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Message from Inner Earth – Children of Telos, July 8th, 2023

Children of Telos

Do any of your children have direct contact with other children living on the surface?

No. Our children have had no contact with the surface people for hundreds of years. We hope and anticipate that this will change towards the end of this decade.

The only contact our children have with surface people is via your TV. Yes, we get access to your TV programs in Telos, and we show some programs for the entertainment of our children.

Do kids from other inner cities meet each other?

They really do. We share holidays and parties, often visit different underground cities and bring our children. We are a very open culture and we like to socialize and dance. We often visit friends and families from other cultures or cities, and they come to visit us. The doors are always open. No special occasion is needed for these visits. We all travel fairly regularly between the various cities in Agartha’s Network and other inner cities.

When parents make these trips for any reason – social, family or business – the children are usually invited to come along if they wish. Since it is always a pleasure for them, they rarely decline.

~ The future of our children ~

What does the future look like between your children and ours?

As our two civilizations merge as one, our children will also merge with your children. Your children and ours are fundamentally not that different. This merger will be carefully planned. It will be a lot of fun and a great adventure for the children of both civilizations. It has been said many times that this planet is rapidly moving forward with the necessary changes that will allow Her to exclusively host an enlightened civilization.

This means, my friends, that in the not too distant future, the dark ages on this planet will disappear. Our two civilizations will unite as one, including the children, for the glorious ascension for which we have waited so long. Let us all embrace and welcome the dawning New World.

As the Phoenix Bird rises from the ashes, a whole new world of Divine Love and perfection will rise through the disintegration of all your old limiting belief systems. You will release outdated governing systems of control and manipulation that you have been programmed with for eons.

Compare the Earth with the Phoenix Bird. She will rise and take you with her. But first you must let go of everything that no longer serves you. You must be willing to let go of the old “outdated” lifestyles that have kept you in limitation and pain for so long.

The ashes represent the purification that the Earth and all of humanity will first go through. Your future is bright, my friends. Keep your hopes alive for yourselves and your children. A very wonderful world awaits them and that is why they are here. They will show you the way; in their souls they already know how!

~ Growing up in Telos ~

This episode is in part channeled information from Adama through Aurelia Louise Jones, as well as information published in 1996 by Sharula Dux of Telos.

In Telos, having children is only allowed when a couple is united in holy matrimony.

Since parenting in Telos is a long-term project, couples who wish to have children must first receive special parenting training. On the surface, you have to go through driver’s license training, but any inexperienced, emotionally unstable sixteen-year-old can give birth.

Children of the surface share in this important responsibility of bringing another life into the world, without any preparation or understanding of life itself.

Children born in Telos spend a full two years of 24-hour care with both mother and father. This is what is most decisive for the child’s psychological makeup.

The father relinquishes his civil duties for the first two years of the child’s life, so that the child gets balance and equal time with the earthly representatives of Father/Mother God.

As the rulers provide all the necessities of life, the two-year period is assured to the parents. A newborn child in Telos will receive a set of ten Godparents shortly after birth. This has many advantages.

In Telos, a child will never feel like he/she is not getting enough attention, with twenty additional loving parental figures guiding them through their early years.

It is usually arranged so that all ten pairs of Godparents who are chosen will have newborn children of their own. That way, even if you’re an only child, you’ll always have surrogate brothers and sisters to hang out and play with.

As the child grows, he will spend time with all the Godparents. This instills a subconscious acceptance that Father/Mother God will always be present, because so much love from various sources is available.

Children learn early that they will always be loved and cared for. Children start school at the age of three and their basic education continues until they turn eighteen. Between the ages of three and five, five days a week, they participate in a half-day of educational play, to learn basic social and other skills. Basics like colors and numbers are taught in fun games. From the age of five they are in school all day, just like schools in your civilization.

The language taught in the school is of course Lemurian because Telos is a Lemurian culture. The Lemurian language comes from the universal language of our galaxy known as Solara Maru. Other primary planetary languages such as Sanskrit, Hebrew and Egyptian also originated in Solara Maru.

Although the English language is not compulsory for students, it is taught as an optional second language. Of course, it is highly desirable that our people learn English and almost all do, since Telos is in an English-speaking country and surface radio and television programs are monitored for our entertainment!

All children’s desks are equipped with computers that link them to the Universal Energy and Information Grid. Because our computer network runs on amino acids, a living force, utilizing the Akashic Record and higher elements of the Christ Directive, it cannot be corrupted.

Accordingly, we receive historical information that is accurate and truthful. The teachers in all schools in Telos are trained Melchizedek priests and priestesses. When Telosian youths are old enough to get into some serious mischief, around the age of twelve, and need more time with others their own age, they join something called “the group”. This is a sorority/fraternity with children their own age.

These groups of ten to twenty will experience the wonders of puberty and adolescence together. Made up of equal numbers of girls and boys, the “group” creates a bond that takes them into adulthood and beyond. A Melchizedek priest and priestess from the temple, will be selected to guide the group through various stages of growth.

The group format is also used in their schooling and all learning is done together.

The group members will experience, share, experiment with, discuss and grow through the various problems of adolescence. The “group” is particularly effective in dealing with the classic teenage problem of anger. This enables everyone to find a creative solution to the problem. The group members usually become close friends for life, as they face and share all of life’s milestones together.

At the age of eighteen and after completing basic education, they individually choose the direction he/she wants to take in the next few years of their life. An option that is always available is advanced studies in the field of their choice. Vast collections of documents from advanced civilizations of the past are stored in document crystals in Telos’ library.

Sometimes, but not often, a teenager will choose to go directly into the Melchizedek Temple, and begin a spiritual training as a temple neophyte. Another option is to enter direct service with the Silver Fleet (a fleet of Telosian starships).

Since all underground cities are active members of the Confederation, it is the duty of everyone living in Telos to serve at least a six-month term in the Silver Fleet.

There are dozens of fleets serving this part of the Galaxy. In our solar system, the fleets that are predominantly active are the Silver Fleet, the Amethyst Fleet, and the Rainbow Fleet. Of these three, the Silver Fleet consists almost exclusively of beings born on planet Earth, mostly from Telos and Posid (the Atlantean city located beneath Mato Grosso in Brazil). The majority of scouts, more commonly known as the UFOs you see in your skies, are Silver Fleet scouts from Telos and Posid. Many Telosians make careers by serving in the Silver Fleet, while others simply fulfill their duty and move on to other service.

Another option upon graduation is to start training for a life’s work in Telos. Young adults are expected to enter the general fabric of Telosian society. Everyone who lives in Telos after a certain age begins to participate in the daily work. Five days a week, four to six hours a day are devoted to work; so the city is kept running.

Everyone gets to choose where they want to put their energy, and in this way you avoid the drudgery and create enthusiasm instead.

For example, if a young teenager loves the earth, plants and flowers, then he/she can work in the hydroponic gardens, to keep the city abundantly supplied with fruits and vegetables.
If a young girl has a strong desire to become a dancer, she can go to the temple to be trained by temple dancers.

Other options include communication, transportation, cooking, manufacturing, housework, etc.
At the age of eighteen, our children begin their dance with life!

I am Adama, always by your side.

TELOS Volume 1

Revelations of New Lemuria

Aurelia Louise Jones