26, 2025
I, Maria Magdalena, come to you today with a new message, my dear beloved brothers and sisters. The message is as follows: It is a wondrous, magical time that you are in and it takes place within you if you allow it. It is in your heart, your dreams and fantasies. It can also be reflected in your outer world. Do you believe in magic, do you believe that miracles can happen? You need a trust and faith within yourself that miracles have actually happened and can happen, you yourself are proof of that. Your whole being is a miracle of a kind never seen before. You are a fantastic living being with gifts so rich, just waiting to be used for the purpose for which they were created. Small miracles are happening within every person today, small sparks are lit here and there within you. It is wonderful to see how you bloom, how one petal after another unfolds to its full length. There is a diversity of beautiful flowers with the most exquisite colors all over the Earth. This also applies to you humans. There is also a great variety of cultures, songs and works of art created by you humans, which show the diversity that exists in your world. You should be careful about that richness, it is enriching and inspiring. It gives you perspective on your existence and an understanding of what is happening and has happened in your history and in your present life.
Yes, dear friends, see a little of the magic in your life and you will see life in a new and different way. Magicians have always existed and they have enchanted and inspired people for millennia. What is it that makes us fascinated by it? Could it be because we ourselves have it within us and that it is a magical world that we live in. A world that we ourselves have created. If that is true, then there is nothing that prevents us from creating something new as the magical beings we already are. Yes, dear brothers and sisters, there is nothing stopping you from creating something new. You have the gifts for it, you just have to discover them and trust that you have the power and strength to do it. If you want to change the world you live in, whether it is your inner or outer world, you can do it. You have the ability and help is right next to you in the form of light (clarity), love and opportunities that arise on your way to your goal. All transformation happens within you first, before it is reflected in your outer environment. It can then become a common goal when many come together around a specific desire. What do you want to experience in your life. Where would your longing take you if you were to let it guide your life. What magic wand would you want to use to make it happen. It might be worth waving the magic wand and seeing what happens. It could be a step in the right direction for you and a new miracle can happen in your life. Where your mind is going is the path you are going. What was that thought I had just now, do I want to keep it or try to change it? It is when we turn our attention to ourselves that we become aware of what is occupying our thoughts and how they affect our lives. It can be very stable and monotonous while just a small change can be both magical and enriching. You know all this, but it can be good to get a reminder every now and then, especially in the time of breakup that you are now in. Feel free to take help from the magician within you, to do what you feel you want to do. What gives you joy and satisfaction.
I sweep my magic wand over your heads, so that you will see all the miracles that are already on your way.
I love you from the bottom of my heart
Mary Magdalene