Ishvara via Ann Dahlberg, January 29, 2025
I am Ishvara and today is a day like any other, though not quite, dear ones. It is a day to set new intentions, you are entering a new era, a time for new creation and creativity. What do you want your future to look like in your own sphere? That is where it must begin, it is through you that existence changes. There is no one but you who can change your own life. It is true that global events can happen that affect everyone’s lives in one way or another, but it is still how you relate to what is happening that has the greatest impact on your life. People react in different ways and will have different experiences of what has happened. They will also have different experiences depending on where and how it all occurs and then also depending on how they reacted and acted in the situation that has arisen. Everything can change in an instant and it can happen on both a small and a large scale. There is no change that is constant, but everything is changing all the time. A change for the worse can change for the better and vice versa. Temporary changes can vary a little up and down, but there is also a constant change for the better that is not affected by all the small minor changes, if you look at it on a global level from a higher perspective. Consciousness has and will continue to be raised on Earth. There is a big difference in consciousness now than it was 2000 years ago when Jesus walked the Earth. There was only a small group that could follow him, but from that time on, development has been faster. You are many now who are leading the development on Earth towards a higher developed level of consciousness. A new struggle has begun where an older more rigid consciousness must give way to a higher consciousness.
Yes, my dear friends, Rome was not built in a day, but the higher the consciousness, the faster a change occurs. A change that can affect all of humanity in a new and surprising way. It depends on you, dear people, how willing you are to change and follow the flow that is within you. It takes trust and courage to dare to go your own way without knowing how it will really turn out. It is not worth jumping into a crazy barrel is a saying that you have and you are often cautious and wait before trying something new or choosing a new path. Sometimes the opportunity can pass and it may take a while before something new appears. However, new opportunities will appear when the time is right for it. You are tested in different ways and sometimes it can be good to be cautious and wait to act. This is where intuition comes in handy, what does your gut tell you. Does it feel good or do you get a feeling that this is not good. What does intuition tell you, it is important to listen within yourself, in the way that is easiest for you, whether you see, hear, feel, or also in some form of combination between them. Intuition can express itself in many different ways and they can also be seen in your outer reality in some form of message. It is now that you need to be sensitive and attentive, your steps can now be of great importance for you to move forward faster and raise your own consciousness. You will then be of great help to both humanity and the Earth. That is one of the reasons why it is repeated so much in all the messages that you are receiving now. It is you who are leading the development on Earth and raising both your and the Earth’s level of consciousness on the earthly plane. You should know that you are doing a fantastic job and we are all by your side and supporting and encouraging you as much as we can.
Big love